Audio playback: Interview on the occasion of version 1.0 of AmiModRadio
Shortly before Christmas - after years of almost asymptotically approaching this version number - AmiModRadio 1.0 was released. Reason enough for us to ask its programmer 'Tygre' for an interview.
About the program: AmiModRadio accesses the more than twenty thousand music modules in Aminet, but also tens of thousands of tracks from Haxor.fi, Modland and Modules.pl, in order to download a piece of music, unpack it and play it on one of the playback programs such as AmigaAMP, DeliTracker, EaglePlayer, HippoPlayer, MultiPlayer or TuneNet. A rating function is also included. AmiModRadio is open source, the files are available on SourceForge and BitBucket. Anyone wishing to report bugs is asked to do so via the official bug tracker. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.
Thank you for telling us more about your project. For a start, would you like to tell us a bit about yourself?
I'm a Breton, born and raised in Brittany, who has lived in Montréal, Québec, for 22 years (time flies!). I received an A1200 for Christmas 1993 (or was it 1994?), but I was already familiar with that awesome computer series thanks to my brother, who had had a C64 and then an A500 before that. Later, he also bought an A4000. I still have my A1200 and the A4000 (although the motherboard suffered from the infamous leakage of its barrel battery).
I used my A1200 all the way to my engineering school in 1998. I had augmented it with a Blizzard 1230 and two external harddisks connected via a ribbon cable sticking out from the A1200 case. Not very pretty, but working very well! In 2000, I bought my first PC (a Dell Inspiron) and I neglected my Amigas until 2009 or something, when I rediscovered the joy of simple computing. :-) I refurbished my A1200 but also started buying other extensions and Amigas. Now, my main Amiga is an A1200 with a Blizzard 1240, a CompactFlash card, an Ethernet card, and other goodies, all sheltered in a beautiful Evo X500 black case.
When did the work on AmiModRadio start?
In the 2010s, I was looking for a project to pick up and improve my Amiga programming and, of course, to use my A1200! I had always enjoyed Amiga music and realised that there was no convenient way to play all the modules in Aminet - the idea for AmiModRadio was born!
How was this idea implemented then?
Early on, I realised that I didn't want to program a new player (I was just not a good enough programmer!) so I decided to use ARexx, which brought many benefits: AmiModRadio can interact with most module players out there! Also, ARexx is very cool and versatile and I miss it on Linux and Windows.
Besides that, AmiModRadio is entirely programmed in C, and uses its own FTP and HTTP/HTTPS code to download modules. I wanted to learn socket programming and the intricacies of all these protocols! It also includes four different user interfaces: textual (CLI) and graphical (ClassAct, MUI, and ReAction), which share the same base code.
I couldn't have developed AmiModRadio without the community's help, in particular, on EAB, who patiently answered my many questions... or helped with translations and testing (in particular 'AmigaSystem'!).
Did you originally have different plans for the project?
Actually, AmiModRadio today is pretty much what I had in mind these many years ago... I just didn't know that it would take me 13+ years to complete. :-D AmiModRadio grew a little bit beyond what I had in mind at the beginning: it uses different tasks, so that the UI stays responsive even during the download and unarchiving of modules, and it has a companion Web server to store/retrieve/display ratings.
Regarding features: is the project finished?
Yes! I'm pretty happy with the state of AmiModRadio now... I actually use it every day on my A1200 or on the FPGA Arcade in the living room (to my daughters' horror! :-p). It is stable, doesn't crash, and doesn't corrupt the system... as far as I see! I'll improve its user interfaces and inner workings, but nothing major should change... Until someone reviews my code and tells me all the things that I did wrong...
Are there any other plans?
Actually, yes! :-D
First, I'd like to complete the reprogramming/conversions of the programs published in Amiga News Tech (ANT) in the 1990s for VBCC. VBCC is an amazing compiler for the Amiga (and not only the Amiga) and the programs in ANT have a lot to teach (me).
Then, I was talking about Linux and Windows above... One thing that I miss from Windows is the possibility of creating shortcuts simply. I'm currently developing WBShortcutMaker (working title!) that would create, in the WBStartup, shortcuts to any program: You would select a program that you'd like to run at startup and, with a click or a menu or something (I haven't figured it out yet), WBShortcutMaker would create a script in your WBStartup with icon and all.
