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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


New demos
During the last month the scene portal has added new Amiga demos: (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2015, 20:54] [Comments: 0]
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Ralph Schmidt: Commercial distribution of Cyberstorm-ROMs inadmissible (update)
According to Ralph Schmidt in German comment on Amiga-News, he still owns the rights to the drivers, ROMs and utilities distributed by Phase 5 or DCE for their Amiga hardware. The company DCE never has been right holder of the software and therefore is not allowed to grant a licence for commercial sale.

Some years ago, he gave his permission to offer the software for download on He also agreed with the distribution on Aminet, where the drivers from now on are available as well.

With his comment, Schmidt responds to the press release of Pascal Papara, who on Tuesday announced the commercial distribution of the der ROMs in his App-Store IndieGo!. Yesterday Ralph Schmidt did express his view in an English-language forum but Papara held his view that DCE has exlcusive rights on it and therefore have a valid licence.

The archives available on and Aminet only contains updates for the ROMs used in a Cyberstom PPC. They cannot be used as ROM-file for UAE. On request of Amiga-News, Ralph Schmidt clarified that he is not going to release full ROM-images.

Update: (26.03.2015, 18:30, cg)

Meanwhile Pascal Papara has confirmed, that he has stopped distributing the ROMs. Thus the ROMs that are required for the Cyberstorm emulation are not legally available. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Mar. 2015, 06:14] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4.1: Updates will be only available for Final Edition
In his AmiWest presentation, Steven Solie intimated it, now other AmigaOS 4 developers confirmed it: In future updates will be only available for the "Final Edition" of AmigaOS. Therefore changes are happening within the infrastructure.

According to Simon 'Rigo' Archer the only exception are critical updates applicable to older versions of AmigaOS 4.1. As Archer and Andy 'broadblues' Broad explained, "the development team is unable to upkeep multiple versions of the OS, and test all possible scenarios". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2015, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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26.Mar.2015 (Webseite)

Full versions for download: Hash Animation, FMSynth, Draggy and Croco, Doktor
The Amigafuture offers the full versions of the applications "Hash Animation" and "FMSynth" as well as the Polish Jump'n Run "Draggy and Croco" and the puzzler "Doktor" for free download. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2015, 17:28] [Comments: 0]
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