Music tips
To kick off the new week, we would like to present our readers with a few music tips:
The Swedish software and hardware developer 'mbitsnbites', who for example has published SoundBox, a synth music tracker and editor written in HTML5 for creating music for small JavaScript demos, had written an Amiga song called Old Fashion as a teenager in the early 90s, which he gave a "Facelifting".
One of Metin Seven's favourite Amiga tracker music modules is Piggie's Hut, released by Romeo Knight in 1993: according to Seven, it is an energetic composition that uses various heavy metal-style sound samples. And it shows that "computers don't just produce bleeps and bloops".
Tell Me Lies (video) by XCOPY was created on a Commodore Amiga with ProTracker 2.3f. As the author writes: "There is no beginning or end, you can listen on loop. Let synesthesia emerge."
'LukHash' is a musician based in Edinburgh, Scotland. He describes his music as a "fusion of digital 8-bit chaos and 80s-inspired synthesiser music, combined with modern sounds and cyberpunk aesthetics." He created his current Chiptune Raster Bar on a C64 with Evo64 and SID Wizard (plus FL Studio on the PC). And even though no Amiga was involved, it's a fantastic feel-good song. Listen to it (and buy it)! (dr)
[News message: 10. Mar. 2025, 22:10] [Comments: 0]
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Project introduction: Floppy disk reader for AmigaOS 4
Andrea 'afxgroup' Palmatè has adapted Robert Smith's project "DrawBridge" (amiga-news.de reported) for reading Amiga floppy disks with the help of an Arduino board so that it can now also be used under AmigaOS 4 (GitHub project page). Above all, he had to make changes to the USB communication.
There will most likely also be a commercial version of the "Waffle Reader" for a few euros, although the project will remain open source. (dr)
[News message: 10. Mar. 2025, 15:35] [Comments: 0]
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Turn-based strategy game: New demo version 03/25 of "Ecliptic"
Ecliptic is described by the author as "a mixture of turn based tactical combat and role playing" (amiga-news.de reported) being a visually reminiscent of the retro-futuristic science fiction of the 1970s and 1980s. Now a fifth demo has been released for the game.
As the developer reports, the game now offers three complete levels. At the start, the player can decide which one they want to begin with.
The game requires 1MB RAM, recommended is an Amiga 1200 with HD and Fast RAM. (dr)
[News message: 10. Mar. 2025, 13:08] [Comments: 0]
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Thalamus Digital
Rogue-like game: Roguecraft 1.5
The Rogue-like game Roguecraft (video, amiga-news.de reported) has been updated to version 1.5, providing the following changes:
- There is now a Highscore screen.
- The high scores are saved when exiting the Highscore screen after Game Over or completing the game.
- Faster transitions between rooms. On a stock A500 you will notice a delay after the transition, but for faster CPUs the transitions will be faster. Transition is hiding unpacking and was timed to A500. Now it is timed to A1200.
- Some changes to the end boss to make it more of a challenge.
- The Teleport ability of Rogue does not cost a turn anymore.
- The Teleport ability and potion now teleports to a random door area, so it is more useful to get out of a tight situation.
- Monsters that walk into traps actually walk into the traps instead of just getting insta-killed.
- Added sparkles on the title screen!
- Updated Wizard animation (less crooked back and improved walk animation)
- Updated Gluthulhu animation (an animation was played backward in previous version)
- Updated wall tiles for secret rooms. These should be a little more visible now!
- Updated main font.
- Updated some level graphics assets.
- Some minor text tweaks where there was inconsistent casing.
- Also fixed some gfx garbage in transitions between screens.
[News message: 10. Mar. 2025, 05:57] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 08.03.2025
The following files have been added until 08.03.2025 to Aminet:
amigassh.lha comm/net 111K OS3 SSH2 for the Amiga
HHH-AmTechLQ.adf demo/sound 880K OS3 Borschtsch - Amerikansk...
REDPILLGameCreator.lha dev/misc 8.4M OS3 Game Creator with AGA s...
prism2v2.lha driver/net 412K VAR Driver for 11Mbps wirel...
F1GP2025Carset.lha game/data 7K GEN 2025 Carset for F1GP
TunnelsAndTrolls.lha game/role 18M OS3 Implementation of Tunne...
untangle.lha game/wb 36K OS3 Untangle set of dots jo...
Protrekkr_AROS_i386.zip mus/edit 13M ARO Tracker/Synth hybrid Pr...