Also, I have kind of abandoned AmiAutoUpdater for a long while, which was my naive attempt at a kind of package manager... or rather software updater! I'd like to take that up again, but first I should try Grunch, which may do exactly what I want (and more).
Finally, I'd like to fix my A1200, which used to host my website thanks to THTTPd, but that recently stopped working: I suspect that the CF card failed but I haven't taken the time yet to investigate! (snx)
[News message: 22. Jan. 2025, 09:44] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)
Shoot 'em up: Sky Shapers available in a physical box edition
Sky Shapers is a 50 FPS vertically scrolling shoot 'em up from the Norwegian development team Digilicious Nibbles. With three levels and 37 different enemy types, boss fights, weapon upgrades and special weapons, high-quality sound and two levels of parallax scrolling, the game brings arcade flair to the Amiga. Sky Shapers includes an extensive introduction sequence, a bonus point screen and a permanent high score table. The game achieved a positive 88 percent in the December issue of Amiga Addict.
Sky Shapers requires an Amiga with an AGA chipset and Kickstart 3.0 or higher, at least 1877 KB of free Chip RAM, 1 MB of Fast RAM and a hard drive. It is playable on systems with a 68020 processor running at 14 MHz, but a minimum of a 68030 running at 25 MHz is recommended. It can be controlled using a joystick (joysticks with two buttons are supported) or the keyboard.
APC&TCP is now offering the game in a boxed version in its own online shop at a price of EUR 29. In addition to the game on CD, the box contains a printed manual and an A3 poster. With the purchase, a link to the download version is provided. (nba)
[News message: 21. Jan. 2025, 14:35] [Comments: 0]
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Flappy-Bird-clone: Happy Bat 1.2
The skill game "Happy Bat" has been developed by Carlos Zener for testing the high score function of the game development tool REDPILL (amiga-news.de reported). Happy Bat has now been updated to version 1.2, which features new graphics by Jordi Palome and a new music track for the initial level. In addition, executable files have been provided for Amigas with 68000 or 68020+ processors. The game requires a real or emulated Amiga with an AGA chipset.
"Happy Bat" is an adaptation of the game "Flappy Bird". The aim is to make a bat flap its wings by pressing the space bar or the joystick button, thus preventing it from hitting the ground or pillars, and guiding it safely through the level.
Happy Bat is provided both as a LhA archive and in ADF format. It can be downloaded in return for a voluntary donation. (nba)
[News message: 21. Jan. 2025, 14:21] [Comments: 1 - 22. Jan. 2025, 04:34]
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Hyperion Entertainment: Press release regarding the new director
As reported, Timothy De Groote has been appointed as the new director of Hyperion Entertainment. The following press release has been officially published by the company at the title link today.
New Ownership of Hyperion Entertainment CVBA – New Director Appointed
Brussels – January 21, 2025
At a general assembly held on December 18, 2024, organized and convened by the temporary administrator, the shareholders of Hyperion Entertainment CVBA appointed Timothy De Groote as the company’s new director.
The general assembly also instructed the new directors to prioritize consolidating the company’s financial situation and restarting development of AmigaOS.
The general assembly followed the bankruptcy of Hyperion Entertainment’s largest shareholder, Ben Hermans BV, which, under Belgian law, resulted in the annulment of its shares. (snx)
[News message: 21. Jan. 2025, 09:24] [Comments: 1 - 21. Jan. 2025, 23:36]
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Games That Weren't
Amiga Games That Weren't: Joy of Killing
"Joy of Killing" was a shoot'em up started in 1996 by the Polish development team S-Crew. The site "Amiga Games That Weren't", which collects information on unreleased Amiga titles, has now restored the demo produced at the time in co-operation with 'Rygar'. (dr)
[News message: 20. Jan. 2025, 18:19] [Comments: 0]
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Linux: Kernel 6.13.0 for X1000/X5000
Parallel to the release of the Linux kernel 6.13.0, Christian 'xeno74' Zigotzky has compiled a version for the AmigaOne X1000 and X5000. The new kernel fixes, among others, bugs around network, sound and SCSI. (dr)
[News message: 20. Jan. 2025, 17:56] [Comments: 0]
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Multiplayer arcade game: "WiZONK!" 1.0.4
"WiZONK!" (Video) is a single-screen platformer developed with the Scorpion Engine, in which up to four combatants try to kill each other. In version 1.0.4, a few bugs have been fixed and some changes have been made to the functionality:
- More menu controls are now Player 1 exclusive.
