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Programming: Web based m68k assembler editor v3.3.0
Under the title link you can find a webapp to write, run and learn M68K assembly code based on the framework SvelteKit and the programming language Rust ( reported).

Version 3.3.0 among others offers testcases and base index addressing:
  • Added testcases creation, you can create testcases with an initial configuration and expected output
  • Added base index addressing mode

[News message: 24. Jun. 2024, 20:29] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Building a disc cleaning station, part 1
Developer Rob Smith has a special idea for the Kickstart event taking place next weekend: he wants to develop a station for cleaning floppy discs. Some floppy discs cannot be read because the magnetic material has become detached from the disc or a layer of mould has formed.

The first part, compressed into 20 minutes, actually contains several hours of construction work. (dr)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2024, 20:26] [Comments: 0]
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Text adventure: "Adventure 2" v1.12
After "Adventure 1" ( reported), 'grindercowboy' has also updated his second text adventure ( reported): visible exits have been added to the room descriptions. Bugs had already been fixed and more verbs added in previous updates. (dr)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2024, 15:52] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 22.06.2024
The following files have been added until 22.06.2024 to Aminet:
MicroExcel_2.1.lha       biz/spread 2.0M  MOS A Spreadsheed Editor
amigassh.lha             comm/net   103K  68k SSH2 for the Amiga
3DPoles.lha              dev/amos   149K      3D Poles
frankie_and_johnny.lha   dev/amos   4K        frankie and johnny
interacting_points.lha   dev/amos   2K        points with interaction
REDPILLGameCreator.lha   dev/misc   5.7M  68k Game Creator with AGA support         game/board 495K  x86 Stoppa card game         game/board 412K  x86 Slot Game
DonkeyKong_Net_AROSx8... game/wb    3.8M  x86 LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_Net_MOS.lha   game/wb    3.9M  MOS LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_Net_OS3.lha   game/wb    3.5M  68k LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_Net_OS4.lha   game/wb    4.2M  OS4 LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_Net_WOS.lha   game/wb    3.9M  WOS LCD game conversion
Runaway_Net_AROSx86.lha  game/wb    2.9M  x86 LCD game conversion
Runaway_Net_MOS.lha      game/wb    3.0M  MOS LCD game conversion
Runaway_Net_OS3.lha      game/wb    2.6M  68k LCD game conversion
Runaway_Net_OS4.lha      game/wb    3.3M  OS4 LCD game conversion
Runaway_Net_WOS.lha      game/wb    3.0M  WOS LCD game conversion
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   7.7M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   8.0M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   8.2M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiVms.lha               misc/emu   3.8M  68k Simulates OpenVMS commands
Image2PDF.lha            util/conv  21M   ALL convert images to PDF and more
ReportPlus.lha           util/misc  669K  68k Multipurpose utility
ReportPlusMOS.lha        util/misc  774K  MOS Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus-OS4.lha       util/misc  843K  OS4 Multipurpose utility
isomount.lha             util/rexx  37K       Mounting ipf,dms,adf,hdf,iso

[News message: 23. Jun. 2024, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 22.06.2024
The following files have been added until 22.06.2024 to OS4Depot:
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 8Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
snes9x_gui_contrib.lha   emu/mis 236kb 4.1 alternative/contribu
donkeykong.lha           gam/mis 4Mb   4.0 LCD game conversion
runaway.lha              gam/mis 3Mb   4.0 LCD game conversion
reportplus.lha           uti/mis 843kb 4.0 Multipurpose utility
image2pdf.lha            uti/tex 21Mb  4.1 Convert JP(E)Gs and PNGs to PDF
powerreboot.lha          uti/wor 175kb 4.1 Reboot and shutdown utility for ...

[News message: 23. Jun. 2024, 07:59] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 22.06.2024
The following files have been added until 22.06.2024 to AROS Archives:
donkeykong_net_arosx86.lha   gam/boa 4Mb   LCD game conversion
runaway_net_arosx86.lha      gam/boa 3Mb   LCD game conversion   gam/boa 412kb Slot Game       gam/car 495kb La Stoppa is an Italian card gam...           gra/con 359kb optical character recognition pr...         gra/the 4Mb   Scenic and Cateyes Backdrops wit...       gra/the 9Mb   Space Backdrops with Aros Emblem
image2pdf.lha                off/dtp 21Mb  convert images file to PDF

