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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Aminet uploads until 13.11.2021
The following files have been added until 13.11.2021 to Aminet:
MAXsTelnet.lha           comm/maxs  330K      How to use MAXsBBS with telnet
Andy_and_Blondie.lha     demo/intro 61K       64K intro
Mattonite.lha            game/actio 972K  68k Arkanoid like PAL game almost...
TilesSlide.lha           game/actio 71K   68k Align 3-4 tiles of the same c...
Abu_Simbel_Profan_-TF... game/misc  7.9M  68k Abu Simbel Profanation The Fu...
Umoria.lha               game/role  765K  MOS Robert A. Koeneke's classic r...
AmiDuke_AGA.lha          game/shoot 726K  68k Amiga port of Duke Nukem 3D
jfsw.lha                 game/shoot 1.7M  68k Shadow Warrior Amiga Port
darkest-hour.i386-aro... game/text  88K   x86 Old-fashioned text adventure ...
bas2tap-mos.lha          misc/emu   100K  MOS Sinclair BASIC file to TAP co...
Euro-Update.lha          misc/os    424K      Official Euro-Update for Amig...
MMV8_Complete.lha        mus/edit   1.7M  68k MusicMaker V8 Version 3.0 (Co...
SamplesCreator.lha       mus/edit   40K   68k Samples creation and saving
SamplesCreatorDemos.lha  mus/misc   172K      Some samples created by Sampl...
MMV8_Player.lha          mus/play   34K   68k MusicMaker V8 Player
Tama_Backdrops.lha       pix/back   249K      AOS 3.2 dark themed WB backdrop
StandardMagicWB.lha      pix/mwb    2.4M      Standardised MagicWB Icon Set
BNumsRTGPack.lha         pix/theme  26M   68k Birdie Num Nums RTG Themes Pa...
MCP133b1.lha             util/cdity 517K  68k THE Ultimate WB Enchancer!
RxEnv.lha                util/rexx  36K   68k ARexx development tools
xvslibrary.lha           util/virus 100K  68k External Virus Scanner Librar...
GTPropPatch.lha          util/wb    4K    68k Enables PROPNEWLOOK knobs/scr...
RandomBackdrop.lha       util/wb    8.2M  68k Up to 255 random backdrops wi...

[News message: 14. Nov. 2021, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 13.11.2021
The following files have been added until 13.11.2021 to OS4Depot:
nmtm.lzx                 gam/adv 20Mb  4.0 Point and click adventure game
chwiloka.lha             gam/puz 8Mb   4.1 Memory game

[News message: 14. Nov. 2021, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 13.11.2021
The following files have been added until 13.11.2021 to MorphOS-Storage:
ModExplorerNG.lha         Audio/Players             A module player by J?rg.
RxEnv_1.2.lha             Development/Arexx         ARexx development tools
SDL_2.0.16_Libraries.lha  Development/Library       All Libraries SDL 2.0.1...
bas2tap_2.6.lha           Emulation/Misc            Sinclair BASIC file to ...
EasyRPG_Player_0.7.0.lha  Emulation                 A program that allows t...
REminiscence_0.4.9.lha    Games/Adventure           REminiscence is a re-im...
ScummVM_2.6.0GIT.lha      Games/Adventure           2D Point-and-Click adve...
SpaceCadetPinball.lha     Games/Misc                Decompilation of 3D Pin...
Umoria_5.7.15.lha         Games/Role                Robert A. Koeneke's cla...
PassPocket_1.1.lha        Misc                      Password manager utility

[News message: 14. Nov. 2021, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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Graphics card: Status update on the ZZ9000
In 2018 the ZZ9000 as the successor of the FPGA-based and open source Zorro II/III compatible graphics board MNT VA2000 could be preordered. The ZZ9000 combines a RTG graphics board, AGA scandoubler and network card equipped with two 666-MHz-ARM coprocessors for applications demanding high processing power like accelerated graphic rendering or JPEG and MP3 decoding. Besides, an USB port provides support for USB mass storages.

