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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Das NetBSD-Team (ANF)

NetBSD 1.6.1 released
The NetBSD project is pleased, to announce the availability of version 1.6.1 of the NetBSD operating system.

Further details about this release as well as about the NetBSD operating system can be found at the title link.

(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2003, 21:18] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 21.04.2003
Following the Aminet uploads which were added since our last message:
MicroBase503de.lha   biz/dbase  841K+Database supports dBASE, HTML - GERMAN
MicroBase503en.lha   biz/dbase  444K+Database supports dBASE, HTML - ENGLISH
Progr_Langs_v8.lha   dev/misc    73K+Comparison of progr. langs
AmigaPower.lha       docs/hyper  57K+AMiGa=PoWeR French Amiga Magazine (April
amigazette_13.lha    docs/mags  1.0M+AMIGAzette 13th issue (09.11.2002) (ital
amigazette_14.lha    docs/mags  507K+AMIGAzette 14th issue (20.01.2003) (ital
amigazette_15.lha    docs/mags  243K+AMIGAzette 15th issue (13.04.2003) (ital
obligement38.lha     docs/mags  1.1M+Obligement #38 - The Famous FRENCH fanzi
boulderdaesh.lha     game/jump  909K+V5.15, BoulderDaesh RTX Main Archive
WormWars.lha         game/misc  585K+Worm Wars 7.41: Advanced snake game
RebootStartV42.lha   game/patch  59K+Degrader & run any game from Workbench
Kulce_HU.lha         game/wb      1K+Hungarian catalog for Kulce game
BoingBall.lha        gfx/3dobj   74K+LW3D boingball object
SmartScale.lha       gfx/conv    32K+A CLI/WB program used for gfx conversion
ZoneXplorer.lha      gfx/fract  2.8M+Modular,true color fractal explorer (PPC
ImageFX45txtFR.lha   gfx/ifx     62K+ImageFX 4.5 French interface Text
wipes.lha            gfx/ifx      7K+Wipe/Transition Arexx Script v0.7 for IF
DCEKeyFix.lha        hard/drivr  20K+Working RAMIGA for DCE-Keyboardadapters
imdbDiff030411.lha   misc/imdb  9.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
l33t_is_sh1t.lha     mods/chip    3K+Protracker 1.1 chip music module
rno-r084.mpg         mods/mpg   4.8M+Rno-records release #84 by Xhaust(dNb)
AP21Covers.lha       pix/misc   219K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 21 Covers Recto & Verso
obligement-38.jpg    pix/misc    71K+Obligement's cover n 38
mathlibspatch.lha    util/boot    9K+Mathffp, ieeesingtrans libs SpeedUp Patc
TxtToHTML.lha        util/conv   92K+Converts txt files to HTML Docs (+GUI v1
IdentifyDev.lha      util/libs   84K+Identify hardware and more, OS3.9 (V37.1
IdentifyUsr.lha      util/libs  123K+Identify hardware and more, OS3.9 (V37.1
HomerSampleFix.lha   util/misc  2.6M+Works with the Latest NewHomer (v1.85)
Scout-src.lha        util/moni  564K+V3.1, System monitor - GNU-GPL source co
Scout.lha            util/moni  888K+V3.2, System monitor (MUI & AmiTCP optio
arxced41.lha         util/rexx   21K+ArexxGuide online help macro for CED 3.5
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2003, 17:41] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Körber (ANF)

Tool: Identify 37.1- inoffical release
Richard Körber wrote:
The Identify LIBRARY can be used to identify Zorro boards and supply further system specifications. I published the project under LGPL on Sourceforge.

Recently Thore Boeckelmann released an update of the Identify LIBRARY (V37.1) in the AmiNet. This publication happened without my knowledge. I do not exactly know either what was changed in the V37.1. According to the mails of users, whom I received since then, however this release seems to work incorrectly.

Up to further I recommend to install for safety's sake again the version released by me last (see URL to the title). I have already contacted Thore and hope that we can release an official update soon. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2003, 12:58] [Comments: 0]
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Gunnar Bernhardt (ANF)

Emulator: WinUAE Version 0.8.22R6
Yesterday version 0.8.22 Release 6 of the Amiga emulator 'WinUAE' for Windows by Toni Wilen has been released.


Changes in WinUAE 0.8.22 Release 6 of 19th April 2003 compared to the previous version:

Bugs fixed:
  • increased compatibility
  • display emulation graphics corruption in some programs (NOTE: some very old games, for example Eliminator, require OCS Agnus)
  • sprites outside display window emulated partially (Banshee AGA, Alien Breed 3D)
  • audio emulation fixes (noise and random popping)
  • input configuration fixes
  • crash when creating new CD32 NVRAM-file
  • compressed disk images can be write-enabled
  • more compatible with newer CDTV extended ROMs (still no CDROM controller emulation)
  • disk emulation fixes (writing freeze, drive type, disk eject/insert, more compatible disk change detection, writing to multiple drives simultaneously)
  • stuck middle button when "Middle Mouse-Button -> ALT-TAB" was enabled
  • don't crash if zlib.dll is missing
  • lost mouse input events when using high refresh rate mouse
New features:
  • compressed state files
  • rewritten and more compatible serial port emulation, serial link game support
  • more compatible blitter speed in non cycle-exact mode (Spindizzy Worlds, PP Hammer..)
  • turbo-floppy speed enables fast writing
  • disable screensaver when WinUAE is active
  • improved configurable CPU idle-function
  • screenshots saved to ScreenShots-directory
  • input configuration joystick port swap and device disable-button implemented.
A German mirror ist available under (ps)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2003, 10:09] [Comments: 0]
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Short Software News (19.04.2003)
Emulator: Mame for MorphOS Version 0.67
- Mame0.67 added (bug fixes and overlay support) see readme.txt for more information.

Tool: MCP Version 1.42
MCP ("MasterControlProgram") from Dieter Groppé version 1.42

Emulator: A/NES CGFX v1.31
The cool feature added here is the autoframerate option that makes miracles (well close to) for your NSF's assuming you usually don't have a fast enough computer to play them back at correct speed. Worth to check out anyway hopefully. You'll find the latest archive in the download section. Be sure to run the installer aswell if your earlier A/NES CGFX version is < v1.30 since the installation procedure now installs more files than previous versions. Anyway, enjoy the release and have a Happy Easter! :-)

Game: Worm Wars Version 7.41
Download: WormWars.lha 585 KB

Game: Payback GBA report Nr. 6 New xpkmaster
Update: Mr. Skjćret has released an updated xpkmaster for MorphOS. It needs a previously installed xpkmaster setup: xpkmaster_bin.lha


[News message: 19. Apr. 2003, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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