[News message: 23. Jun. 2024, 07:59] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 22.06.2024
The following files have been added until 22.06.2024 to MorphOS-Storage:
AmiArcadia_32.60.lha      Emulation                 A Signetics-based machi...
Runaway_1.31.lha          Games/Misc                LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_1.83.lha       Games/Misc                LCD game conversion
Image2PDF_2.7.lha         Graphics/Convert          Convert JP(E)Gs and PNG...
ReportPlus_8.50.lha       Misc                      A Multipurpose utility ...
MicroExcel_2.1.lha        Office/Spreadsheet        A Spreadsheed Editor
L.M.Calendar-and-Clock... System/Utilities          A little tool with the ...

[News message: 23. Jun. 2024, 07:59] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 22.06.2024
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 22.06.2024:
  • 2024-06-17 improved: Tubular Worlds (Dongleware) added customs options in splash window (Info)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2024, 07:59] [Comments: 0]
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Text adventure: "Adventure 1" v0.9
At the beginning of January, 'grindercowboy' published his text adventure "Adventure 1" as a feasibility study ( reported). Now he has made a finished version of this game available, which is based on a short story he wrote about 30 years ago: as a private detective you have to return a stolen painting. (dr)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2024, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy disk images on PC and Mac: Greaseweazle Tools 1.17.1
Keir Fraser's "Greaseweazle" does - similar to Kryoflux - read the magnetic information on a floppy disk independently from the format used and saves as much information as possible to generate a so-called "Flux Level Image" in Supercard format (SCP), which enables reading and back-writing of copy-protected disks ( reported)

The adapter gets connected between a floppy disk drive - e.g. a standard 3.5" PC one - and a USB port of the PC or Mac. Version 1.17.1 of the Greaseweazle Tools provide the following changes:
  • TD0: Fix import of mixed FM/MFM disks
  • diskdef: Remove "step=" option
  • diskdef: Update BBC and MM/1 formats

[News message: 22. Jun. 2024, 07:13] [Comments: 0]
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GUI for Greaseweazle Tools: FluxMyFluffyFloppy V5.0.5 for Windows
'FrankieTheFluff' has released version 5.0.5 of his graphical user interface FluxMyFluffyFloppy for the Greaseweazle Tools (see also the video Setting up a Greaseweazle V4). Changes:
  • Requires Greaseweazle 1.17
  • New disc formats: apple2.appledos.140, apple2.prodos.140
  • New image formats: DO, PO
  • Small bugfixes

[News message: 22. Jun. 2024, 07:09] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Modernising a standard A1200
In two videos, retro and Amiga fan 'Yawning Angel' shows how he modernise a standard A1200 to some degree. In the first video, the following is installed:
  • case
  • keycaps
  • OS 3.2 ROMs
  • Internal CF card with OS 3.2 on it
  • Real time clock module
  • 8Mb RAM expansion
In the second video the Amiga 1200 is equipped with a GoDrive floppy emulator ( reported). (dr)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2024, 10:21] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Commodore Pacific Expo Nordwest (June 22-23)
This weekend, the fifth Commodore Pacific Expo Northwest will take place in Seattle, located in the US state of Washington. The organisers have now published the presentation and guest list: Robert Bernardo will be showing his A1222 Plus and reporting on his first experiences. (dr)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2024, 07:25] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: SDL 2.30.4 Release Candidate 1
Juha 'capehill' Niemimaki has published a first release candidate of version 2.30.4 of the multimedia library SDL for AmigaOS 4.1 ( reported). The library is intended to make it easier for programmers to develop portable applications and is used by numerous open source games. SDL requires AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition and optionally OpenGL ES 2.0. Changes: Änderungen:
  • Implement SuspendScreenSaver
  • Optimize SDL_RenderCopy(Ex) by batching
  • Fix some testautomation issues
Download: SDL2.lha (7,0 MB) (dr)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2024, 07:15] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator: Amiberry 5.7.3 and 6.3.3 (preview)
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based single-chip systems like the Raspberry Pi, the Odroid XU4 or the Tinkerboard from ASUS, which brings some newly developed features like a "WHDLoad-Booter" or support for controller configuration using RetroArch. For example it is used in the Workbench distribution AmiKit for the Raspberry Pi 4/400.

