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6 Messages found

Video player: Amos Anim Player v2025 (24. Jan. 2025)
The "Amos Anim Player" of the group "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP" is a very simple IFF-ANIM player that runs on any Amiga. It can play compressed IFF-Anim formats synchronised with a separate IFF Audio Sample (or MOD) ( reported). The latest ve...

Video player: Amos Anim Player V2023.08.12 (12. Aug. 2023)
The "Amos Anim Player" of the group "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP" is a very simple IFF-ANIM player that runs on any Amiga. It can play compressed IFF-Anim formats synchronised with a separate IFF Audio Sample (or MOD) ( reported). Changes since our ...

Video player: Amos Anim Player v2023.07.30 (30. Jul. 2023)
The "Amos Anim Player" of the group "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP" is a very simple IFF-ANIM player that runs on any Amiga. It can play compressed IFF-Anim formats synchronised with a separate IFF Audio Sample (or MOD) ( reported). In the current ...

Video player: Amos Anim Player V2023.06.14 (16. Jun. 2023)
The "Amos Anim Player" of the group "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP" is a very simple IFF-ANIM player that runs on any Amiga. It can play compressed IFF-Anim formats synchronised with a separate IFF Audio Sample (or MOD) ( reported). In the current ...

Videoplayer: Amos Anim Player V2023.06.08 (09. Jun. 2023)
The "Amos Anim Player" of the group "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP" is a very simple IFF-ANIM player that runs on any Amiga. It can play compressed IFF-Anim formats synchronised with a separate IFF Audio Sample (or MOD) ( reported). To reduce the a...

Video player: Amos Anim Player V2023.05.16 (17. May. 2023)
The "Amos Anim Player" of the group "ELECTRIC BLACK SHEEP" is a very simple IFF-ANIM player that runs on any Amiga. It can play compressed IFF-Anim formats synchronised with a separate IFF Audio Sample (or MOD). Not much RAM is needed, as the anim frames ...

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