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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Digital Almanac III: Little error inside update
Unfortunately a little error happened to find it's way into the DA III update to V4.2, which mercifully has no consequences. A file containing the Internet links for planets is missing in the archive. That causes the program to always ask for the CD-ROM.

This missing file can be downloaded: and must be copied to the 'User' directory of DA III.

The Aminet archive will be corrected and replaced at the next opportunity. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 20:38] [Comments: 0]
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CGX: Snapshots of CyberGraphX V4.3
Snapshot of RadioX on a CGX V4.3 screen [Friday 26-Oct-01] (585K)

Here is a snapshot of CyberGraphX V4.3 Workbench with most of the Multimedia software running. RadioX (under AmigaAMP), Visionary, TeleText software and the ForteMedia801 SoundMixer software. Click on the thumbnail to the left for the 1280x1024x16bit full size grab.

CyberGraphX V4.3 driving 2 screens: G-Rex [Wednesday 24-Oct-01] (492K)

Here is a picture of CyberGraphX V4.3 (not out yet) driving 2 17" Monitors. On the left is a Voodoo4 based card gfx with Workbench running Visionary with TV/Video in the background. A quick peek at RadioX. Screen #2 is on a ViRGE based card and has AmIRC and AmigaAMP running, with the same TV/Video in the background. Both screens are 1024x768x16bit and watching "The Arrival". Click on the thumbnail to the left to see the full shot. (sd)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 18:34] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Workbench: WBStartEmu V45.2b
On 25. October 2001 Stephan Rupprecht has released version 45.2b of 'WBStartEmu' being an AmigaOS V3.9 version of the 'wbstart.library'. The following has changed since version 45.2:
  • Bugfix: Now all path problems (program not found, program cannot find own icon) should be solved. Thanks to Andreas Kürzinger for testing.
  • New: Spanish translation. Thanks to D.Dominguez.
  • Changed. New version of the wbrun command with a better deficons support: Note: This is the wbrun version from AmigaOS V3.9 which does not require both, neither AmigaOS V3.9 nor 'wbstartemu'.

Download: WBStartEmu.lha (8K), Readme (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Kurtz (ANF)

The amiNET.GUI has a forum again
The amiNET.GUI has a forum, again, available via the menu item [interaktiv].

There you can ask or answer questions and discuss with people.

Unfortunately at this time there's only a German version.

At last the Spanish, Italian, and French versions of the amiNET.GUI got the category descriptions and menu texts translated. The same for the English version.

The Recent-Uploads are available so far, again, and the amiNET full text search was implemented.

Any file now can be rated inside of the directories. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 16:02] [Comments: 0]
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Martin R. Elsner (E-Mail)

Tools: ClassAction V4.3, Choowin V1.11, StopMenu
Martin Elsner has released new versions of the filemanager 'ClassAction' and the tool 'Choowin'. A new version of 'StopMenu' is being worked on.

ClassAction V4.3 - Poppping Uppp
The new version of the filemanager carries the sub-title 'Poppping Uppp', because of the new popup-menus like known from 'MagicMenu'. Those replace the old action-list, the main menu, and the drop-down list.

Additionally the following has changed:
  • Both lists of same functionality.
  • New edit menu.
  • Directory buffering.
  • Updating on disk change.
  • Path buttons.
  • Cut'n paste.
  • Search.

ClassAction is aware of more than 40 file formats (gif, jpeg, iff, mods, ...), what makes possible to automatically start operations by just clicking on a file - view, start, edit, translate. It is possible to define new file types and add operations.

Choowin V1.11
This little help tool can start programs, put windows to front and activate them - similar too the Task-Manager. You click on one of the buttons in one corner of the Workbench screen and chose the program or window title from the list displayed.

'ClassAction' and 'Choowin' both require AmigaOS V3.5+.

Development of the start menu 'StopMenu' progresses, but still needs more time. A release date within next week wasn't determined, yet.

StopMenu is a small help tool to start programs and put windows to front and activate them, similar to Windows' start menu.

