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Coyote Flux (ANF)

Coyote Flux: Update of PPC680x0 / NoClick-module for Kickflash OS4
Coyote Flux released a new version of the sourcecode-converter PPC680x0 and a NoClick-module for the Kickflash OS4-card.
more ... (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2005, 23:00] [Comments: 0]
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Meicky Soft: Five new articles about AmigaOS4-developing
Michael Christoph has published five new articles about the AmigaOS4-development, which were originally published in Amiga-Magazin. Topics of these articles to be read under the title link are the utility.library, Gadtools and Reaction, the timer.device, Docky-elements and Docky-applications. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2005, 21:10] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Rosentreter (ANF)

MorphOS: OpenTTD-"Nightly builds"
Interested users can now download the daily updated "Nightly Builds" of the current SVN-version of OpenTTD for MorphOS and other operating systems. A full functionality of these automated snapshots is not guaranteed so using at owner's risk only. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2005, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Kleinheinrich (ANF)

SteamDraw 0.5R2 released
SteamDraw is a MUI-based 2D-vector-GFX application with EPS-support. The version 0.5R2 can be downloaded at the title link.
more ... (snx)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2005, 11:55] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

Event: first pictures from AmiGBG
Under the title link you can find first pictures from the AmiGBG that took place today in Göteborg.

Update: (11:52, 24.07.05, snx)
Further photographs were made available by Onyxsoft. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 21:10] [Comments: 0]
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Dave Fisher (email)

IBrowse 2.4: feature list and screenshots
After showing the newest version of the web browser IBrowse toady at several Amiga events-Veranstaltungen for the first time to the public are an overview of the new functions and some screenshots to be found on the developers' website: more ... (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: TheBar.mcc 20.6 and amrss 5.3 released
Alfonso Ranieri released version 20.6 of the MUI class TheBar.mcc for MorphOS. With this class you can program comfortable button bars.

In addition, there's a special MUI4 version of amrss. This is an Amiga RSS client.
more ... (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 18:38] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (website)

PicShow: final beta version 1.31 released
In the final beta version 1.31.295 of the picture viewer PicShow by Thomas Rapp were several bugs fixed (animations with more than 32 images crashed, crash when the saved standard view mode wasn't available, compatibility problem with CyberGraphX), the stack handling in the PowerUp/WarpOS versions removed and the documentation was updated. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 18:21] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jul.2005 (website)

MorphOS: Pixel32 1.0RC4 build 462 released
For registered users is a new alpha version of the graphics program Pixel32 available (screenshot). (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 17:20] [Comments: 0]
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Webcast from the AmiWest 2005
From 18:00 o'clock MESZ does the "User Group Network" send live from the AmiWest 2005. A detailed schedule for the broadcasts can be found under the title link. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 17:06] [Comments: 0]
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Sprocki (ANF)

First screenshots of Candy Factory 2
First screenshots of the grpahics software Candy Factory 2 ( reported) were released. more ... (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 16:19] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jul.2005 (forum)

Amiga birthday news in the media
Below a list of news regarding the 20th birthday of the Amiga. Should you find further reports please mention them in our forum.
more ... (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 12:45] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (website)

Team AROS: Bounty #33 placed for back porting of the MorphOS shell commands
Neil Cafferkey initiated the bounty project #33 of Team AROS. The reward was placed for the back porting of the shell commands taken over by MorphOS.
more ... (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 12:23] [Comments: 0]
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23.Jul.2005 (website)

Webcast from the AmiGBG 2005 (update)
Since 11 o'clock MESZ is Amigaworld Radio sending a live webcast with webcaster Rigo from the AmiGBG 2005 in Göteborg.

Update: (12:28, 24.07.05, snx)
You can now download yesterday'S webcast: AmiGBG-2005-Webcast.mp3 (28 MB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 11:58] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)

NewGUI with forced themes
The themes introduced last week are now available for older applications, too. NewGUI can now display a uniform look via global configuration.
more ... (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 11:42] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

Interview with Michael Böhmer (E3B)
Under the title link you can find an interview with Michael Böhmer whose company E3B is especially known for its USB solutions for the Commodore Amiga. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 10:29] [Comments: 0]
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Spiegel Online

Spiegel Online: handicraft enthusiast reanimates C64
Under the title link does (German) Spiegel Online report about the US american developer Jeri Ellsworth (C64DTV). Also mentioned because of the C-One and his C64 extensions is Jens Schönfeld from Individual Computers. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 10:22] [Comments: 0]
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#morphos (ANF)

