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Frédéric Cordier (Mail)

Programming language: Third public alpha version of "Amos Professional Unity"
By means of his "Amos Professional Unity" project, Frédéric 'AmiDARK' Cordier is in the process of adding new features - such as AGA support - to the classic BASIC compiler AMOS Professional (YouTube video on AGA sprites). Now he has published the third public alpha version (V0.4) on his GitHub page with the following changes:
  • Removed non kept extra commands for Custom Screens modes. Rebuild all the Custom Screens system.
  • Added space in file 'configuration/APUnity_Editor_Config.s' for eXtensions registration system
  • Added new command : GFXMODE = get saga c2p screen mode( Width, Height, Depth, Scanmode ) [AmosProUnity.lib/L_L_GetSagaC2PScreenModeEx]
  • Added new command : GFXMODE = get saga c2p screen mode( Width, Height, Depth ) [AmosProUnity.lib/L_GetSagaC2PScreenMode]
  • Started new command : open custom screen ScreenID, Width, Height, GFXMODE
  • Added SAGA CPU/GFX Detection at startup to open SAGA library version when available.
  • Added SAGA Chunky screen support in copper list.
  • Reverted Aga/sprites.s file to previous version due to a bug in Aga Sprites.
  • Reverted Compiler_Shell.AMOS to Original fixed a compiler crash
  • Fix AMOSProUnity_Support.Lib functions set fixed a compiler crash
  • Fix AMOSProUnity_SpecialFX.Lib functions set fixed a compiler crash
  • Now Amos Professional Unity examples can be compiled without crash
  • Upgrade compiler to compile with AGAP Sprites/Bobs/Icons banks
  • Fixed issue with Get Bob/Sprite/Icon palette to now handle fully RGB24 bits colors
  • Update Header.s bank load to handle AGAP color mode ( 256 colors AGA ) from Bank that are inside executable (Bob/Sprite/Icon)
  • update Header.s also fix Get Bob/Sprite/Icon Palette commands when program is compiled.
  • Update CompExt.s compiler extension for squashed programs to handle AGAP color mode (Bob/Sprite/Icon)
We had first reported on Frédéric Cordier's submissions at the end of 2019, at that time still operating under the name "Amos Professional X". We took this publication as an opportunity to ask him for a summary of his efforts to date, which he kindly provided immediately:

