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AmiTube 1.2: YouTube client for all Amiga systems
Marcus 'ALB42' Sackrow's AmiTube enables watching YouTube videos on an 68k Amiga. They are converted to Commodore's CDXL format and downloaded.

With version 1.2 released today, a play list like feature, introduced some days ago, for playing the downloaded movies automatically or by random or in a loop was added ( reported). Additionally, AmiTube now can manage multiple move directories. Changes:
  • Bugfix for fancy list text printing
  • play list with wait screen
  • open own directories with movies in play list
  • close requester
  • restore splitter position on start
  • multiple movie directories via icon tooltypes
  • choose default directory via menu
The current version can be downloaded from the AmiTube website or installed via the update check in AmiTube. (dr)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2022, 20:27] [Comments: 0]
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Gaming on AmigaOS 4 (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: First beta version of Doom 3 port
Hugues 'HunoPPC' Nouvel is in the process of porting Dhewm3 - based on the Doom 3 GPL source code, to AmigaOS 4.1 and has released a first beta version 1.5.2b1 (recent YouTube video). Requirements:
The source code is available on GitHub. (dr)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2022, 16:16] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator for MacOS: vAmiga 2.1b4
By releasing version 2.0 ( reported), developer Dirk Hoffmann has started the beta phase of version 2.1 of his Amiga emulator vAmiga for MacOS and yesterday released the fourth beta version. Changes:
  • Added support for ECS Denise (SuperHires modes)
macOS 10.15 or higher is required. (dr)

[News message: 08. Jul. 2022, 22:23] [Comments: 0]
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Erik Hogan

Game Construction Kit: Scorpion Engine V2022.5
The "Scorpion Engine" developed by Erik 'earok' Hogan allows you to develop games. The engine itself is closed source, all demos and example games are open source. The editor runs under Windows. Graphics are imported as PNG files, levels created by using the editor Tiled eingesetzt. For importing and creating sounds, music and animations the Amiga formats (mod, 8svx, anim5) are used.

A few moments ago he has relesaed version 2022.5. Among others it includes expanded control of sound tones, a new parallax demo, editor improvements for easier development, the ability to swap level backgrounds on the fly, bug fixes and more.

You can support the developer on his Patreon website. (dr)

[News message: 08. Jul. 2022, 13:16] [Comments: 0]
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Gunnar von Boehn

Apollo Space Invaders: Eighth developer version of the remake
Arne von Boehn is writing a Space Invaders remake in 68K assembler on a Vampire4 standalone ( reported). Besides a new preview video there is also a new developer version for testing.

As Gunnar explains, the game is playable, but not yet finished. Arne has now added the 2-player mode, which still needs to be refined. Likewise, work continues on the UFOs: if they were hit, extras will be dropped in the future, such as alien freeze, extra life, quick shot, quick reload, repair bunker, shield, etc. All graphics are made by Kevin Saunders. In addition, the bunker damage will be improved and drawn in more detail, as well as the sound effects refined.

The game uses true colors and runs at 60 frames per second. The Super-AGA chipset and the AMMX instruction set are required. In the end, the game should run on both the Vampire V2 and V4.

Download: ARNEINVADER8.exe (52 MB) (dr)

[News message: 08. Jul. 2022, 07:00] [Comments: 0]
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Programming language: AmiBlitz 3.9.4
At the end of March the new major version 3.9.0 of the programming language AmiBlitz was released. Yesterday a fourth update with bug fixes was released with version 3.9.4. Changes:
  • fixed: scrolling problem with vertical slider in source window
  • fixed: crash when trying to save settings from settings-window
  • fixed: setting "autolayout" was not stored correctly
  • fixed: bug in userlibs-loading routine that corrupted the internal libs list
  • improved: rawkeylib now supports NM_WHEEL_UP/NM_WHEEL_DOWN-Events sent by WinUAE that means PED supports mousewheel without any further tools like FreeWheel
  • changed: instruction browser - search for functions in includes is now switched off by default
  • changed: some default settings to better values (CON:, sourcefont)
  • added: menu items for changing the window layouts
In addition, the documentation was revised:
  • added all missing commands of windowslib to

[News message: 08. Jul. 2022, 05:53] [Comments: 0]
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Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.11
RedPill, developed by Carlos Peris, is a game construction kit written in Amiblitz 3.9, which allows the development of games from various genres (see short tests of two Redpill games). RedPill is compatible with AGA and ECS, the "player" for playing the finished creations requires a total of 1.5 MB RAM. Jens 'Farbfinsternis' Henschel has written a tutorial which he recently updated.

Changes of version 0.9.11:
  • Added new action trigger Set Cam Limits to change the bounds of camera movement.
  • Refactor of some features allows to gain 14ks of memory in most games.
  • Camera center now works correctly for reduced display sizes.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Support for games with only 2 and 4 colors.
  • Fix for freeze after making a Build.
  • Fix for the spritesheet number 9 not being exported correctly.
  • For some reason it seems display was moved one pixes to the left, this has been corrected.

[News message: 07. Jul. 2022, 17:48] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: Kung Fu action 'Devil's Temple'
Devil's Temple features 10 stages of intense arcade kung fu action based on the classic Irem games Kung Fu Master and Vigilante. Over 300 frames of animation were packed into the game and every cycle of performance was used on the Amiga A500. The game will adapt to upgrades, so additional chip ram will result in better music, AGA will provide additional colors and a greater variety of enemies in the game.

Yesterday, a new preview video was released for the game in development, allowing a brief look at each of the bonus levels in Devil's Temple. These are obtained after defeating the level 3, 6 and 9 bosses and are meant to break up the action a bit.

The game is already available for pre-order as a boxed edition. Likewise, a demo version of the first stage is available on (dr)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2022, 13:17] [Comments: 0]
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Verschlüsselungsprotokoll: AmiSSL 5.3 (AmigaOS 3/4)
Only about 14 days ago version 5.2 of the open source encryption protocol AmiSSL was released, which has now been updated to version 5.3. It is now based on OpenSSL 3.0.5, which was released just two days ago. (dr)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2022, 07:17] [Comments: 0]
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