Now on the product site the following statement was published: "Due to the global chip shortage, we have decided to stop selling ZZ9000 temporarily. We have preordered all necessary parts to build and ship all existing orders. The current shipping target for 92% of existing orders is January 2022 and the rest in March 2022. Thank you for your patience and support." (dr)

[News message: 14. Nov. 2021, 07:21] [Comments: 0]
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Tools for ARexx development: RxEnv V1.2
At the beginning of September we reported on Carl Svensson's project RxEnv which is supposed to add a 'REPL' to the ARexx development environment.
REPL is for 'Read, Eval, Print, Loop' and offers the option to enter any ARexx code in an interactive window and get immediately response. This might be helpful to find bugs in the code (see this article).

His intension and the story of his project, Svensson has explained in his article The Joy Of Limitations: Writing an ARexx REPL in ARexx. Now he has released version 1.2 of RxEnv with the following changes:
  • Implemented immediate mode in the REPL.
  • If an error occurs, rxpp now exits with return code 20 instead of return code 1.
  • Added malloc() checks to rxpp.
  • Added the pprx script.
  • Minor cleanups in REPL code.

[News message: 13. Nov. 2021, 08:43] [Comments: 0]
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New preview video: Souverän Soccer
Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßener (Wings Remastered, MiniGL4GL4ES, Tower 57) is working on a soccer game with 3D view called "Souverän Soccer" ( reported) which is supposed to run on unaccelerated Amiga 1200 and CD32 with 50 fps.

Meanwhile the author has published the 20. preview video from which here two screenshots have been taken:

The crowd asset is a temporary placeholder, taken from Super Soccer (SNES). About the history of the game the author wrote:
"Around 1994 or so, when I lived in Ecuador, my friend Patricio Maldo and I were pretty much the only Amiga users all around, everybody else was into PC. Therefore software supply was pretty bad and we usually had to wait until the next trip to Germany to stock up.

Although I actually hate soccer, we both spent hours over hours with the soccer management simulations "Starbyte Super Soccer" and "Bundesliga Manager Pro" (and he constantly beating me ;) ). Our verdict was clear: Starbyte had the more interesting features whereas Bundesliga Manager had the superior presentation with its great goal sequences.

What we wanted was a mixture of both, so I started coding one. I'm pretty sure it was Patricio who came up with the name "Souverän!".

Back then I used GFA Basic on my A500 with 1MB. By the time it was pretty cool, had lots of advanced features, but the primary reason for using it was: I simply had nothing else ;)

For the goal sequences I came up with something special: SNES Super Formation Soccer like 3D view! I had seen this in an issue of the german games mag "VideoGames", used those mags a lot for inspiration. Well, it was not fullscreen, of course, limited to 4 color IIRC, consisting out of some 10 precalculated base pictures (thanks to DeluxePaint's 3D functions) and parallax scrolling chunks of 5 rows of pixels or so. Was actually pretty cool nevertheless :)

Unfortunately I ran into some RAM limitations at some point, IIRC it was some issue with GFA Basic itself, something like no more arrays available or so, so the project died when it was already fairly advanced.

So, this here is a tribute to this project from ~25 years ago :)." (dr)

[News message: 09. Nov. 2021, 06:23] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: FS-UAE 3.1
The author Frode Solheim wrote:
"While I'm primarily working on FS-UAE & Launcher 4, I've seen the need to do some updates to version 3 as well. Especially for macOS users where 3.0.5 is not working very well on the latest macOS releases. But it has useful fixes for other platforms as well, including a fix for using .lha archives on Windows and a compatibility fix for using QEMU-UAE on recent Linux distros. I haven't announced version 3.1 on yet, among other things because I don't have installers prepared yet, and I also haven't had time to make sure that FS-UAE Arcade runs correctly. Apologies for not having a more smooth upgrade path, but I simply haven't had time.

I have made a post over at the English Amiga Board with links to FS-UAE & Launcher version 3.1. I recommend that most users using 3.0.5 upgrade to this version." (dr)

[News message: 09. Nov. 2021, 05:50] [Comments: 0]
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1 123 240 ... <- 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 -> ... 260 1025 1796

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