MorphOS: detailed Blender screenshot
In the course of the MorphOS port of the 3D render software Blender Guillaume Roguez is working on ( reported) is a new screenshot available that shows much more details: blender1.png. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 10:17] [Comments: 0]
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Patric Klöter (ANF)

Happy Birthday, Amiga!
20 years ago the Amiga was shown to the world public. As representative for all the "crazy ones" who still can't get away from the world's best computer system we let our reader Patric Klöter speak who indeed did write a n anniversary :

"Happy Birthday, dear Amiga! Today, 20 years ago, you were shown for the first time to the world public and it was in the New York Lincoln Center. Andy Warhol, Debby Harry and many other famous people were there to see your birth as first of all multimedia machines. In Deinen ersten Lebensabschnitten hast Du große Erfolge gefeiert, gefolgt vom Verlust Deiner Mutter, Commodore, und Deines Vaters, Jay Miner im Jahre 1994. Als Waise fandest Du Zuflucht bei Petro Tyschtschenko, der Dir im Sommer 1995 ein neues Zuhause bieten konnte.

Weltweit millionenfach verkauft, kannst Du zwar heute keine wirtschaftlichen Erfolge mehr feiern, aber die vielen Freunde, welche Dir beiseite standen, sind geblieben. Auch heute noch kümmern sich viele Amiganer rund um den Globus um Deine Gesundheit und haben es auch geschafft, Dir in fremden Welten ein Zuhause zu geben. Dir, lieber Amiga, wünsche ich noch ein schönes, erfülltes, langes, digitales Leben in der Welt der Bits und Bytes. Du hast es Dir verdient!

And don't forget: Good friends are the most important thing in the world!

Your friend Patric" (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 00:14] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRemix: 12 new songs offers remixes of Amiga games soundtracks as MP3 files for download. Since our last posting were twelve new songs added, a list of the new songs can be found under the title link. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 00:07] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox: status update of the "Dragon" turbo card
Elbox announce on their website the arrival of the first "ColdFire 5475" processors in their finalk version already some days ago (until now the "engineering version" PCF5475 was used).

The processor cards with the new processor versions arrived today at the developers. A picture of the new processor card can be found on the website of Elbox. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 23. Jul. 2005, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Hyperion publishes Bonus-Pack "20 Years Amiga"
Leuven, Belgium - 22. July 2005

Hyperion presents you an improved intuition.library as well as several new "Themes" as a little gift for registered users according to the forthcoming 20th anniversary of the Amiga. more ... (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2005, 15:25] [Comments: 0]
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22.Jul.2005 (Webseite)

Candy Factory 2: Preview presentation on AmiGBG- and AmiWest-Show
After buying the rights of Candy Factory by ZeoNeo in March 2003 tomorrow there will be a preview of the new version 2 for AmigaOS4 on the events of AmiGBG (Göteborg/Sweden) and AmiWest (Sacramento/USA).
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2005, 13:05] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

MorphOS: Version 1.5 of the Autodoc-Viewer "minad" Released
The program "minad," a minimalistic Autodoc-viewer by Rupert Hausberger, has reached version 1.5 for AmigaOS 3.x and MorphOS. A new development is the switch for elimination of the filters, to this end the use of the filters is now implemented automatically with the command "OpenAll."

Download: minad-morphos.lha (54 KB) (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 21. Jul. 2005, 15:24] [Comments: 0]
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Gunnar von Boehn (ANF)

AWeb: MorphOS Version 3.5.06 RC
Gunnar von Boehn has compiled the current version (3.5.06) of the AWeb web-browser for MorphOS, wherewith this is now at the same position as the release candidates for AmigaOS/68k and AmigaOS4.

Please note that this is only about a release candidate, not a final version. Bug reports are solicited.

To install, unpack the archive and start the installer (for installation of the configuration), then AWeb itself.

The archive contains:
  • The required Class Act classes
  • AmiSSL for the SSL support
  • A Flash-player (standalone, because the AWeb Flash-plugin is not ready yet)
  • Icons and diverse settings

Download: AWEB3506rc-MOS.tgz (2,2 MB) (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 21. Jul. 2005, 11:29] [Comments: 0]
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21.Jul.2005 (Webseite)

Mediator: Update of the TV Tuner Controller TvR to Version 2.8
The program TvR by Robert Krajcarz (screenshot) has reached version 2.8. With this software a PCI TV tuner card may be controlled in conjunction with the use of a Mediator board.