"The Amos Professional Unity is a project I work on in my spare time, together with my other project for the Amiga called "Grimoire" ( reported).
Even though I don't often report about changes or news, I do a lot of work in the background (e.g. compiler problems), because the compiler source code is not documented and is a bit more complex than Amos Professional itself. A few key points about the project:
  • Amos Professional Source code was completely reorganized to fit the requirements of AGA support upgrade times ago.
  • Source code is available publicly on GitHub
  • Many changes were done to achieve support for AGA Chipsets that makes Amos Professional Unity being not compatible with older Amos Professional extensions that uses internal Amos Professional structures (the structures evoled,for example to support 8 bitplanes max instead of previously 6, 256 colors instead of previously 32, etc.)
  • Amos professional now have a good AGA support. It will be improved, but it is already interesting for AGA video game creation.
And these features are already supported by "Amos Professional Unity"
  • Support lowres AGA graphics up to 256 colors and HAM8 using 24 bits colors support
  • Support hires AGA graphics up to 256 colors and Ham8 using 24 bits colors support
  • Interlaced is supported for the two above resolutions (lowres and hires)
  • Bobs and icons also support up to 256 colors using 24 bits colors support
  • Create/Load/Save Sprites/Bobs/Icons banks with AGA colors up to 256 colors is supported.
  • AGA Sprites up to 64 pixels wide are also supported using 4 or 16 colors, and native Amos Professional sprites combination using 4 or 16 colors was improved to support AGA sprites width (you can setup a sprite up to 256 pixels wide with 16 colors using all 8 sprites for example).
  • AGA Sprites are only low resolution sprites. Hires resolution is not yet added.
  • Native commands like "Screen Open" are upgraded to support 256 Colors ( ex. Screen Open 0,320,200,256,lowres+laced )
  • Native commands like "Colour" are upgraded to support 24 bits ( ex. Colour 1,Rgb24( 255,128, 0 ) )
  • Amos Professional Unity compiled program can detect at running time if configuration run on ECS/OCS or AGA, and user can then create adaptative source code for video game ( The same compiled .exe can open ECS screen on ECS configuration and AGA screen on AGA configuration ).
"Amos Professional Unity" offers a range of new commands that were documented in the course of the releases of the first alpha version or second alpha version. Some commands are not yet documented because they are still in the development process:
  • Create Rainbow Fx Bank BANK
  • Set Rainbow Fx Color BANK, COLOR_INDEX
  • Set Rainbow Fx Color Line BANK, YLINE, RGB24ColorValue
  • Apply Rainbow Fx To Screen BANK : Apply to current screen
  • Remove Rainbow Fx From Screen
  • = Get Rainbow Fx Color Line( BANK, YLINE )
An other extension (Special FX) was also added to the project. It is a mix between my old AmosPro_Personal.lib and new commands. It bring some new commands to Amos Professional Unity (not documented on the website), and more will come in the future:
  • Set Ntsc : Push to 60Hz mode
  • Set Pal : Push to 50Hz mode
  • = Right Click()
  • = Fire( 1,BUTTONID ) : Where button ID can be 2 or 3
  • Ehb : Can be used to open screen using 64 Half Brite colors (ECS)
  • Ham6 : Can be used to open screen using Ham6 ( 4096 colors ) screens (ECS)
  • Create Memblock BANK, SIZE_IN_BYTES : Create a memory block, this command set is inspired from Dark BASIC v1 & Professional )
  • = Memblock Exist( BANK )
  • = Get Memblock Size( BANK )
  • Write Memblock Long BANK, POSITION_IN_BYTES, 32BITSVALE : Write a 32 Bits value at POSITION_IN_BYTES of the memblock BANK
  • = Memblock Long( BANK, POSITION ) : Will return the 32 Bits value stored at POSITION in the memblock BANK
  • Write Memblock WordBANK, POSITION_IN_BYTES, 16BITSVALE : Write a 16 Bits value at POSITION_IN_BYTES of the memblock BANK
  • = Memblock Word( BANK, POSITION ) : Will return the 16 Bits value stored at POSITION in the memblock BANK
  • Write Memblock ByteBANK, POSITION_IN_BYTES, 32BITSVALE : Write a 8 Bits value at POSITION_IN_BYTES of the memblock BANK
  • = Memblock Byte( BANK, POSITION ) : Will return the 8 Bits value stored at POSITION in the memblock BANK
  • Reserve F Icon BANK, SIZE : Create a custom icons bank, not blitter, CPU drawing one for fasts CPU and FastRam. Icon size is Width/Heigth same Set Current F Icon Bank BANK : Allow to have multiple Fast Icons banks
  • = Get Current F Icon Bank() : Will return the current bank used for Fast Icons
  • Get F Icon ICON, X, Y : Grab an icon ICON from the current screen
  • Paste Icon ICON, X, Y(, TRANSPARENCY ) : Will draw an icon at X,Y coordinates. X is multiple of 16 pixels.
  • = Get Fie Size( FileName$ )
  • Create Playfield from sprite HEIGHT, YSTART : Create a background playfield using sprites
  • Remove Sprite Playfield : Remove the background playfield
There are some known issues and limitations. One known issue for example is that compiler must be improved to allow compilation of source code containing Sprites/Icons banks in it. Currently, banks must not be included in .AMOS when compiling.