NAFCYI1992S1-00.zip text/bfont 1.7M GEN NAFCYI Spring 1992 (BMP...
vma.lha util/arc 113K MOS VMARC Utility
GetMimeType.lha util/cli 1K MOS Get MimeType of a file ...
VATestprogram.zip util/misc 8.6M OS3 Versatile Amiga Testpro...
xvslibrary.lha util/virus 100K OS3 External Virus Scanner ...
ColorPicker.lha util/wb 12K OS3 get color from Workbenc...
[News message: 09. Mar. 2025, 07:51] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 08.03.2025
The following files have been added until 08.03.2025 to OS4Depot:
prism2.lha dri/net 412kb 4.0 Driver for 11Mbps wireless netwo...
blender-src.tar.bz2 gra/ray 36Mb 4.1 Blender Source
sdl3.lha lib/mis 10Mb 4.1 Simple DirectMedia Layer 3
[News message: 09. Mar. 2025, 07:51] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 08.03.2025
The following files have been added until 08.03.2025 to MorphOS-Storage:
vma-22.204a.lha Files/Archive VMARC Utility
Tower-of-Hanoi_1.1.lha Games/Think Port of Tower-of-Hanoi
Untangle_1.2.lha Games/Think A logic puzzle, where t...
3D-Chess_1.0.lha Games/Think Port of 3D-Chess with S...
GetMimeType_1.1.lha System/Shell Get MimeType of a file ...
AMUIDiff_1.2.lha Text/Compare Displays differences of...
[News message: 09. Mar. 2025, 07:50] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRemix: Further files added
AmigaRemix collects remixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games. Since our last news item, the following mp3 files have been added:
- The Seven Gates Of Jambala
- A Prehistoric Tale - Title
- Eggciting As Duck (Qwak Intro + Level 2 Music, Fusion Remix)
- R-Type
- Wings of death - Stage 4 - A scape of fire (MadmaX StyLE)
[News message: 09. Mar. 2025, 07:50] [Comments: 0]
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Windows/Linux/Mac OS: Command line programs Amiga-Tools 1.0
At the title link Robert 'Pyrdacor' Schneckenhaus has provided "Amiga-Tools" for current computer systems. Specifically, these are two command line commands for Windows, Linux or Mac OS; a user interface is planned. They can be used to create, modify, display and unpack ADF disk images or LHA archives. (snx)
[News message: 09. Mar. 2025, 07:50] [Comments: 0]
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Amigablogs (ANF)
Video: Doom clone Grind 0.6
The Doom clone "Grind" should run on any Amiga with at least one and a half megabytes of RAM and a hard disk. The level "DevArena" shown in the video was originally created as a test area for new opponents and functions and actually serves as a stress test for the Grind engine. For this reason, at least an A1200 with Fast RAM is recommended for DevArena.
The new features of version 0.6 are listed in detail in the video description. (snx)
[News message: 09. Mar. 2025, 07:50] [Comments: 1 - 10. Mar. 2025, 17:52]
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Flip screen platformer: Trapped in the Tomb, also as a Boxed Edition
"Trapped in the Tomb" (video) is a flip-screen platformer in which the items to be collected and the player's starting position are chosen randomly each time the game is started. The game runs on any Amiga with one megabyte of RAM and at least Kickstart 1.3, but a 68020 processor is recommended.
A download is available free of charge or for an optional donation from itch.io. A boxed edition, which is also presented in the linked video, is also available and costs 25 euros plus shipping. (cg)
[News message: 08. Mar. 2025, 23:14] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench distribution: AmiKit 12.8
Version 12.8 of the Workbench distribution "Amikit" is available to all registered users free of charge. The software collection has been expanded to include the Jump'n Run "Absolute Zero" and the "World Construction Set" as well as a utility that enables the use of joypads. You can now switch between different windows with the key combination LeftAmiga-Tab. (cg)
[News message: 08. Mar. 2025, 23:03] [Comments: 0]
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Hardware project: Bluetooth-based Kickstart switch "AmigaBlueKick"
"AmigaBlueKick" is a Kickstart switch that does not require any soldering work on the motherboard or a mechanical switch: Switching between the different Kickstart ROMs is done via Bluetooth. To do this, a ready-made ESP32S3 or ESP32C3 Wifi/Bluetooth module is connected to four pins of a Kickstart EPROM (5V, ground, A18, A19). If you do not want to trigger a reset manually after every Kickstart switch, you must also connect a cable to the reset line of the Amiga.
