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Linux: whdrunner starts WHDLoad-games under fs-uae
With whdrunner written by Marcel "frostwork" Unbehaun you can start zip-compressed WHDLoad-games: The programm extracts the archive, recognizes the game with the help of an included database, creates an user-startup on-the-fly and starts the setup in the emulator fs-uae. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Feb. 2012, 20:45] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (ANF)

Hollywood 5: Infinity released
Press release: After two years of development, Airsoft Softwair is proud to annouce the immediate availability of Hollywood 5: Infinity for AmigaOS and compatibles and Microsoft Windows. This is a massive update which boasts over 120 new functions in comparison to Hollywood 4.8 and brings along many new features and general improvements. Highlights include the ability to play video streams, full Internet and network support (you could even run a server with Hollywood now!), support for real vector graphics and vector image formats like SVG, hardware accelerated double-buffering, inbuilt synthesizer functions and much much more.

Hollywood 5: Infinity is undoubtedly the most advanced Amiga multimedia application and on Windows it is a fresh Indie alternative to bloated authoring systems that need tons of DLLs, memory, and hard-drive space. Hollywood is highly stable, extremely easy to use and flexible, and used by many creative people around the globe. A totally unique feature is the ability to cross-compile native executables for many different platforms including: AmigaOS3, AmigaOS4, WarpOS, MorphOS, AROS (x86), Windows (x86 & PPC), and Linux (x86 & PPC).

Here is a non-exhaustive list of new features in Hollywood 5:
  • Video playback support
  • Full Internet and network support
  • Support for vector images like SVG
  • Real vector graphics can now be used (Bézier curves etc)
  • Tons of new image manipulating functions (blur, sharpen, gamma, oil paint...)
  • Hardware accelerated double-buffering for 500% faster drawing
  • Inbuilt synthesizer for generating sounds on-the-fly
  • Many functions for brush distortion (perspective, arc, polar...)
  • New requester functions (font, color, lister...)
  • Hollywood can now compile for PowerPC Linux too!
  • Many new functions for dealing with samples
  • Great improvements to the layers system
  • Real drop shadow and border support for layers
  • Over 20 image filters that can be applied to layers
  • Hardware accelerated image transformations
  • Real time calculated effects for layers with filters
  • New gradient types (radial, conical and multicolor)
  • IPC functions for talking to other programs
  • Platform independent localization support
  • FPU support for 68k Amigas (improves speed dramatically also on WinUAE!)
  • Platform independent pattern matching
  • Many new utility functions (MD5 checksum, string functions etc.)
  • Cross-platform public plugin interface for 3rd party extensions
  • More than 500kb of new documentation
  • Manual is also available as a professionally typeset PDF now (over 700 pages!)
  • 14 new example scripts (over 80 in total)
  • Standard library set encompasses over 600 functions now!
  • Lots of other changes, optimizations and bug fixes

Hollywood 5: Infinity is the ultimate Multimedia experience and a must-have for all creative people. Hollywood is available on a CD-ROM and as a download version for AmigaOS compatible systems and for Microsoft Windows. The CD-ROM version is delivered in a nice Digipak (picture). If you order the download version, you will have to download an ISO image which you need to burn on CD-R then. If you already own Hollywood, you can buy a discounted upgrade version. Customers, who have bought Hollywood 4.8 after January 1st, 2012, can apply for a free upgrade. On the Airsoft Softwair Homepage there are some screenshots of Hollywood 5 in action.

Hollywood is the ultimate bridge between all the different AmigaOS compatible platforms and the other three modern desktop systems, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux! With Hollywood, you can save programs for all those platforms. You do not have to own AmigaOS4 or AROS, you can save programs for these platforms also from your AmigaOS3 installation! You do not need to have Mac OS X, you can still compile your programs for it using your AmigaOS or MorphOS installation. Only Hollywood makes it possible. If you want to learn more about Hollywood, please visit the Hollywood product information which also contains a full feature list of Hollywood or the official Hollywood portal at which also has a forum for all questions concerning Hollywood.