Download: (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 28. Oct. 2001, 14:18] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Astronomy: Digital Almanac III - update and further news
Promised is promised: the latest update for DA III (to version 4.2) was uploaded to Aminet. Users of the program can download and decrypt the program via in-built function automatically as soon as the update appears on the recent list. For this you need an already installed v4.0 or higher.

Here the most important changes:
  • Complete Bayer/Flamsteed data base (historical naming of stars)
  • The DA screen is now public.
  • The printer output can now be previewed in a browser.
  • Online information about several hundred stars.

The most important bugfixes:
  • Drawing Deep Sky objects into the printer output caused crashes.
  • The evaluation of the mouse position in the PPC versions had not always worked.
And a short notice regarding the OpenGL version of DA III (issue 10/2001 of the AmigaPlus): This project was cancelled already several weeks ago as there was no speed gain compared to the normal version.
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 15:51] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Mohr (ANF)

New site about self built Amiga laptops online
Volker Mohr wrote:
For all interested I have finally put together pictures of all Amiga laptops built by me as well as some hints for assembling such on a homepage. I admit this page was overdue but better late than never :-) (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Oct. 2001, 15:42] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Dittmar (ANF)

Blizkick - Bugfixed for the new (PCI)-Flash-ROM
A new update for the MAPROM tool Blizkick is available. Besides other bugfixes the new version now works with BlizzardPPC boards which have been flashed with the new (PCI-)flash ROM. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 18:58] [Comments: 0]
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eisblock (ANF)

DiCaTool V0.81
There is a new version of DiCaTool which you can download again this weekend (server is not online permanently). With DiCaTool you can configure your digital camera, load pictures from the camera or use it as a webcam. Have fun with it. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (ML)

Virus Help Denmark: xvs.library V33.36
A new update of the "xvs.library" has been released today. This is a major update and you should download the update right away, just read about the changes.

And what must be one of the best news in the anti-virus scene in 2001, the 'man' himself is back on the Amiga scene. Georg Hoermann, the original programmer of VirusZ III and xvs.library is BACK. Georg Hoermann and Jan Erik Olausen will work together on the update of xvs.library in future.

Info about the new update of xvs.library:

Name: xvs.library v33.36
Achive name: xvslibrary.lha
Archive size: 82,452 bytes
Release date: 25 October 2001
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen & Georg Hoermann