Any Bluetooth explorer can be used for control, but the developer also offers a self-developed iOS app. The software for the Bluetooth module and the iOS app are available under a free license and the source code is available on Github. (cg)
[News message: 08. Mar. 2025, 22:56] [Comments: 0]
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Logic game: Untangle V1.2
Grzegorz Kraszewski is in the process of writing the logic game Untangle for the Amiga. The player has a number of dots in front of him, which are connected by lines and cross each other. The aim of the game is to untangle the lines by moving the dots so that no line intersects another (amiga-news.de reported). Version 1.2 offers 25 new levels - 200 in total - and Polish localisation.
Download: untangle-1.2.lha (36 Kb) (dr)
[News message: 07. Mar. 2025, 15:14] [Comments: 0]
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Programming competition: Developing of a RedPill game
The Spanish YouTube channel Amiga Wave has organised a programming competition for the RedPill game construction kit, which runs until 28 June: The main aim of the competition is to promote the use of REDPILL.
All games that have been developed with RedPill and have not yet been released may take part in the competition and will be presented at the Posadas Party 2025. Prizes include an Amiga 500 Plus with power supply and mouse or a THEA500 Mini. (dr)
[News message: 07. Mar. 2025, 06:11] [Comments: 0]
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Cross-compiler/assembler: Calypsi 5.9
"Calypsi" is a collection of compilers and assemblers that run under Windows, Linux and macOS and can generate code for various retro platforms - 6502 and 68000 processors are supported, among others. Although the project is hosted on Github, the source code is not freely available and use of the tools is only permitted for private purposes. Changes in version 5.9:
- Addsupport for 68060 by omitting instructions not present on this variant. This includes 64-bit divide and multiply,movep, chk2, cmp2, cas2andcas`. A separate set of 68060 libraries is now included.
- Parameter numbering in inline assembly now correctly starts the input list with %0 when there is no output.
- Correct a code generator bug that could occur in some situations when a register variable was used twice in the same expression.
- 6502: Incorrect offset could be used for calculations being made of an argument to a function call. There were a series of conditions for this. 1) There were other byte sized arguments stored in the zero page area later in the argument list; 2) The expression calculation accessed a local variable on the simulated C stack; and 3) Typically the expression called a library routine such as divide and multiply. In such situation the access to the local variable on the C stack could be accessed at the wrong offset.
- MEGA65: Fixed an internal error with banked function pointers used as initializers.
- Some code generator improvements to 6502 and MEGA65.
[News message: 06. Mar. 2025, 21:51] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga 40th Silicon Valley Organisatoren (ANF)
Event: Further details on "Amiga 40th Anniversary" at VCF West
The "Amiga 40th anniversary" event in Silicon Valley (California) announced in December is now described in more detail by the organizers of the "Vintage Computer Festival West" in a press release. Among other things, an exhibition with "unique historical artifacts from the collection of Dale Luck" and "current innovations from the Amiga community" is announced. There will also be a series of Amiga-focused presentations, but no details have yet been announced. (cg)
[News message: 06. Mar. 2025, 21:48] [Comments: 0]
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Antivirus software: xvs.library version 33.48
Georg Wittmann provides version 33.48 of the external virus scanner library xvs.library. Changes since the last release:
- Fixed recognition of 'Disk-Doktors' and 'Suicide Machine' boot viruses to avoid false alarms with harmless bootblocks. The new pattern for 'Disk-Doktors' recognizes all clones too, therefore removed entries 'Disk Doktors BJH', 'Disk Doktors NoFast' and 'Magic Ultra'. Thanks to Jan Andersen of VHT-DK for the sample bootblocks.
- Added 'Mosh 3.0' bootvirus. Thanks to Crashdisk for sending it.
- Added 'Silicon Penetration' bootvirus (actually just a malicious bootblock formatting the disk). Thanks again to Crashdisk for sending that stuff.
- Fixed recognition of 'Xeno' linkviruses to find modified copies too. Thanks again to Crashdisk for the report and an example file.
- Fixed recognition of 'Traveling Jack' linkvirus, the shortest strain hasn't been detected correctly. Thanks once again to Crashdisk for the example file.
- Removed 'Adam Brierley' from the bootvirus brain. This bootblock actually is just some kind of boot-loader and harmless. Thanks to Jan Andersen for the report.
- Fixed recognition of 'VKill' bootvirus to detect damaged copies too that will crash, but at least install parts in memory. Thanks again to Jan Andersen for the example bootblock.
- Added 'Disk-Doktors 2' bootvirus. This is a fixed version of the original virus that works with all Kickstart releases. Thanks to Crashdisk again for the sample.