- Fixed a lockup if you quit the game in a particular way.
- Made Player 1 mandatory
- Fixed bug where sometimes 2 players were invisible!
- Optimised the Menu Screen (ongoing)
- Improved multitap icon
- Added ability to cycle characters by clicking beside the portraits
In particular, the optimisation of the main menu has not yet been completed and will only improve over the course of the next updates. (dr)
[News message: 20. Jan. 2025, 06:49] [Comments: 0]
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Christmas game: The Young Icefighter, Level 5 and bonus level
"The Young Icefighter" is a Christmas game for children created with the "Shoot'em Construction Kit", for which the developer's eight-year-old son drew most of the graphics (amiga-news.de reported). Now another bonus level and level 5 have been released. (dr)
[News message: 20. Jan. 2025, 06:21] [Comments: 0]
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Marcel Stritzelberger
Article: Amiga-Memory - A computer that shaped us (German)
Christian Spanik is an Austrian presenter, film producer and author who has written books about the Commodore 64 and Amiga. He also runs the website Der Digisaurier, where he looks at current topics with the knowledge of the past.
In the recently published German article "Amiga Memory: A computer that shaped us", he takes readers "on a journey through personal memories, quirky details and special moments that make the Amiga an unforgotten classic. And my favourite computer to this day." (dr)
[News message: 20. Jan. 2025, 06:14] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 18.01.2025
The following files have been added until 18.01.2025 to Aminet:
TuneFinderMUI.lha comm/misc 66K OS3 Search+play online radi...
AFG.sh.zip dev/gg 636K VAR Audio Function Generato...
REDPILLGameCreator.lha dev/misc 6.2M OS3 Game Creator with AGA s...
E-ROMATO.lha dev/src 2K GEN A python script to swap...
anaiis.lha driver/oth 256K OS3 ANAIIS USB Stack Releas...
anaiis_boot.lha driver/oth 259K OS3 ANAIIS USB Boot disk Re...
anaiis_massive.lha driver/oth 82K OS3 Massive release 1.25
HappyBat.lha game/jump 244K OS3 A flappy bird clone for...
3doc_m68020_v1.10.lha gfx/3d 2.2M OS3 3D Object Converter for...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha misc/emu 9.5M MOS Signetics-based machine...
AmiVms.lha misc/emu 3.8M OS3 Simulates OpenVMS comma...
MuEVD.lha misc/emu 152K OS3 MuLib driven ShapeShift...
ZXLive.lha misc/emu 127K OS3 ZX-Spectrum 48/128k/Pen...
Felicidad.lha mods/midi 59K GEN Felicidad, General MIDI...
NoJob.mp3 mods/mpg 4.1M GEN A motif made by Stefano...
AmySequencer.lha mus/midi 564K OS3 MIDI sequencer for the ...
AMIGA-SCARTRGBcable.jpg pix/illu 26K GEN Schematic for generic A...
AmiTranslateItaCat.lha text/misc 17K GEN Italian catalog for Ami...
MMULib.lha util/libs 789K OS3 Library to ctrl the MC6...
AnalogClock.lha util/time 42K OS3 Resizeable analog trans...
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:28] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 18.01.2025
The following files have been added until 18.01.2025 to OS4Depot:
resrc4.lha dev/mis 128kb 4.1 MC680x0 Disassembler
amiarcadia.lha emu/gam 10Mb 4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
openjazz.lha gam/pla 883kb 4.1 open-source version of the class...
afa-viewer.lha uti/arc 4Mb 4.1 Browse AmigaFuture Archive-DVD
amitranslate.lha uti/tex 5Mb 4.0 Translate text with DeepL
litexl2.lha uti/tex 2Mb 4.1 A lightweight text editor writte...
