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Aminet-Uploads until 25.08.2012
The following files have been added until 25.08.2012 to the Aminet:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2012, 19:26] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 25.08.2012
The following files have been added until 25.08.2012 to the OS4Depot:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2012, 19:26] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 25.08.2012
The following files have been added until 25.08.2012 to the AROS-Archives:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2012, 19:25] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Files-Uploads until 25.08.2012
The following files have been added until 25.08.2012 to the MorphOS-Files:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2012, 19:25] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packages until 25.08.2012
With WHDLoad you can install games, demos and intros which originally had to be used from disks on your harddrive. The following installation packages have been added: more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2012, 19:25] [Comments: 0]
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AmiWest 2012: Hyperion, A-EON and AmigaKit, seminar "AmigaOS 4-Programmierung"
According to the organizer of the AmiWest 2012 (18.-21. October, Sacramento) Hyperion (represented by AmigaOS 4 team leader Steven Solie), A-EON (Trevor Dickinson) und AmigaKit will attend the event. Dickinson has announced that something "major" was planned for the event.

Steven Solie will be leading the first ever AmigaOS Programming Seminar in conjunction with AmiWest 2012. Further information are available on a separate site. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2012, 20:01] [Comments: 0]
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25.Aug.2012 (Webseite)

Sirena AHIW 1.40 (AmigaOS 4, MorphOS, Windows)
Sirena AHIW is a programm for doing simple picture editing (screenshot).

Version 1.40 is available for AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and Windows. Now thumbnail button was added and the programm can work on a full screen or a window screen. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2012, 18:49] [Comments: 0]
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24.Aug.2012 (Webseite)

AROS: Patch 02 for Icaros Desktop 1.4.5
With this second patch for version 1.4.5 of the AROS-distribution Icaros Desktop the included system files are updated. Icaros now plays a "Startup-Sound". There are a preference programm as well as two AROS-Startup-Sounds composed by Stuart Duffield for it. Additionally version 0.83 of the text editor NoWinEd is included. more ... (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2012, 16:41] [Comments: 0]
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24.Aug.2012 (Webseite)

Sam440ep-flex: Firmware U-Boot 1.3.1e
ACube has published an update of the firmware for the Sam440ep-flex which now supports the IDE-controler of the IDE-/SATA-controler (VIA VT6421). (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2012, 16:27] [Comments: 0]
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21.Aug.2012 (Webseite)

Videos from Commodore Vegas Expo (28./29. July, Las Vegas)
On 28th and 29th July the "Commodore Vegas Expo" took place in Las Vegas. Meanwhile some videos from the event are available:

R.J. Mical gives his greetings to the attendees (Youtube)
Demonstration: Printing with Commodore 64 and a HP Deskjet (, requires Flash) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 21. Aug. 2012, 00:11] [Comments: 0]
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20.Aug.2012 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Shareware board game Ami-Ingenious
Ami-Ingenious (screenshot) is a computer game of the board game Ingenious. The Shareware version includes requesters. A keyfile is available for 1,50 Euro. As soon as more than 30 Euro will have been earned by registrations, Ami-Ingenious will become Freeware. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2012, 16:51] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Schönweiß (ANF)

AROS: 68k-Distribution AROS Vision 1.5.3
Olaf Schönweiß has updated his AROS/68k-distribution. It is a mix of AROS and AmigaOS software (English tutorial). Version 1.5.3 includes an unregistered version of WHDLoad. Real Amiga-Kickstart-ROMs must be installed by the user. more ... (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2012, 15:50] [Comments: 0]
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binaryriot (ANF)

MorphOS: Keyboard layout switcher Keymap.sbar 20.17
Christian Rosentreter's "Keymap.sbar" for MorphOS 2/3 is an extension for the screen title bar and allows you to quickly choose between different keyboard layouts. more ... (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2012, 15:43] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Magazine: Preview of Amiga Future 98
A preview of issue 98 (September/October 2012) of the Amiga Future is online. Highlights in this issue are reports on MorphOS 3.1, AROS Vision and X-bEnCh. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Aug. 2012, 15:36] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 18.08.2012
The following archives have been uploaded until 18.08.2012 to the Aminet:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2012, 06:28] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 18.08.2012
The following archives have been uploaded until 18.08.2012 to the OS4Depot:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2012, 06:28] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 18.08.2012
The following package has been uploaded until 18.08.2012 to the AROS-Archives:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2012, 06:28] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Files-Uploads until 18.08.2012
The following archives have been uploaded until 18.08.2012 to the MorphOS-Files:
more ... (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Aug. 2012, 06:28] [Comments: 0]
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18.Aug.2012 (Forum)

Event: Speech of Bil Herd at the VCF East 8.0
At the Vintage Computer Festival East 8.0 which took place on 5th/6th May in Wall, New Jersey, USA, the hardware developer Bil Herd (C128, Plus 4) reported on his occupational activity for Commodore. Under the title link you can find the video of his speech. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 18. Aug. 2012, 07:16] [Comments: 0]
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