New versions have now been released: version 5.7.3 is recommended for ARM devices (like the Raspberry Pi) and version 6.3.3 (preview) for x86 and generally faster boards (ARM included). Both versions offer new features like resolution autoswitch option, bug fixes and improvements. (dr)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2024, 07:09] [Comments: 0]
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Reverse Engineering: Aira Force 0.7 for Windows, Linux and macOS
"Aira Force" is a tool for reverse engineering Amiga 680x0 software ( reported). It allows binaries to be disassembled and investigated (new YouTube video).

The new version offers improved Live Analyser, jump table support and reduced iteration time. Besides, many bugs have been fixed in the analyser. A detailed list of all changes and the features is given in the devlog to the new version. (dr)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2024, 06:24] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Utility PowerReboot V0.9
Francis G. Loch's PowerReboot is the evolution of OS4Reboot and, including version 0.8 released a few days ago, the first update in about 20 years. As the author tells us, his tool can now not only reboot AmigaOS 4, but can also switch off the computer if the hardware supports it, which is why he decided to rename it.


With regard to the history of development, he remembers: "The very first version of the program (imaginatively titled 'Reboot') was actually written on an Amiga 1200 because I wanted a program that would sit on the Workbench that I could use to reboot the system via a requester. Version 1.x was written in BlitzBasic and version 2.x was rewritten in C as I wanted to learn how to program in C.

When I got a MicroA1 I also wanted to program for AmigaOS 4. Reboot being a simple program, I thought it would be a good one to start with, so OS4Reboot was born. OS4Reboot went through a number of iterations adding features like making it a commodity amongst other things."

After a longer break and the sale of the hardware, he now owns an AmigaOne A1222 Plus and wants to get back into programming for AmigaOS 4. He discarded his first idea of reviving OS4Reboot when he realised that the functionality was already available in the last version of the operating system. However, feedback from users on the forum encouraged him to continue, as some people preferred the way OS4Reboot worked: for example, it is possible to drop the icon in the X-Dock and run the program from there instead of using the pull-down menu.


He has summarised for us the differences/advantages of PowerReboot compared to the built-in option in AmigaOS 4.1:
  • Ability to use it from an icon on the Workbench or dock.
  • Has the ability to add a user-selectable delay prior to rebooting via the icon ToolTypes.
  • PowerReboot doesn't (currently) inhibit and flush the filesystems before rebooting/shutting down, but this also means that the reboot/shutdown is immediate which might be preferred by some.
  • The latest developmental version 0.9, released today, has the ability to hide the softboot option which is a benefit to some as some graphics cards appear to have issues with this.
PowerReboot (and its predecessor OS4Reboot) was originally designed to run in the background and be available via the Tools menu of the Workbench: on first execution it is simply loaded into memory, on subsequent executions the requester is called unless it has been configured to bypass the requester and only perform a restart or shutdown. The current development version 0.9 now changes the behaviour and sets the default NONRESIDENT option in the Icon-ToolTypes, which means that PowerReboot does not remain in memory. This also means that it can display the requester on first startup.

PowerReboot 0.9 also includes locale support, and has been translated to a number of languages including German.

Thank you very much for the information, Francis! Have fun with the further development! (dr)

[News message: 19. Jun. 2024, 21:37] [Comments: 0]
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Worth a read: Interview with Gary Carlston (Brøderbund)
The Norwegian video game culture magazine has published an interesting interview with Gary Carlston, co-founder of the popular game studio Brøderbund. The US company with its Nordic-sounding name has produced classics and bestsellers such as Prince of Persia, Wings of Fury, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Myst and Shufflepuck Cafe. In the interview, Gary Carlston, who founded the company together with his brother Doug Carlston, talks about the company, his role, the Brøderbund milestones – and Bayern Munich. (nba)

[News message: 19. Jun. 2024, 20:17] [Comments: 1 - 20. Jun. 2024, 09:41]
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Petro Tyschtschenko: Brand representative for "Grundig" bicycles
Like other traditional German brands, also "Grundig" is now used by other companies. For e-bikes, for example. Former Commodore Germany manager and Amiga Technologies managing director Petro Tyschtschenko is now promoting the latter as a brand representative.

The "Grundig" e-bikes are distributed by Teknihall Service GmbH, which is the renamed Power Trading GmbH of Petro Tyschtschenko, whose managing director for the past three years has been Wenhui Chen. The "Grundig" brand rights for e-bikes are held by Modern Creation Luxembourg S.a.r.l. (MCL), whose managing director is Dennis Chen, who grants licenses under "Grundig Automotive". If the two persons are identical or related we do not know. Teknihall belongs to the Chinese Pangoo Group.

