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Aracade classic: Elevator Action for AGA Amigas (13. Sep. 2024)
After the publication of two preview videos ( reported), the first playable version of Jean-François 'jotd' Fabre's Amiga port of the Taito arcade classic Elevator Action is now available for AGA Amigas. Currently music and sound FX are still...

Preview video: Amiga port of arcade classic Elevator playable (09. Sep. 2024)
In addition to an Amiga port of Galaga, Jean-François 'jotd' Fabre is also working on a conversion of Taito's arcade classic Elevator Action ( reported). The video now published under the title link shows that, apart from a few graphic errors...

Preview video: Amiga port of arcade classic Elevator Action in development (03. Sep. 2024)
After Jean-François 'jotd' Fabre had collected all his previous arcade ports at the end of May and released them for the CD32, he is now working on an Amiga port of Galaga as well as a conversion of Taito's arcade classic Elevator Action: as an agent, you...

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