Amos Professional Unity is provided with some examples that show the uses of AGA Chipset and the Special FX commands sets. This simply mean you can already create AGA video games using Amos Professional Unity and compiles them as executables." (dr)

[News message: 08. Aug. 2023, 09:21] [Comments: 0]
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Dungeon Crawler: The Last Dungeon V0.7c
As a contribution to AmiGameJam 2022, 'PixelPlop' had released a first, playable, but still incomplete version of "The Last Dungeon" (YouTube video). Now he has made available a first update that fixes some bugs. (dr)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2023, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 05.08.2023
The following files have been added until 05.08.2023 to Aminet:
ignition.lha             biz/spread 5.0M  OS4 a modern spreadsheet
ignition-src.lha         biz/spread 1.2M  OS4 Sourcecode ignition 1.22
fastbasic.lha            dev/cross  1.4M  MOS Compiler for the Atari 8-bit ...
REDPILLGameCreator.lha   dev/misc   4.5M  68k Game Creator with AGA support
PreludeSoftwareBundle... driver/aud 116K  68k Software bundle for Prelude s...
anaiis.lha               driver/oth 238K  68k ANAIIS USB Stack Release 1.23
anaiis_boot.lha          driver/oth 269K  68k ANAIIS USB Boot disk Release ...
labyrinth64.lha          game/misc  137K  68k Remake of Commodore 64 game L...
AcesUp.lha               game/think 2.9M  68k Aces Up solitaire card game
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   4.7M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.9M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   5.2M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiVms.lha               misc/emu   3.8M  68k Simulates OpenVMS commands
ANSI-Draw_v097.lha       text/edit  75K   68k Advanced ANSI character&graph...
words10.lha              text/misc  6K    68k extreme fast wordcounter
deark.lha                util/arc   4.0M  68k Extracting data from various ...
lhasa.lha                util/arc   4.2M  MOS Free Software LHA implementat...
mkatr.lha                util/conv  47K   MOS ATR disk image creation tool
AmiSSL-5.10-OS3.lha      util/libs  3.4M  68k OpenSSL as an Amiga shared li...
AmiSSL-5.10-OS4.lha      util/libs  3.1M  OS4 OpenSSL as an Amiga shared li...
AmiSSL-5.10-SDK.lha      util/libs  2.3M  OS4 OpenSSL as an Amiga shared li...
Add_UKBankHolidays.lha   util/time  1K        Lil Calender UK Bank Holiday ...
gidatario.lha            util/time  229K  68k GI Datario 
LilCalendar.lha          util/time  3.4M  68k Versatile calender and remind...

[News message: 06. Aug. 2023, 11:28] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 05.08.2023
The following files have been added until 05.08.2023 to OS4Depot:
amissl-sdk.lha           dev/mis 2Mb   4.0 SDK for AmiSSL
siliconmotion502_chip... dri/vid 14kb  4.1 SiliconMotion 502 video driver
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 5Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
scummvm.lha              gam/mis 109Mb 4.1 Run supported classic adventure/...          gam/mis 178Mb 4.1 ScummVM Source
blues.lha                gam/pla 3Mb   4.1 Blues Brothers games recreation
amissl.lha               lib/mis 3Mb   4.0 OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
mediavault_script.lha    net/mis 24kb  4.0 Choose player or download stream...
ignition.lha             off/spr 5Mb   4.1 A modern spreadsheet
ignition-src.lha         off/spr 1Mb   4.0 A modern spreadsheet (source)
deark.lha                uti/arc 6Mb   4.0 Extracting data from various fil...
set_get_ts.lha           uti/scr 25kb  4.0 obtain time in scripts

[News message: 06. Aug. 2023, 11:28] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 05.08.2023
The following files have been added until 05.08.2023 to AROS Archives:
acesup.i386-aros.lha         gam/car 3Mb   solitaire card game
watercolor_cubic_themes_0... gra/the 460kb Watercolor Cubic Window Themes
lilcalendar.i386-aros.lha    uti/wor 3Mb   Calender scheduling and reminder...

