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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

PPA (Webseite)

PFS3: Kickstart-1.x-compatible version 1.1
Toni Wilen's adaptations of the filesystem PFS3 to AmigaOS 1.x ( reported on it) has been updated and noe supports ROMs of the CDTV.

  • Merged latest official SVN updates
  • Compatible with KS 1.3 + 2.x extended ROM CDTV with v37 exec
  • Enabled removable media support
  • Fixed ACTION_DIE (unmount) crash
  • WB 1.x C:Info reports correct state information
Download: pfs3ks13.lha (76 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Oct. 2012, 05:21] [Comments: 0]
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Heinz-Raphael Reinke (ANF)

AROS: New DevPak for AmiDevCpp
The last AROS-DevPak for AmiDevCpp ( reported on it) all system-includes and linker-libraries were included but most of the contrib-includes and linker-libraries were missing. In this version now all these files are included.

What is AmiDevCpp?

AmiDevCpp is an Integrated Cross Platform Development Environment for Windows, that helps you to comfortable develop C/C++ Applications for the AmigaOS (m68k), AmigaOS4 (PPC), MorphOS(PPC) and for AROS (i386, ppc and x86_64). In the best case, you can just select another Compilerset and compile the same program for different Platforms.

What is a DevPak?

DevPaks are Archives, that contains Includes and Linker Libraries for some Libraries. Those files are installed and deinstalled automatically by the AmiDevCpp Package Manager:
  • AROS-i386
  • AROS-x86_64
  • AROS-ppc
Download-Link (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Oct. 2012, 20:58] [Comments: 0]
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03.Oct.2012 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: VGM-Stream-TuneNet-Plugin 1.1
Fredrik Wikström has added VGM-stream support to Paul Heams' music and Internet radio player TuneNet. With this plugin over 200 music formats of different game consoles can be played.

Download: vgmstream_tnplug.lha (481 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Oct. 2012, 07:53] [Comments: 0]
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02.Oct.2012 (Webseite)

USB-Stack: ANAIIS 1.06
ANAIIS ("Another Native Amiga IO Interface Stack") written by Gilles Pelletier is an USB-stack which also runs on systems with a 68000-processor. The stack at least requires AmigaOS 1.3 and was written for Zorro-II-systems without an accelerator board.

In this latest version the complements ANAIIS-Bootdisk and ANAIIS-HostUSB were added. ANAIIS-HostUSB was written for WinUAE and provides the access to the libusb of Windows.

anaiis.lha (222 KB)
anaiis_boot.lha (199 KB)
anaiis_hostusb.lha (130 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. Oct. 2012, 07:38] [Comments: 0]
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Breakout game: BabeAnoid 2.5b1
Richard Fhager's Breakout game BabeAnoid was written in AMOS and released ten years ago. In 2003 version 2.0 was released. The next version 2.5 was never released because the author stopped developing Amiga software.

Upon request of an Fhager has provided a download link for a beta version BabeAnoid 2.5. This beta version is being not developed further and according to the author possibly has included "some special modes". BabeAnoid requires a 68020 as well as 2 MB RAM. It could be also played with computers with only 1 MB Chip-RAM if some preferences are set to a lower level.

Direct download: babe25b1.lha (3,1 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 02. Oct. 2012, 00:34] [Comments: 0]
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