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:28] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 18.01.2025
The following files have been added until 18.01.2025 to AROS Archives:
alac.x86_64-aros-v11.zip aud/mis 71kb Apple Lossless Audio Codec decoder
tinysid.x86_64-aros-v11.zip aud/pla 66kb A small, multiplatform SID player
gorillaz_drawer.lha gra/ico 188kb Collection of Drawer Icons for A...
nomarch.x86_64-aros-v11.zip uti/arc 80kb extract old .arc and .ark archives
zunearc.x86-64-aros-v11.zip uti/arc 301kb a zune front end for archivers
bin2iso.x86_64-aros-v11.zip uti/fil 45kb convert Bin File to ISO 9660
dirtree.x86_64-aros-v11.zip uti/mis 49kb Shell command displaying directo...
joytest.x86_64-aros-v11.zip uti/mis 45kb joypad test prints lowlevel data...
rescode.x86_64-aros-v11.zip uti/mis 87kb Calculates resistor values (4 an...
diskusage.x86_64-aros-v11... uti/she 49kb Estimates file space usage
timeit.x86_64-aros-v11.zip uti/she 46kb Shell command for timing other c...
dclock.x86_64-aros-v11.lha uti/wor 31kb Utilities Clock for wanderer
skandalfoclock.x86_64-aro... uti/wor 173kb Advanced Analog Clock
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:28] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 18.01.2025
The following files have been added until 18.01.2025 to MorphOS-Storage:
Physfs-3.3.0.lha Development/Library MorphOS port of Physics...
boost-1.87.0.lha Development/Library Boost 1.87.0 for MorphOS
Freetype-2.13.3.lha Development/Library MorphOS port of LibFree...
AmiArcadia_33.80.lha Emulation A Signetics-based machi...
AmiTranslate_0.5.lha Misc A DeepL interface for A...
Lite-XL_2.1.7r1.lha Text/Edit Lite XL is a lightweigh...
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Boing (website)
Amiga Boing Blog: Successor wanted
The "Amiga Boing Blog" offers tests of numerous games from the PD/freeware area. In addition, game collections with freely distributable games or games licensed to the operator are compiled, which are already delivered with a fully prepared WinUAE - the user only has to add a Kickstart ROM.
There are also collections in RP9 format, which therefore work optimally with Cloanto's "Amiga Forever" emulator package, and a collection of games that work with the AROS-based Kickstart ROM supplied with WinUAE.
As the blogger will not be able to continue his work in the foreseeable future, a successor will be sought from 2026 on. Plenty of work is available, as there are 3,000 more games ready to be added. (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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Do it yourself: CompactFlash adapter AmigaCF for Amiga 600 and 1200
The CompactFlash adapter AmigaCF for the Amiga 600 and 1200 is connected to the internal IDE port not by cable like other variants, but is plugged directly into it instead. In addition, noises are made during access, as a substitute for those made when accessing a real 2.5" hard disk inside the computer.
The AmigaCF is intended for use directly on the mainboard - as it is unbuffered, it is not suitable for use on the IDE port of some turbo boards, i.e. those which require a buffered adapter instead. (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Haeuser at A1K.org (ANF)
Financing of a Warp3D driver for the PiStorm32 (PI4/CM4) on IndieGoGo
Steffen Haeuser writes at A1K.org (translated): "Warp3D for PiStorm! Until now, 3D games on Amiga computers with PiStorm were limited to software-only rendering solutions, even though a Pi4/CM4 has a powerful 3D chip (Videocore VI). The aim of this project is to change this. Developer Dennis Boon has offered to create a Warp3D.library for PiStorm systems with Pi4 and Pi CM4 for a fee.
With 3D hardware acceleration, you get higher resolutions, faster FPS and more impressive visuals for 3D gaming on PiStorm-equipped Amiga systems. Additionally, it enables porting of games that require 3D hardware acceleration or games that would be too slow in software-only rendering on a PiStorm Amiga." (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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spillhistorie.no (ANF)
Spillhistorie: Interview with Michael Haire (Microprose)
Hans Arne Jacobsen and Joachim Froholt have conducted another interview for the Norwegian website Spillhistorie - this time with Michael Haire, the former head of Microprose's graphics department.
Michael Haire worked on classics such as Sid Meier's Pirates! and Civilization. He entered the games industry in 1981 when he created cover art for a series of games for the TRS-80 8-bit computer. He quickly began to create game graphics and worked for the legendary game publisher and developer MicroProse from the mid-1980s. (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Data recovery from an Amiga 1000 (German)
In the video at the title link, the home computer and games console museum Yesterchips in Lützelbach (Hessen, Germany) deals with data recovery from the hard disk of an Amiga 1000. As this is not a SCSI or IDE hard disk, but one of the MFM hard disks used previously, the task was somewhat more complex. (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator: Amiberry-Lite 5.8.1
As announced, Amiberry 7.0 has now been followed by the release of the slimmed-down version 5.8 of Amiberry-Lite. This version, which is still based on WinUAE 4.4, has now also received selected cherry-picked features from its big brother, insofar as they are still useful on less powerful systems up to and including the Raspberry Pi 4. (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:26] [Comments: 0]
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Mastodon (ANF)
Game: Tank in a Dungeon 1.1 (update)
In "Tank in a Dungeon" you have to drive a tank through a labyrinth exposed by an earthquake in order to free researchers held captive by alien robots.
