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Alinea Computer (ANF)

Alinea Computer: AmiPhoto 1.2 and ANotice 2.01 available
Press release - Wehrheim, Germany, the 28th of January 2006.

AmiPhoto 1.2
Today a new update 1.2 of AmiPhoto is available. In this update we have fulfilled a lot of our customers wishes. If you are not a customer of Alinea Computer because you miss a few features, then please contact us. We hope we can fulfill your desire.

Version 1.2 changes:
  • you can rotate JPEG files
  • you can jump from one page to another
  • new menu item: "Save catalog"
  • some new tooltypes: NO_APPICON => No AppIcon on the WB NO_STARTLOGO => no AmiPhoto logo at the start VIEWER (e.g.: VIEWER="Work:Tools/MysticView") => use another viewer instead of MultiView
  • and some bugfixes and internal improvements
We also updated the PDF manual. All registered customers can access the new version in our download section. If you have not registered, please register your copy here.

ANotice 2.01
This little update of ANotice 2 simply consists of bugfixes and deletion of inconsistencies. Big thanks go to Remo Constantin for his bugreport. We recommend this update even if your ANotice 2 works perfectly. All costumers will receive the update within the next few hours.

English site reworked
Our english sites are completely reworked. A very special thanks go to Darren Glenn for his work.

New partner sites
We are glad, that we have two new partner sites: and Together with we started a little article competition. We would be very happy if you would enter this contest.

AmiPhoto at dealers
We want to mention that you can get AmiPhoto also from our trade partners GuruMeditation and GGS-Data.

New items in our shop
Our shop has a lot of new items. You can find Radeons for your AmigaOne or Pegasos and a lot of other things. Please pop down to our online shop and have a good browse. (snx)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2006, 19:20] [Comments: 0]
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28.Jan.2006 (software list)

GCC macro: API_MUI 1.7
API_MUI by Marian Guc is a macro for the GCC compiler to simplify the creating of MUI programs. The macro works with AmigaOS 3.x as well as with MorphOS and now also AROS.

Download: API_MUI_1.7.lha (8 KB) (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2006, 07:33] [Comments: 0]
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27.Jan.2006 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: GNU core utilities 5.2.1-2
The AmigaOS 4 port of the GNU Core Utilities is now available in version 5.2.1-2. These are basic help programs for the file-, Shell- and text editing. This current version is new compiled with the CVS-version of the clib2.

With the update the problems with the memory assignment as well as the symbolic links at paths in Unix-styles should be solved. The GNU Core Utilities can be downloaded under the title link and can be then found on Aminet and the OS4Depot. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2006, 07:32] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: BitTorrent 4.3.6
Sigbjørn 'CISC' Skjæret's written MorphOS port of the filesharing program BitTorrent is now available as version 4.3.6. An overview of the innovations or rather the bugfixes can be found in the official changelog.

Download: bittorrent-4.3.6-morphos.lha (7 MB) (cg) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2006, 18:20] [Comments: 0]
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26.Jan.2006 (homepage)

AmigaOS 4: Programming Language awk 1.0
The AmigaOS 4 port of awk has received an update. It corresponds to the current innovations of the OpenBSD version and supports even the environmental settings now.

Awk is a programming language focused on searching and processing of patterns in character strings. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2006, 11:08] [Comments: 0]
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