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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Shoot'em up: Third demo version of Jackal
NeesoGames had recently announced an amiga version of the game Jackal originally published by Konami in 1986 and had already released two demo versions. Now a third demo version of the game created with the Scorpion Engine is available. The changes:
    • fully working menu including intro with music (wait 7 seconds to see the intro)
    • updated credits
    • 2 mission complete screens (depends on the powerup you have at the end of the level)
    • mission results screen
    • loading indicator
    • updated music (THANKS JMD!)

    • fixed collisions with rocks
    • tileset dept (can drive behind palms or walls)
    • animated shooting turrets
    • all powerups implemented ('nade > missile > side explosions > cross explosions)
    • deploy pows to copter
    • complete basic boss fight (still a bit buggy but fully playable)
    • a lot of optimizations and bug fixes

    • proper score/highscore calculation and display
    • regular pows
    • copter fly away when all pows are saved

[News message: 04. Nov. 2021, 06:46] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: FTP-Server 'ZitaFTP' 1.30
Hans de Ruiter has released version 1.30 of his commercial FTP server 'ZitaFTP'. He wrote:

"I have a new ZitaFTP Server update for you. This one has a major new feature that's almost invisible (and that's by design). The new feature is: countermeasures against password cracking. It's designed to keep hackers out of your server and your machine, keeping your files safe.

More specifically, it protects against brute-force and dictionary type password cracking attempts. These attempts involve repeatedly trying different username and password combinations until they finally stumble on one that gets them in. It may sound impractical, but remember that these attacks are automated. Without any countermeasures, many password combinations could be attempted automatically per-second. ZitaFTP Server's password cracking prevention slows down and locks out would-be hackers, thereby keeping your files safe.

ZitaFTP Server is currently designed to be an easy to use private network server. It's perfectly capable of being an internet facing FTP server, but deliberately haven't added that ability to the UI. That's because the internet is a risky neighbourhood.

In the physical world, thieves can rattle windows and doors at night, looking for one that's loose (had that happen in Toronto one night). If they find a loose one, they sneak in. Well, on the internet the entire globe is your neighbourhood. Every single computer on the internet could potentially communicate with your internet facing server, meaning that good, bad, and downright evil people could all potentially come knocking, or rattling your server's virtual windows.

I simply wasn't comfortable adding internet server features to the UI without some kind of countermeasures against hacking attempts. The countermeasures are now here, so adding UI features to make setting up a full internet facing FTP server will be next (e.g., handling an external domain & TLS certificate)."

A single license of 'ZitaFTP Server' is available for about 47 Euro. The program can be tested for free for 30 days. (dr)

[News message: 04. Nov. 2021, 05:55] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4.1: DvPlayer V54.7 released
Already for the AmiWest 2021 a new version of the video and audio playback program DvPlayer distributed by A-EON Technology should be available. As of today, version 54.7 is indeed available:

According to the description, the new version supports the new hardware video acceleration standard introduced with Enhancer Software V2. (dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2021, 15:43] [Comments: 0]
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Encryption protocol: AmiSSL 4.11 (AmigaOS 3/4)
Version 4.11 of the open source encryption protocol AmiSSL provides the latest root-certificates as well as some bug fixes. Detailed changelog:
  • Updated root certificates to latest Mozilla-based bundle provided by dated 26.10.2021
  • Legacy entropy generation is now faster on OS3 machines, with the removal of delays caused by using the vblank timer, which typically causes AmiSSL to initialise 2 seconds faster
  • Fixed legacy entropy generation to correctly use an entropy factor of 4, as originally intended, which was broken since AmiSSL 4.3
  • Entropy generation now uses SHA-256 instead of SHA-1
  • Tweaked OS4 memory allocations to not be locked
  • Fixed issues when redirecting OpenSSL tool output to a file
  • Added Ctrl-C break detection to the OpenSSL tool
  • OS4 binaries now stripped further with --strip-unneeded-rel-relocs