All this makes Hollywood The Cross-Platform Multimedia Application Layer. Join the Multimedia revolution and get your personal copy of Hollywood 5: Infinity now! (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2012, 16:19] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 18.02.2012
The following archives have been added to the Aminet until 18.02.2012:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2012, 09:16] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 18.02.2012
The following archives have been added to the OS4Depot until 18.02.2012:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2012, 09:16] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Files-Uploads until 18.02.2012
The following archives have been added to the MorphOS-Files until 18.02.2012:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2012, 09:16] [Comments: 0]
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RememberOpenDrawers 1.0
RememberOpenDrawers for AmigaOS 3.5+ (tested under AmigaOS 4.1 as well) is a collection of ARexx-scripts with which it is possible to find some Workbench-drawers open after having rebooted the computer.

Download: RememberOpenDrawers.lha (38 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2012, 07:15] [Comments: 0]
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Moo Bunny (Forum)

AMOS-Reimplementation: jAMOS 0.13
jAMOS is a Java version of AMOS ( reported about it) which offers additional features.

  • A text output console is now spawned on creation (for HelloWorld.jamos, etc.)
  • Default example changed to jAMOSOut (original still available under AMAL examples)
  • AMAL examples now default to the first AMAL program in the editor when opened (as with jAMAL)
  • More examples were added demonstrating dynamic types, concurrent jAMOS programs and hybrid syntax
  • jAMAL's startup sound is playable from the menu alongside jAMOS's
  • Some minor bug-fixes
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Feb. 2012, 06:08] [Comments: 0]
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18.Feb.2012 (Webseite)

Book announcement: The Future Was Here - The Commodore Amiga (Platform Studies)
As reported the US-publishing house "The MIT Press" will publish a book called "The Future Was Here" on 27. April. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Feb. 2012, 06:01] [Comments: 0]
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Accelerator board: ACA 1231 with 68030 incl. MMU and RTC
The ACA 1231 developed by Individual Computers is a accelerator board for the Amiga 1200. Compared with the previous model ACA 1230, now a full-value 68030-CPU inclusive MMU was used.

The ACA-1231/42 comes with 64 MB RAM, 1 MB of which are reserved to map the Kickstart into the fast memory. Kickstart 3.0 users must add the memory with the ACATune software. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Feb. 2012, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Firefox-port Timberwolf 4.0.1 (Beta)
Hans-Jörg and Thomas Frieden have published a new beta version of their Firefox-port "Timberwolf". Currently hardware-based rendering is still not implemented. Print routines, sound support, WebGL as well as Drag&Drop are missing, too.

Timberwolf requires AmigaOS 4.1 Update 4. The authors points out that the user is recommended to look at the Readme which is included in the archive before Timberwolf is started. It includes important hints among others to Font-Caches. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Feb. 2012, 20:53] [Comments: 0]
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Demo scene: Results and releases of Datastorm 2012
Last weekend the "Datastorm 2012" took place in Göteborg (Sweden). You can find the results of the different competitions on the website of the organizers.

The productions Revision 2012 Invitation (Focus Design) and the 1KB Bootblock-Intro Wayne Bars (TV Noise bootblock 2) (Loonies&Darklite) you can find on (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Feb. 2012, 01:38] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (ANF)

Interview: Paul Gentle (Varisys, X1000-Project)
"Obligement" has interviewed Paul Gentle who is one of the founder of Varisys. By order of A-EON the British company had developed and produced the X1000. The interview is available in English and French. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 15. Feb. 2012, 15:19] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Magazine: Preview of Amiga Future 95
The preview of issue 95 (March/April 2012) of the Amiga Future is online. Issue 95 will include reviews of the AmigaOne X1000 ("First Contact") and of the FPGA Arcade. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 14. Feb. 2012, 15:01] [Comments: 0]
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13.Feb.2012 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: AmiUpdate 2.13
AmiUpdate keeps track of the current versions of software that it knows about, and this tool will query that database and compare those new files with which you have installed on your system. This will inform you of any files installed on your computer which are currently in need of updating. The changes in this version are listed in the Release Notes. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Feb. 2012, 21:59] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

MorphOS: Document viewer OpenOfficeViewer 0.0.5
Carsten Siegner's OpenOfficeViewer displays texts and graphics which are available in the OpenDocument-format and among others is used by OpenOffice. Changes in version 0.0.5: more ... (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Feb. 2012, 15:33] [Comments: 0]
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