An Amiga with at least 1.5 MB RAM and Workbench 2.0 is required, an Amiga 1200 is recommended.
Update: (19.01.2025, 21:27, dr)
Version 1.1 is now available, which fixes a bug (flickering numbers in the score and player ammo have been removed) and also assigns the player a rank based on accuracy after completing all missions. (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:26] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: New port of the game engine OpenJazz for Jazz Jackrabbit
OpenJazz is an engine that can be used to play the commercial Sonic clone Jazz Jackrabbit (the original files are required accordingly). It was ported for AmigaOS 4 back in 2012 already by Roman 'kas1e' Kargin. Since then, OpenJazz has undergone several additions and has been converted to SDL2 though.
However, in the current version by George Sokianos, the bonus stages are switched off as they lead to crashes. A problem that also occurs on other platforms. (snx)
[News message: 19. Jan. 2025, 13:26] [Comments: 0]
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Operating system: MorphOS 3.19 released
Press release: The MorphOS development team is proud to announce the immediate availability of MorphOS 3.19. This release includes numerous important stability and security improvements.
For a more extensive overview of the changes included in MorphOS 3.19, please read our release notes:
MorphOS 3.19 boot.img Changes
- Fixed the MAC address reading on dual core PowerMac G5 machines
- Prefer the loader-supplied CPU frequency, if available
- When accessing the regular PCI bus, do a type 1 configuration transaction (Sam460LE)
- Fixed time being off by couple of seconds on Mac systems
- Improved the ExAll emulation
- Removed unnecessary current directory change in MatchEnd
- Corrected the gamma channel handling for copy operation in GetDefaultGammaTables
- Fixed a regression when uncovering hidden windows with Enhanced Display being off
- IDMAWaitCopyASync: fixed a race condition
- Fixed a language array overflow error
Ram Disk
- ACTION_END: Improved compatibility
- Improved display of special rawkeys in the keyboard tab
- Fixed initial state of event tracking, action enable/disable buttons
- Fixed a possible illegal access issue for certain HID mouse devices
MorphOS 3.19 Disk Changes
- Fixed snapshot/unsnapshot to properly retain metadata for SVG icons
- Fixed snapshot/unsnapshot for dualpng icons
- Added multiple new filetype definitions
- Disabled unconditional debug
- Fixed root view icon unsnapshot issues
- Fixed not to show bogus data in the Information window if a disk icon is missing
- Fixed incorrect logic when locating icon Default Tool
- Added GnuDB UniqueCode support
- Disabled defunct cover search services
- Search is now abortable
- Added Recent Files menu and other UI improvements
- Viewing RAM now starts in read-only mode
- Made it possible to ignore a failing disc capacity check on P5020
- Fixed local path handling when navigating to parent directory
- Updated to latest libpoppler 25.01.0
- Fixed C++ locale support
- Fixed an exception/exit issue with specific PDFs related to outlines
- Fixed some issue with opening document internal and external links when outline view was enabled
- Fixed Start Offset to handle 64bit values
- Fixed memory corruption issue with some scripts
- Added a FILE/S argument to explicitly disable resident and library searches
- Improved compatibility parsing content between revision and date
- Re-worked separator settings in the ASL requesters
- Use [self new] instead of [class new] in helper constructors to aid with overriding
- MUIList active would return 0 (instead of -1) even if the list was empty early on
- Fixed the MUIA_Poplist_Object getter
- Added several missing methods to OBQueue
- Reworked all error handling to go through common handlers and provide more data
- Arexx messaging between two ObjectiveC apps bypasses rexx's baked in string length limits and uses UTF-8
- Fixed a memory leak in OBArexxPort
- Exposed 'isediting' state
- Don't redraw on mouse moves when MUIA_VGraphics_LightenOnMouse is off
- Fixed memory leaks and other bugs in error code paths
- NetThreadSendRequest: improved handling of network errors
- Fixed a buffer overflow when rendering long event descriptions
- Fixed incorrect network traffic statistics in certain conditions
- Fixed a bug with SysEx reception handling for multiple in/out DIN interface
- Added support for GameSir-G7 SE Controller for Xbox
- Fixed connection error requester message
- Store volume names in bookmarks when using the Connect window