To itemize, TvR makes possible the searching of Radio/TV signals, the creation of a TV program list, the configuring of the TV picture (brightness, contrast, color saturation), the changing of channels, the size-altering of the TV window (from 10% to full-screen), the selection of the video source (TV, Cinch, SVHS), the sound selection (mono, stereo) and the volume. In full-screen mode OSD (On Screen Display) is offered for the selected functions. The freezing and saving of the TV picture is also offered. The user may control these by GUI, keystrokes, or remote control.

As of version 2.8, video sequences may also now be saved, to this end tool-types of the program icons are supported. Beyond that, there's a change to the mute function in the main window.

tvr28.lha (68 KB)
tvr_skins.lha (1,5 MB)
tvr_skinkit.lha (29 KB) (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 21. Jul. 2005, 10:22] [Comments: 0]
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Scalos: Translation kit
Today a translation kit for the Workbench replacement scalos has been released. It includes the catalogue data of all scalos compounds and thus, facilitates the adaptation to further languages. Please send back all done catalogue files for additional languages.

Download: ScalosTranslation.lha (242 KB) (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 20. Jul. 2005, 22:45] [Comments: 0]
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MUI: MiniMailer.mcc V20.0 released
Alfonso Ranieri released with MiniMailer.mcc V 20.0 an update of his MUI class to send emails. It to obtain from the title link. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 20. Jul. 2005, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Software updates by Alfonso Ranieri

blanky 1.9
Blanky is a DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling) screen saver.

lola 1.2
A tiny commodity to send emails instantly.

mfkey 1.9
The commodity mfkey assigns defined functions to keys.

MiniMailer.mcc 20.0
MiniMailer is a MUI class to send emails. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 20. Jul. 2005, 21:47] [Comments: 0]
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20.Jul.2005 summer break until 21.08.2005, some services unavailable
Like every year, the team takes a break. This time, the comments section will be unavailable until 21st of August. Other services will not be affected, news will be published as usual. (nba) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 20. Jul. 2005, 14:22] [Comments: 0]
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20.Jul.2005 is looking for freelancers for the English section
The staff is looking for editorial freelancers to increase the English section of the site. The requirements for this non-profit work are a fluent English and German as well as the readiness to induct into our online editorial system. If we gained your interest, don't hesitate to contact Nico Barbat by email. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 20. Jul. 2005, 14:22] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: Status update July 19, 2005


Darius Brewka is currently porting the start menu AmiStart to AROS (screenshot 1, 2).
more ... (snx)

[News message: 19. Jul. 2005, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Commodore Vegas Expo
The "Commodore Vegas Expo" will take place from July 30th to 31st, 2005, in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA). Among the presentation of various Commodore and Amiga computers several speeches and a tombola will be arranged. The entry is free, dealers won't pay fees for their booths. (cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 19. Jul. 2005, 19:36] [Comments: 0]
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Ghostscript update: novels and pamphlets print
A further update for AFPL Ghostscript gives the possibility for novels and pamphlets print: four document pages are printed on one sheet (two on the frontside, two on the backside). more ... (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 19:12] [Comments: 0]
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Neo (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: beat'em up "Beats of Rage"
Juha Niemimaki ported the beat'em up Beats of Rage to AmigaOS 4. In addition to the Amiga archive (title link) you need the games data archive: (60 MB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 18:43] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRemix: 12 new songs added is a website where remixes of Amiga games soundtracks are made available for download as MP3 files. Since our last report were twelve new songs added and became part of the data base. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 11:08] [Comments: 0]
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Worm Wars version 8.3b for Amiga and Windows released
Amigan Software released version 8.3b of the Snake clone Worm Wars. The source codes for SAS/C and StormC are part of the archive.

Amiga-Version WormWars.lha - 686 KB
Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP/2003: - 653 KB (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 11:02] [Comments: 0]
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NewGUI: a look at enhanced functions
Among other links on the NewGUI homepage gives this link a first glance at the enhanced functions of the NewGui themes. more ... (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 10:54] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

SN-ListDatei v1.2 - webmaster update
There's a new version of SN-ListDatei available on the homepage. SN-ListDatei lists all files of a directory including all sub-directories with date and file size. more ... (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 10:50] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (website)

Aladdin 4D: sales offer to open source developers
After the attempt of a sale by auction of the rights of the 3D package Aladdin 4D does Nova Design now offer it to the general public: if the required 37.579,83 US dollars should come together (according to a company's statement these are only used to pay old bills) would the source code, all documentation, projects and manuals as well as trade mark and graphics become open source. Aladdin 4D is written in C. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 07:46] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

Box wallpapers with Commodore and AROS theme
Following the title link you can find adaptations of the MorphOS box wallpapers for Commodore and AROS. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2005, 07:22] [Comments: 0]
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