News for v33.36:
  • After several years on a journey the sourcecodes finally came back home;-) Yes, it's me (Georg Hörmann) again, still alive and kicking virus asses... Thanks must go to Alex van Niel and Jan Erik Olausen for keeping the project alive! This update was done by me alone, but in the future, Jan Erik and I will keep the library up-to-date together.
  • Rearranged and enhanced the security stuff inside the library for 100% detection of any (illegal) function patches. Programs like 'ZeebsVS' will no longer work with this version. Thanks must go to Zeeball for his demonstration of security gaps in the older versions.
  • Added support for 'IOZ (512 Bytes)' linkvirus. Thanks go to Zeeball for sending it.
  • Added support for 'Rexxfunc' trojan. Thanks must go to Zeeball and Jan Andersen for sending it.
  • Totally redesigned the scanner for virus tasks/processes. The new code scans all tasks/processes for every known virus in just one step and can even handle several running copies of one virus correctly (thanks Zeeball for the hint).
  • Checked ALL the stuff that has been added in my absence since xvs.library 33.18. See below for what I have changed/fixed. Thanks must go to Jan Andersen, Jan Erik Olausen and Zeeball for sending me the missing viruses and lots of other stuff. Special thanks to Zeeball for the ZeebsVS sourcecodes!
  • Fixed file recognition for 'Bastard Installer 1'.
  • Renamed 'Miami 4.0 Fake Installer' to 'MUI 4.0 Fake Installer', because that's what it really is.
  • Renamed 'CCCP Clone' bootvirus to 'Anal Rapes' (its real name), fixed its memory recognition and added it to linkvirus brain.
  • Removed recognition for 'Doubledensity' bootblock, this is just an intro boot.
  • Fixed longword access to odd address in 'Jode Capullos 2' file recognition. This caused crashes on 68000 systems.
  • Fixed memory removal code for 'Zakahackandpatch' and 'Zakapior'. The processes of these viruses might stay in memory up to one minute after they have been detected, that's not a bug, but their own call to Delay() that we have to wait for.
  • Fixed recognition for 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00 Installers' and added the plain version created by xfdmaster.library 39.13.
  • Renamed 'MadRoger Short' to 'NoName (248 Bytes)' to follow the guidelines of VTC Hamburg (idea by Jan Andersen).
  • Renamed '212 Bytes Link' linkvirus to 'NoName (212 Bytes)' and fixed its memory removal code.
  • Renamed 'Explode Trojan' linkvirus to 'Port 9876' and removed the repair code, we can use 'Fungus' code instead.
  • Renamed 'Explode Trigger' filevirus to 'Port 9876 Trigger'.
  • Renamed 'Port 4097 Installer' to 'Port 4097' and added memory removal code for the trojan's process. The process will stay in memory for a while without doing any harm, see explanation at 'Zaka...' above.
  • Fixed 'Hitch-Hiker 5.00' memory removal code. The process gets killed immediately, the patched stack addresses will disappear one by one after a while without doing harm.
  • Fixed memory and file recognition and the repair code for 'Motaba 3' linkvirus. Now it restores the correct library jumps and can repair even files that have been damaged by the virus (bad branch offsets!).
  • Fixed memory and file recognition and the repair code for 'Bastard' linkvirus. Now restores all patched functions (inside asl.library and VirusCheckerII) and repairs even big files with bad branch offsets.
  • File recognition for 'Bastard Installer 2' will now only detect the plain, uncrunched virus as xfdmaster.library unpacks this file correctly.
  • Fixed brain entry of 'Port 2421' linkvirus (wrong virus length) and added memory recognition. Moved 'Port 2421 Installer' from linkvirus to filevirus brain as it cannot reproduce itself.
  • Fixed 'Smeg 2a' and 'Smeg 2b' memory removal code. The processes get killed immediately and the patched stack addresses disappear one by one after a while without doing harm.
  • Fixed repair code for 'Penetrator 2001' linkvirus to handle both ways of infection and added memory removal code (removes the task and 2 of 3 processes, the other one usually should already have been run out or crashed because of bad coding!).
  • Fixed memory recognition for 'Bobek 2' linkvirus and tuned the file recognition/repair code. Thanks to Jan Erik Olausen for his bug report about the beta-release of this code.
  • Add some code to close TCP ports opened by several trojans.
  • Add Neurotic Death 1-5 linkviruses. These are highly polymorphic, but crash on my system if I try to infect some test files. I have received several infected files already from other persons and will try to find some solution for these viruses in the near future.
  • Try to get and add GlobVec linkvirus. The only one who has it is Heiner Schneegold (author of VT-Schutz) and VTC Hamburg, but Heiner doesn't give his permission to the VTC to send me the virus :(
Currently we are developing xvs.library together, so for bug reports, other comments, new ideas etc. it's enough if you choose one of the following addresses:

Georg Hörmann, Martinswinkelstr. 16c, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
email: or

Jan Erik Olausen, Rødsveien 5, N-1671 Kråkerøy, Norway

Download shortcut:

Remember if you use VirusZ, VirusChecker, Safe and VirusExecutor you must update the xvs.library to have recog for the latest viruses.....
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 14:26] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Perver (ANF)

Textviewer: Updated plug-ins for EvenMore
Using the new plugin feature of EvenMore, it is now possible for anyone with a basic knowledge of any compiling programming language to create plugins for EvenMore. I have created AmigaGuide, HTML, MSWord and WordWorth conversion plugins to date. The possibilities are endless. If anyone wants to create a plugin, let me know. This will also help me to improve the plugin functions and expand the type and functions of plugins that can be created. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2001, 13:51] [Comments: 0]
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