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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Morph-box Version 1.0
Today the final version 1.0 of Carsten Siegner's program "Morph-box" for MorphOS has been released. This is fully functioning with clickable buttons and also includes a prefs editor. Morph-box is a toolbar for MorphOS which is able to launch MorphOS native and 68k programs.

This program is MorphOS native and thus only runs on the Pegasos computer. Furthermore it requires the PNG datatype.

Installation: Copy guigfx.library.elf (N.B.: this is the MOS version, so don't take the version from the powerlibs.lzx directory!) to the directory "Sys:MorphOS/Libs". Furthermore the powerlibs.lzx archive from Carsten Siegner's homepage is required. This is located in the "Videokonverter" subdirectory (unpack the archive and copy to Sys:Libs directory).

The archive contains a small readme file explaining the few functions. (nba) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 11. May. 2003, 20:31] [Comments: 0]
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Gary7 (ANF)

Emulator: New WinUAE Version 0.8.22 R 7 (WIP) announced
Probably end of May 2003 a new version of Toni Wilen's Amiga emulator 'WinUAE' for Windows will be released. Currently WinUAE 0.8.22 Release 7 is in the works. This version will contain the following changes and improvements:

Bugs fixed:
  • printer didn't work if serial port emulation was enabled
  • palette wasn't updated properly when entering and exiting the GUI in fullscreen 8-bit Picasso96 mode
  • button or key mapped to mouse horizontal or vertical axis
  • right/middle button data register emulation update (Sound of Silents)
  • random crash when horizontal centering was enabled
  • bsdsocket emulation, AmTelnet connection freeze
  • config save crash/non working keyboard when MS SideWinder Virtual Keyboard is installed
New features:
  • emulation compatibility improvements Elfmania, Rainbow Island (broke accidentally in R6), Mission Elevator (properly fixed this time...), Old Timer, Sargon History, TBL demos etc.
  • analog joystick (paddle) ports emulated
  • improved hard/ZIP disk RDB detection
  • Action Replay 2/3 state file support
  • sound "power led" filter emulation
  • freely selectable sound sample rate (8000 - 48000)
  • "direct" serial port support, fixes PC to PC Lotus 2 serial link problems. (two player only, 3 or 4 players require lower serial latency that is not possible under Windows)
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 11. May. 2003, 16:44] [Comments: 0]
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VMC (Website)

LowLevel Gameport Driver v41.19 for Amithlon
Guido Mersmann has created a new version of his lowlevel.library for Amithlon, in which some more bugs have been fixed. A small tool enables the activation of the Sound Blaster Game Port. The new software can be downloaded from the "Amithlon Software Updates" page. (nba) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 11. May. 2003, 02:17] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Henz (email)

Digital album "Argentina" version 1.5
The digital album "Argentina" is a huge collection which shows the most interesting and beautiful places of Brasil. It can be used on all computer platforms and beside that on many DVD players which feature the Kodak PictureCD (JPG) format.
  • Buenos Aires / Buenos Aires ... 122
  • Buenos Aires / San Isidro ... 002
  • Buenos Aires / Tigre ... 006
  • Cordoba / Cordoba ... 033
  • Cordoba / Cosquin ... 006
  • Cordoba / La Falda ... 011
  • Cordoba / Sierra ... 025
  • Cordoba / Villa Carlos Paz ... 013
Beside the photo archive the CD-ROM includes the digital postcard system to send postcards over the Internet and a webpage with interesting links to the different places. Price: 8 Euro. (nba)

[News message: 10. May. 2003, 13:41] [Comments: 0]
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Grasshopper LLC (email)

PageStream price action until May, 16th 2003
Grasshopper LLC, developer of the DTP application PageStream, wrote:
We have been inundated with requests to continue to offer our discounted price for PageStream full copies and upgrades. Of course who can blame them! Paying less than 1/3 retail for a powerful desktop publishing program like PageStream, not to mention discounts across the board on upgrades sure does help the pocket book. For those new customers who have joined the PageStream crowd, welcome aboard! However, all good things must come to an end! After May 16th, PageStream's pricing returns to our normal great price!

New Web Site In Development
We have decided to take it upon ourselves to make a radical redesign of the GrasshopperLLC web site. Our basic design goals are to make it easy for new customers to learn about PageStream's features, samples, how it compares to others, and of course how to buy it. We hope to provide near instant download access to new purchases. For existing PageStream users, it should be easy to find answers to common questions, new scripts and templates, and more. We have set up a survey on our web site asking for input on what you would like to see on our website, and to tell us about your favorite sites. The survey can be found at Suggestions and any other help you can offer can also be directed at (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 10. May. 2003, 13:11] [Comments: 0]
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Kelvin Shirley (ANF)

Webserver Gw3s v2 released
The gW3S Open Source Team is proud to announce the first release in the 2.x branch! gW3S is a small AREXX based webserver that can run simple and complex websites from your Amiga (and also works on Amithlon too).

New in this version:
  • GZIP Encoding (static and on-the-fly)
  • Better HTTP compliance.
  • Cleaner code.
  • Browser cache handling.
  • Minor bug fixes.
Website: (ps)

[News message: 09. May. 2003, 21:42] [Comments: 0]
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09.May.2003 (ANF)

Racer Source Code will be published as GPL
As you might know, there seem to be a bunch of people in the Linux community who have a problem with Racer not being GPL'ed.

This might be a good time to take a crossroads. I plan to release the Racer v0.5.0 source code under GPL. I don't think I'll host that version after that, since we don't have that much bandwidth and would take time that I'd rather put in other things.

After the GPL release, I'll close the source for future versions. This does not have any impact on the strategy of Racer, which means a free executable version for the platforms (although I still have the problem of DRI executables for Linux, since I don't have such a set in my possession).

There are plans for commercial implementations using Racer, and you may have noticed things like 'ecol' or 'ecue'. Those are proprietary extensions. Probably RakNet (a quite cool networking library) will enter the game as well. It becomes harder to get clean source code out the door, free of rights. Also, since the multiplayer component might take a bit of a boost with RakNet (at least take out the 2-player limit at once), it would be too easy for hackers to create modified versions of Racer and find their way through the network protocol.

Although I'm sorry for all those interested in the source code, it seems like the right path. There's always the GPL spinoff that could be maintained. I'm not sure how that's going to turn out; I'm getting major support these days in putting realism and knowledge into Racer's physics and that is interesting for anyone.

The 2 Racer version will drift apart, that's for sure, if only because of the networking protocols, I'm afraid. I'm not convinced however that a GPL spinoff (with which I will have little to do) will go to bigger heights than a closed source one. Even though it potentially means more developers, it still takes a lot of devotion to make stable improved versions without hacking little bits in just for the day.

So with the GPL version you'd have OpenSource, but no license to commer cially sell it. It just still seems a bit counterproductive almost to split the project into two.

Comments will be read with interest, although with these things I can imagine you'll have 2 groups; those that are for and those that are against, and nothing much will bring the 2 together. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2003, 17:03] [Comments: 0]
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Pixel Art (E-Mail)

Start menu: Pixload version 3.5 Beta 3
In the current beta version 3 of the start menu called Pixload 3.5 some new features have been added. If you have proposals, ideas or wishes please write it Pixel Art via email ( in English or French. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2003, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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