- Fixed recognition of 'XCopy2' bootvirus to detect modified copies too. Actually this isn't a real virus as it cannot spread, but it modifies pointers and though can be harmful for other programs. Thanks to Crashdisk once again for sending the sample.
- Added 'Nemesis' bootvirus. This one I got from Crashdisk too.
- Added 'Warhawk 1 Aniga' bootvirus, another Warhawk clone found by Crashdisk.
[News message: 06. Mar. 2025, 21:42] [Comments: 0]
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Multiplatform emulator: Clock Signal 2025-03-05 (macOS, Linux)
Thomas Harte's "Clock Signal" is a multiplatform emulator for macOS and Unix-compatible systems, which aims to protect the user from the typical configuration orgies and to enable the user (quote) "to start classic software directly". In addition to various 8- and 16-bit systems, the Amiga is also emulated. In version 2025-03-05, a bug was fixed that could lead to a crash under macOS when creating a new virtual machine. (cg)
[News message: 06. Mar. 2025, 21:12] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: SDL 3.2.8
Version 3.2.8 of the multimedia library SDL is now available, which brings the following platform-specific innovations:
- Fix issue with window size after SetWindowPosition
- Prefs: add AISS images to menus
- Ignore destination alpha for target textures
- Remove constructor / destructor workarounds
- Improve OS4_DebugPrintF
- sdl3benchmark: reset random seed before every test
- Improve timer resolution from milliseconds to microseconds
- Cleanup code and makefiles
[News message: 06. Mar. 2025, 21:06] [Comments: 0]
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Linux: Kernel 6.12.17 LTS for X1000/X5000
Parallel to the release of the Linux kernel 6.12.17 LTS ("long-term support"), Christian 'xeno74' Zigotzky has finally compiled it for the AmigaOne X1000 and X5000. Newly added is the support for Renesas xHCI controllers with firmware, in return Kexec is no longer supported on the X1000, KVM is temporarily disabled on the X5000. (cg)
[News message: 06. Mar. 2025, 17:59] [Comments: 0]
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Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.48
RedPill, developed by Carlos Peris, is a game construction kit written in Amiblitz 3.99, which allows the development of games from various genres (e.g. Agonman). RedPill is compatible with AGA and ECS, the "player" for playing the finished creations requires a total of 1.5 MB RAM. Jens 'Farbfinsternis' Henschel has written a tutorial.
In the new version 0.9.48, the possibility of realistically resolving circular collisions has been added, among other things (video). All changes:
- Includes trigger help in PDF, thanks to Andres De Pedro.
- First version of the thumbnail system, for screen to screen games, in Level
Properties screen.
- Action trigger Play Anim now supports playing an animation backwards.
- Added new action trigger Resolve Col(lisions) for realistic circle collision
- Added example ex_action_resolve to show how to use the new trigger
- Added actiton Set Text Image to set an image to be used in the dialogs, the
face of a character or an item, for example.
- Updated ex_UI_bars project to show Set Text Image trigger usage.
- Changes in scroll to allow bigger sprites.
- Image to tiles improvements.
- Changes in file requesters to improve RTG compatibility.
- More safe code when parent of an object is being deleted in the editor.
- Fix for action trigger impact.
- Fix for pick frame in spritesheets bigger than zero.
- Fix for show tile collisions not being updated during runtime.
- Now particles are cleaned when moving to another level.
- UI improvements
- Code refactor
- Amigaguide helper corrections, thanks to Joaquin Ferrero.
[News message: 06. Mar. 2025, 05:22] [Comments: 0]
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Simon Neumann (ANF)
AmigaOS 4: GemRB RPG package 0.8.8
Press release (translation): Steffen Häuser and Alinea Computer are very pleased to present the GemRB RPG package version 0.8.8 for AmigaOS 4. Steffen Häuser is responsible for the porting and the easy installation.
GemRB makes it possible to play the famous PC role-playing games Baldur's Gate 1, Baldur's Gate 2 (called "the best PC role-playing game of all time" by many), Icewind Dale 1 and Planescape: Torment on an Amiga equipped with AmigaOS 4.
Original data from the PC version (on CD or DVD) is required for installation. A PC is not required, the installer makes it possible to install the four games directly on the Amiga. An installation of "Gog" data is also possible as an alternative, but then a "pre-installation" on a PC is necessary - which is why the CD/DVD installation is recommended, as a PC is not required then.