- Added missing MUIA_CycleChains
- Fixed to return error when setting date for a non-existing object
- smb2_futimens: use mtime not atime for last_write_time
- Respect DefIcon_Path when loading Trashcan icons
- Hide .mtrash directories as they're created (SFS only)
- FbxSetupSystemStart: use GetUTCSysTime to get systemstart time
- FbxDS2Timespec: Fixed tv_nsec overflow when ds_Tick was past the first second in minute
- FbxTimeSpec2DS: Take tv_nsec into account when calculating ds_Tick
- Fixed problem with classic icons
- getcwd: Fixed signal locking
- Updated to liblzma 5.2.12
- Updated root certificates
- Added the Unicode collection to Fontpanel
- Context menus will now open right-of mouse pointer
- Check whether MUIA_Coloradjust_ShowAlpha is TRUE before adding the alpha slider
- Fixed fixed-width font support in ASL requesters
- Fixed dereferenced submenu edge case after some scroll/move operations
- Improved errno/h_errno handling
- Fixed paper size units from cm to mm
- Don't overwrite Wayfarer/Iris when updating MorphOS and a newer version is already installed
- Preserve newer Radeon and TinyGL, if installed
- Fixed a bug in path filtering
- Improved stability
- Improved task UID display
- Improved detection of text documents
- Fixed a crash when rendering colored AmigaGuide text
[News message: 18. Jan. 2025, 14:15] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Jump'n Run SuperTux
'BeWorld' has ported SuperTux, a classic, side-scrolling platform game in the style of the original Super Mario games, for MorphOS in its current version. (dr)
[News message: 17. Jan. 2025, 06:19] [Comments: 0]
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Platformer: Hotfixes for "Tiny Pixel Adventure"
Tiny Pixel Adventure (video) is a classic platformer. After the final version was released a good week ago (amiga-news.de reported), the author has now added some bug fixes:
- fix some graphics bug in level 23
- Fixed a general bug in the level code display (it could happen that no level code was displayed if you had collected exactly the number of coins)
- Removed the hearts at the beginning of the boss level (was actually only meant to test the level)
- Level 29 small graphic errors fixed
[News message: 17. Jan. 2025, 06:13] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga WARP Organization (ANF)
Amiga WARP calendar for 2025
As every year, the Croatian Amiga WARP Association has published a calendar for 2025, which this year has the motto "40 years of Amiga". The calendar is available as a PDF file in Croatian and English. (cg)
[News message: 16. Jan. 2025, 21:40] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga 3.2
vAmiga is an Amiga emulator for macOS. Changes in version 3.2:
- Improved Dashboard (#856)
- User-selectable number formats in inspector (#862)
- Auto-completion for enum-like options in RetroShell (#861)
- Framebuffer screenshots (#863)
Bug fixes:
- The emulator does no longer crash when a dropdown menu in a shrinked toolbar is selected.
Internal changes:
- Switched Swift interoperability from C to C++.
- Encapsulated more data structures and types in the vAmiga namespace.
[News message: 16. Jan. 2025, 21:36] [Comments: 0]
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Text editor: Lite XL 2.1.7r1 for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS
George 'walkero' Sokianos has updated his port of the SDL-based text editor Lite XL. The update makes the changes from the official Lite XL 2.1.7 release now also available for Amiga users, in addition the settings have been significantly revised and some plugins are delivered directly with the editor. (cg)
[News message: 16. Jan. 2025, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Breakout/Circus clone: Alehop
Alehop (video) is a clone of the arcade classic Circus. Originally released in 2017, the title is now available for download at itch.io. The author recommends an Amiga with at least a 68020 processor. (cg)
[News message: 16. Jan. 2025, 21:29] [Comments: 0]
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Multiplayer arcade game: "WiZONK!" 1.0.3
"WiZONK!" (video) is a single-screen platformer developed with the Scorpion Engine, in which up to four combatants try to kill each other. Version 1.0.3 includes additional enemies and maps, special weapons, more music tracks, guest appearances and a tournament mode. There are also adjustments to the gameplay, for example projectiles can now bounce off obstacles or destroy each other. (cg)
[News message: 16. Jan. 2025, 21:23] [Comments: 0]
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