Accordingly, MCL is named as the parent company of Grundig E-Bike. According to its own information, the latter took over Grundig Automotive in 2008 from Philips and the Turkish company Beko, which had bought up the Grundig brand after the original company went bankrupt. Last year, Grundig Automotive finally reacquired the brand license previously granted to an Austrian company and launched the GCB-1 e-bike on the market itself. (snx)

[News message: 19. Jun. 2024, 19:13] [Comments: 0]
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Chiptune tracker: Furnace V0.6.4 for Windows, Mac and Linux
'tildearrows' Furnace is a tool that can be used to create sound chip music ("chiptune"), mostly from the 8/16-bit era ( reported). It supports a wide range of functions and sound chips, from NES, SNES and Genesis to ES5506, VIC-20 and the Amiga. Version 0.6.4, among others, provides important updates for those using macOS and those without video cards.

The songs can be exported as audio files (.wav), VGM files and ZSM files (for Commander X16). An manual is available. (dr)

[News message: 19. Jun. 2024, 08:20] [Comments: 0]
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SCSI emulation: BlueSCSI-Toolbox V1.2c
The BlueSCSI Toolbox combines two utilities for managing a BlueSCSI V2 or ZuluSCSI in a Commodore Amiga: the CD changer makes it possible to switch between CD ISO images on the SD card during operation. The SD transfer tool can be used to transfer files from the SD card to the Amiga.

In the updated version 1.2c some utility.library functions of AmigaOS 3.2 have been removed, so that older OS versions are now supported.

Download: (36 Kb) (dr)

[News message: 18. Jun. 2024, 17:11] [Comments: 0]
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Sokoban conversion: Skinny Marley
Rodrigo Vertulo's "Skinny Marley" (YouTube video) is a hommage to his dog Marley, who passed away in 2021 due to a medical error. One of the things she liked to do before sleeping was to hunt objects around the house, especially those with his scent, to bring them to her little doghouse.

As the author writes, the game is based on Sokoban, but with "entirely new levels and a very interesting dynamics.". It is available for the symbolic price of one dollar. (dr)

[News message: 18. Jun. 2024, 06:56] [Comments: 0]
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Arcade Attack: Interview with Stoo Cambridge (Sensible Software)
Stoo Cambridge is one of the creative minds behind the highly influential British game studio Sensible Software, which has set milestones with games such as Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder. The Arcade Attack Podcast first interviewed the graphic artist and designer in 2019 and has now republished the interview with video footage of Cannon Fodder on YouTube – and even after five years, the humorous interview with Stoo Cambridge is still highly interesting and entertaining: Cambridge shares exciting anecdotes and background information about the development of Sensible Software's classic games and offers insights into his career and the design of iconic games such as Sensible Golf. (nba)

[News message: 18. Jun. 2024, 00:47] [Comments: 0]
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Multi-purpose tool: Report+ V8.5
Report+ is a ReAction-based open-source software for Amiga systems that offers several useful functions:
  • It is a friendly enhanced replacement for the official Commodore bug reporting tool (V40.2), optionally sending emails automatically.
  • It can generate/edit Aminet-style and OS4Depot-style readmes.
  • It can view/edit A3000/A4000-type battery-backed memory.
  • It can view/edit IFF/RIFF files and their component chunks.
  • It can access the official manufacturer and product ID registries.
  • It can perform batch processing on icons.
  • It can convert between various ASCII formats.
  • It can show directory byte usage for any path, optionally also changing protection bits and/or deleting specified files.
  • It can compare two paths, showing added, missing and changed files.
Report+ has been continuously updated and expanded by the developer Amigan Software for years. The new version 8.5, released on 16 June 2024, once again includes various improvements and bug fixes. The tool runs on AmigaOS 3.2/3.9 (the latter with BoingBag2) with 2 MB of free RAM, on AmigaOS 4 and on MorphOS (with ReAction). The archives include the source code of the software.

The download is available from the Aminet (AmigaOS-3.x-version, MorphOS-version, AmigaOS-4-version) or from the developer's website under the title link. (nba)

[News message: 18. Jun. 2024, 00:23] [Comments: 0]
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