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27.Apr.2005 (website)

MorphOS: mfkey 1.8
With "mfkey" Alfonso Ranieri provides a clone of the AmigaOS commodity Fkey. Yet mfkey supports "CLI" and "ARexx" events only. Changes with version 1.8:
  • Added keyboard.device supported MMkeys (PLAY, STOP, PREV, NEXT)
(cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2005, 23:28] [Comments: 0]
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Software news: playOGG 2.1 & Clarissa RSS module

playOGG 2.1

The program playOGG by Lorence Lombardo is an audio player for OGG Vorbis, MP3, RA and SID. It may be launched from Workbench or the CLI.

Link: Homepage
Download: playOGG.lha (796 KB) (Readme)

RSS module for the webserver Clarissa

Clarissa is a webserver written in ARexx by Martin Kayser. A plugin by Oliver "Bladerunner" Hummel enables it to provide RSS feeds now.

Link: Homepage
Download: newsreader.rexx (4 KB) (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2005, 23:26] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc. becomes member of the iPAQ developer program
Amiga Inc. announce at the title link their participation of Hewlett-Packard's iPAQ Developer Program. Amiga are set to the "Premier Member" status which gives them access to developer tools, source codes, prerelease tools as well as information and offerings for a common marketing and fair participation.

Greg Sigel, Amigas vice president for sales and marketing, is amazed by the plenty available iPAQ expansions and emphasizes the benefits of HP's developer program for Amiga Inc. and their developer community.

They are planning an "aggressive marketing" and is heading for the release of about a dozen titels per quarter year. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2005, 00:16] [Comments: 0]
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shim (ANF)

MorphOS: Image viewer shim updated to v1.0 and released under GPL
shim is a simple commandline image viewer. The updated source has been released under GPL, along with binaries for MorphOS and Linux (PPC/x86). The version has been bumped to 1.0. The program needs (Power-) SDL and (Power-) SDL_image.

Download: shim-1.0_morphos.lha (23 KB) (snx)

[News message: 26. Apr. 2005, 09:43] [Comments: 0]
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Maxime Doyen (ANF)

HomeBank V3.1 released
After several beta versions, Maxime Doyen now released the final version 3.1 of his program HomeBank under the title link. This version fixes a major bug in the Define Payee & Define Category section, which was leading to instability of the system and sometimes crashes (especially on MorphOS and AmigaOS4).

It also fixes any reported/found other minor bugs and suggestions of changes. No new functionality has been added, though. Furthermore, the author would like every user of HomeBank to subscribe to the corresponding mailing list. (snx)

[News message: 25. Apr. 2005, 13:30] [Comments: 3 - 26. Apr. 2005, 13:00]
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