[News message: 06. Aug. 2023, 11:28] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 05.08.2023
The following files have been added until 05.08.2023 to MorphOS-Storage:
Flite_1.2.lha             Audio/Misc                Speech synthesis engine
Python_3.2_v2.02r176.lha  Dependencies/Python       Python_3.2_v2.02r176.lha
Python_3.4-draft.lha      Dependencies/Python       Python_3.4-draft.lha
FastBasic_4.6.lha         Development/Cross         Compiler for the Atari ...
mkatr_1.3.lha             Emulation/Misc            ATR disk image creation...
AmiArcadia_30.0.lha       Emulation                 A Signetics-based machi...
Deark_1.6.5.lha           Files/Archive             Extracting data from va...
Lhasa_0.4.0.lha           Files/Archive             A Free Software LHA imp...
uif2iso_0.1.2.lha         Files/Convert             UIF to ISO converter
ScummVM_2.7.1.lha         Games/Adventure           2D Point-and-Click adve...
Aliens-versus-Predator... Games/Shoot3D             Aliens versus Predator ...
VidentiumPicta_2.60.lha   Graphics/Tools            An image viewer  progra...
CDXL-Player_1.1.lha       Multimedia                CDXL player with source...
VAMP_3.10.lha             Multimedia                A Multimedia Player pro...
Easy2Install_1.0b27.lha   Network/PackageManager    A package manager to do...
ScreamBar_1.2.lha         System/Ambient/Screenbar  Screenbar module plug-i...

[News message: 06. Aug. 2023, 11:28] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 05.08.2023
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 05.08.2023:
  • 2023-08-05 fixed: Nexus 7 (Andromeda) added a flush cache to avoid a crash under 060 before clusters part (Info, Image)
  • 2023-08-05 improved: Sword (Serio-Comic) no more 68020 required for the kickstart 3.1, 2nd button to jump supported (Info)

[News message: 06. Aug. 2023, 11:28] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy disk images: Disc Image Manager V1.46.4 for Linux, macOS and Windows
Gerald J Holdsworth's Disc Image Manager is an application used to load a retro disc image, read the catalogue and output any required files. In addition, it will also add files to the image, delete, and rename files and directories. On the Amiga side, reading and writing of AmigaDOS disks and hard disks with OFS and FFS formatting are supported (not fully tested with FFS). Support for directory cache and international characters is still missing ( reported). Changes in version 1.46.4:

New or improved features
  • Font size on the BBC Basic Viewer can be changed.
  • Added the ability to use the mouse scroll wheel on a hex dump.
  • Can now read Acorn ROM FS images.
  • When reading UEF images, each CFS header is checked to be valid before reading.
  • Can now create blank Acorn ROM FS images.
  • Can now add files to Acorn ROM FS images.
  • Can now delete files from Acorn ROM FS images.
  • Some minor code changes (creation of new images).
  • Command line parsing has been completely removed and replaced by a command line console.
  • Attributes are now validated before applying.
  • CSV output now includes the option for MD5, per file.
  • Button added to allow loading of multiple images and outputting a CSV of each file.
Bug fixes
  • OS dark mode: most of the controls do not react to the change from light mode to dark mode. The changing of the font colour sometimes made them hard to see with the tiling selected.
  • The Hex Dump dialogue was not scaling correctly with Hi-DPI setups.
  • Not all BASIC files are terminated with 0xFF. This fooled the BASIC detector in the Hex Dump viewer.
  • If the creation of a new image fails, the application still thought that there was an image open.
  • When renaming a file, or editing the load or execution addresses, pressing the BackSpace key would attempt to delete the file, instead of deleting the text.
  • It was possible to remove the 'D' attribute of a directory, or add one to a file.
  • If the last line in a hex dump text output was less than 16 bytes, then the position of the ASCII representation would not line up with the columns above.
  • MS-DOS 6.22 failed to properly read a floppy image created by the application. Changed a few settings in the header when formatting a new image.
  • Fixed some quote placement errors in the CSV output.

The author also provides a detailed PDF manual. (dr)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2023, 20:49] [Comments: 0]
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Tool: identify library 43.1
A few moments ago, Richard Körber has released version 43.1 of his identify.library ( reported). Changes:
  • Added more manufacturers and boards
  • AmigaOS 3.9 wasn't detected under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a crash on ACT Apollo A620 detection

IdentifyDev.lha (67 kB)
IdentifyUsr.lha (100 kB) (dr)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2023, 13:00] [Comments: 0]
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