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Petro Tyschtschenko obviously sells his Walker prototype (07. Jun. 2015)
According to rumours in several forums, Petro Tyschtschenko offers the last Walker prototype - the other model he sold to Nicholas Blachford long ago - for sale via Facebook. The entry on Facebook is not generally accessible. Therefore currently there are...

Amiga Walker: Prototype for sale (01. Aug. 2011)
Over one of the two prototypes of the Walker is for sale. This is the last Amiga model which should become the next model after the Amiga 1200 during the Escom time. Jason McMullan who is one of the main developer of AROS/68k has offered to s...

"Walker" website updated (19. May. 2004)
Nicholas Blachford managed to boot his Amiga prototype "Walker". He added a few screenshots from the machine to his website. ...

ARC 2002 News: Thendic France biggest exhibitor (25. Nov. 2002)
Thendic France has increased their exhibition area, making themselves the biggest exhibitor of AMIGA + RETRO COMPUTING 2002. The reason for this extension is the amount of computers that they are presenting. Visitors of the show have the opportunity to...

Event: Pictures of visit to "BeGeistert" in Düsseldorf (20. Oct. 2002)
Here is a selection of the pictures that have been taken today by Petra Struck on the BeOS event BeGeistert. Mainly, of course, pictures of the Pegasos/MorphOS and Walker presentations, which btw may be repeated on Sunday morning if required. An extensive...

Event: additional information about the Pegasos presentation at the "BeGeistert" (19. Oct. 2002)
As reported already yesterday is the "BeGeistert" taking place today and tomorrow in Düsseldorf. Following the title link you'll find information regarding the exact place and a plan showing the way there. The admission is 10 Euros. From our yesterd...

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