This version of GemRB is based on GemRB 0.8.8 and contains many bug fixes compared to the older version 0.7.2. No manual installation of libraries or editing of configuration files is necessary - the included installer takes care of everything.
This new version is highly optimized and also contains executable files that are specially optimized for certain Amiga models. The following frame rates are achieved:
- AmigaOne x5000 2 GHz - 30 fps at 1024x768
- AmigaOne x1000 1,8 GHz - 25 fps at 800x600
- AmigaOne A1222 1,2 GHz - 18 fps at 640x480
- Sam 440 666 MHz - 15 fps at 640x480
- MicroAmigaOne 800 MHz - 10 fps at 640x480
Special versions exist for the x5000, x1000, Sam 440, Sam 460 and A1222 models, plus an executable file that runs on all systems. The minimum configuration is a Sam 440, the recommended configuration is a Sam 460 or higher.
The add-ons "BG1: Tales of the Swordcoast", "BG2: Throne of Bhaal" and "IWD: Heart of Winter" are also playable (and can be installed using the installer).
The games were tested with the German, English, multi-language (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish) and Polish versions. The versions of BG1, BG2 and ID1 on the Computerbild games cover DVD (bg1:12/2008, bg2:12/2008 Gold and id1:03/2009) and of Torment on the GameStar cover DVD (07/2006) can also be installed with the installer.
In addition to the AmigaOS 4 version, a WarpOS version will be released soon as well, which has already been successfully tested with 25 fps (640x480) on a Ragnarök PCI-PPC card overclocked to 1 GHz. Whether it is possible to create a version for PiStorm and Vampire is still being evaluated.
The game package is available as a digital download from the Alinea Computer online store at the title link.
[News message: 05. Mar. 2025, 16:56] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Feeding the audio signal into an RGB2HDMI adapter
In the video at the title link, Robert Smith demonstrates how he installs an HDMI audio embedder in his Amiga 500 in order to output also sound via an RGB2HDMI adapter. (snx)
[News message: 05. Mar. 2025, 16:56] [Comments: 0]
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Akustikrausch (E-Mail)
Podcast: Amiga's Lost Future - The Secrets Commodore Never Told You
The latest episode of the Binary Beats podcast looks at Commodore's unreleased projects such as the AAA chipset, Hombre and other failed innovations. (snx)
[News message: 05. Mar. 2025, 16:56] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)
Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 173
The English and German issue 173 (March/April 2025) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed. It can be ordered directly from its editorial office and from Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.
Content of the current issue includes, besides several reviews, for example an interview with Richard Leinfellner and a special about the life of an AmigaOS 4 betatester. (snx)
[News message: 05. Mar. 2025, 16:56] [Comments: 0]
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Riccardo Carletti (ANF)
Short film: "Another World - The Film" on YouTube
A tribute to the action adventure game "Another World", developed by Delphine Software and released in 1991, was posted on YouTube by filmmaker Riccardo Carletti. The short film was produced with the permission of Eric Chahi, the creator of the original game, and remains faithful to the game's plot. The film is available in an English version as well as in the original Italian version with English subtitles. (nba)
[News message: 04. Mar. 2025, 17:35] [Comments: 0]
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Fast file and image transfer: MailSender 1.03 for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS
MailSender minimises the effort required to send files and images by e-mail and offers a user-friendly interface. The new program from Zoltan Lazar offers the following functions, among others:
- image conversion: automatic conversion of images to JPG format
- resizing: on-the-fly image size adjustment
- archiving: optional zipping of files in a ZIP archive or creation of a PDF document before sending
The e-mails are sent via SMTP or SMTPS protocol. The user simply has to drop the file(s) or entire directories into the program window and specify an e-mail address for the recipient. Optionally, a password can be set and a subject and content text can be written. The e-mail is sent by clicking on the Send button.
MailSender is available in version 1.03 for AmigaOS 4 and for MorphOS, free of charge. (nba)
[News message: 04. Mar. 2025, 17:21] [Comments: 0]
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Seiya (ANF)
PDF magazine: REV'n'GE 167 (Italian/English)
Besides the Italian original issue, the PDF magazine REV'n'GE ("Retro Emulator Vision and Game") is also available in English. The magazine's reviews compare, if available, the different ports of classic games to the various platforms of their time. Furthermore a focus is on rather unknown retro games.
The latest issue 167 contains numerous game reviews for other retro systems as well as reviews of three Amiga games: Cyber Man, Riviera '79 und Tony: Montezuma's Gold. (nba)
[News message: 04. Mar. 2025, 16:47] [Comments: 0]
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