[News message: 31. Oct. 2021, 11:27] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 30.10.2021
The following files have been added until 30.10.2021 to Aminet:
asm3210.lha              dev/asm    154K      Cross assembler for DSP3210 c...
evo.lha                  dev/e      603K  68k E-VO: Amiga E Evolution
HWP_RapaGUI.lha          dev/hwood  7.2M  MOS Cross-platform GUI toolkit fo...
REDPILLGameCreator.lha   dev/misc   2.2M  68k Game Creator with AGA support
Maestix.lha              driver/aud 96K   68k MaestroPro driver + AHI driver
SonnetLibrary.lha        driver/oth 412K  68k Driver for G3/G4 PCI cards
jfsw.lha                 game/shoot 1.7M  68k Shadow Warrior Amiga Port
nblood.lha               game/shoot 1.0M  68k Blood Amiga Port
darkest-hour.lha         game/text  44K   MOS Old-fashioned text adventure ...
impiccatogame.lha        game/wb    262K  68k Impiccato game
BackdPattGener.lha       gfx/edit   51K   68k Create your own backdrop patt...
mandel_dsp.lha           gfx/fract  23K   68k Mandelbrot generator for DSP3...
MysticView.lha           gfx/show   311K  68k RTG datatype picture viewer
AmiVms.lha               misc/emu   3.2M  68k Simulates OpenVMS commands
bas2tap.i386-aros.lha    misc/emu   111K  x86 Sinclair BASIC file to TAP co...
shorttunes.lha           mods/pro   37K       Protracker modules by Omen
sweet_reggae.lha         mods/pro   97K       Protracker module by Omen
Venomen.lha              mods/pro   95K       Protracker module by Omen
MMV8_Complete.lha        mus/edit   1.7M  68k MusicMaker V8 Version 3.0 (Co...
siddump.i386-aros.lha    mus/misc   106K  x86 C64 music debug output utility
hippoplayerupdate.lha    mus/play   280K  68k Updated HippoPlayer, a module...
MMV8_Player.lha          mus/play   33K   68k MusicMaker V8 Player
z802tzx.i386-aros.lha    util/conv  183K  x86 TZX Tape
HuntnGather.lha          util/dir   171K  68k File indexing and search util...
PicDTBench.lha           util/dtype 26K   MOS Benchmark picture.datatype im...
WarpPSDdt.lha            util/dtype 71K   WOS Adobe Photoshop® datatype V45.7
AmiSSL-4.11.lha          util/libs  5.7M  OS4 OpenSSL as an Amiga shared li...
fpu512.lha               util/moni  16K   68k FPU 'benchmark' for fast systems
AnalogClock.lha          util/time  38K   68k Analog transparent clock for ...

[News message: 31. Oct. 2021, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 30.10.2021
The following files have been added until 30.10.2021 to OS4Depot:
libcurl.lha              dev/lib 2Mb   4.1 The multiprotocol file transfer ...
curl.lha                 net/mis 2Mb   4.1 Command line URL file transfer
mediavault.lha           net/mis 2Mb   4.1 Discover online radio stations a...
hbecard.lha              uti/mis 4Mb   4.0 This little happy birthday elect...

[News message: 31. Oct. 2021, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 30.10.2021
The following files have been added until 30.10.2021 to MorphOS-Storage:
Multimediatags.lha        Audio/Misc                Dump meta data from sou...
HWP_RapaGUI_2.1.lha       Development/Hollywood/... A cross-platform GUI to...
HappyBirthday_eCard_1.... Misc                      Little happy birthday e...
PicDTBench_1.2.lha        System/Benchmark          Benchmark picture.datat...
WarpPSDdt_45.7.lha        System/Datatypes          Adobe Photoshop? dataty...

[News message: 31. Oct. 2021, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

AmigaRemix: Further file added
AmigaRemix collects remixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games. Since our last news-item, the following mp3 file has been added:
  • Hired Guns (Awesome Megablast)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2021, 07:12] [Comments: 0]
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Carlos Peris (Mail)

Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.2
RedPill, developed by Carlos Peris, is a game construction kit written in Amiblitz 3.8, which allows the development of games from various genres (see short tests of two Redpill games). RedPill is compatible with AGA and ECS, the "player" for playing the finished creations requires a total of 1.5 MB RAM.

Regarding the major jump from the previous version 0.8.13 to the latest 0.9.1, we have asked the author for some additional information which he kindly provided:

"Version 0.9 is a big step forward in the game creator progress, not just for the number of features that have been added but because it makes game development easier than before which is why Redpill exists in the first place. For each level you can define the music to play, the transition effects, the background to use and a lot more things. Before you had to use some triggers to set up these values per level as they were set up only for the project. Adding and browsing objects and tiles is much easier with the shortcuts added in the screens, editing levels if faster now (YouTube video).

The performance has also improved as has the compatibility with 68000 cpus (older versions required a 68020). The audio engine now uses PHX library which means that you have music and sounds at the same time without using a 3 channels mod.The sprite layer support is much better now, supporting 16 colors layer (instead of 4 color) and setting it up in the background or the foreground of the screen (YouTube video). When running in AGA, games use 24bit color precission and gradients even if the game is ECS. There are many other fixes and improvements thanks to the feedback from users.

These are two YouTube example tutorials showing how to do some type of games, and how fast is to get results: Currently some games are in developemnt: A lot of effort has been put into this rekease, I hope the Amigans enjoy it".

Update: (04.11.21, 20:40, dr)

Meanwhile version 0.9.2 is available on Aminet which mainly fixes bugs. (dr)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2021, 06:30] [Comments: 0]
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