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Amiga Tool Jam: DrawerGenie V0.4
For the Amiga Tool Jam, Rob 'daedalus2097' Cranley has written the commodity "DrawerGenie" for AmigaOS 3.5 or higher ( reported) and updated it once again. Among others, DrawerGenie allows you to add simple toolbars to the Workbench drawer windows. Changes of version 0.4:
  • Added Sort by Type option
  • Added support for popup items to be used in main toolbar
  • Changed OS version check from exec to workbench to suit some hybrid 3.1 / 3.9 installations
  • Fixed occasional misalignment of gadgets in drop-downs
  • Adjusted layout in preference and toolbar editing windows
  • Added *experimental* option to adjust windows to accommodate toolbar
  • Added HELP: to documentation search path
  • Added workaround for icon-only files preventing file operations (fallback method using ARexx added)
Direct download: DrawerGenie.lha (163 KB) (dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2023, 11:45] [Comments: 0]
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Desktop widget: RNOWidgets 1.6 for MorphOS and AmigaOS 4
RNOWidgets combines several utilities (widgets) in a single application and is available for MorphOS and AmigaOS 4. RNOWidgets contains widgets for calendar (ISO), analog clock, digital clock, notes, pictures (local and net), RSS feeds, sticker, and weather. Changes of version 1.6:
  • Added a fullscreen 5-day forecast display for the Weather widget
  • Added a 12-hour option to the Digital Clock widget
  • Added support for Atom feeds and renamed the RSS widget as the Feeds widget
  • Added fullscreen mode for the Feeds widget
  • Added placeholders for date/env content in the Pictures widget's paths/URLs
  • Fixed a Pictures widget fullscreen crash issue that was introduced in v1.5
  • Fixed a memory leak in the Pictures widget
  • Rewrote the weather API code
  • Other small changes
A YouTube video shows the RNOWidgets in action. The tool is available on Aminet. (dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2023, 11:25] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: CompareDirs V1.12
Using CompareDirs the directory structure of two directories can be compared, including all files. The result window shows the files with size and date. Alexandre Balaban's tool can be controlled either from the shell or via Reaction GUI. Version 1.12 was released at Micro Alchemie VII which took place last weekend. Changes:
  • Added NODATE command line switch to ignore file with same content but different date (cjwyche, Issue#871)
  • Fixed to compile with latest DOS SDK
  • Added horizontal scrollbar (Issue#903)
  • Added a proper title to the internal diff view window
  • Added diff navigation buttons to the internal diff view window
  • Added hint help to all gadgets

[News message: 07. Nov. 2023, 16:12] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Rupp (ANF)

Javascript: TAWS - The Amiga Workbench Simulation 0.36
TAWS ("The Amiga Workbench Simulation") is a Javascript simulation of the Amiga-Workbench 1.0 - 4.1 FE for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Apple-WebKit-Browser (including Odyssey). Any kind of feedback the author Michael Rupp would very appreciate. His work can be supported by a little donation from inside TAWS or via this link.

Version 0.36 includes the following changes:
  • Tribute to OS 3.2:
    • new preset «OS 3.2»
    • new patterns «AmigaOS 3.2» (for WB) and «Light Grey» (for windows)
    • new window layouts:
      • 3.2 18*14 (9:7)
      • 3.2 18*16 (9:8)
      • 3.2 18*18 (1:1)
    • MagicMenuPrefs: new entry «OS 3.2» for «Look» with option «Mark submenus» activated
    • new Kickstart image when cancelling «TAWS Early Preset Selection»
    • simulation of 3.2 specific details:
      • RAM fuelbar showing its real size and not always 100%.
      • Resistance when dragging a window out of the screen
      • Resize pointer on the Sizer gadget and while chaning the window's size
      • Displaying the release version in the Workbench titlebar.
      • Menu adjustments:
        • «Workbench / Open volume»
        • «Window / Update» is active even if no window is active and will therefor update the Workbench.
        • «Window / Sort order»
        • «Icons / Eject disk»
        • «Tools / Auto-arrange Icons»
        • «Tools / Help» (Funktion aber noch nicht implementiert)
      • Shell: icons can be dragged into the shell window to insert their paths at cursor position.
      • Iconifying of windows:
        • Prefs windows
        • Shell
        • MultiView
        • Clock
      • Behaviour of iconified window's appicons:
        • Menu «Icons»: all items disabled except «Open»
        • Message in screenbar if drag'n'dropped into a window.
        • Open if an icon is drag'n'dropped onto an appicon.
        • Open if an appicon is drag'n'dropped onto another icon on the Workbench.
      • AsyncWB activated
      • AsyncWB requester:
        • exclamation symbol
        • resizeable
        • center on screen
        • support for «Enter» and «Esc» to invoke first and last buttons
      • AmigaGuide:
        • Support for embedded images using @{img filepath}, even in IFF-ILBM format. Links to .info files are resolved to the according TAWS icon images, as well.
        • Support for the virtual assignment GUIDEDIR: being AmigaGuide file's the origin path.
        • new navigation layout, «Forward» button, page number, displaying buttons on two rows for small windows
        • displaying image resolutions in the «About» dialog
      • Palette:
        • 8 NewLook presets plus 1 additional classic («Magic»)
        • larger color wheel
      • Clock:
        • date font
        • menu item «Help / Show Guide» opens the corresponding help file in «MultiView», shortcut «Help» («Pause/Break» in TAWS)
      • Font, Palette, Workbench: shortcut «Help» («Pause/Break» in TAWS) the corresponding help file in «MultiView»
      • mouse wheel activated
      • maximize windows when clicking on the SizeChanger gadget while holding shift key
      • Icons blink if selected by entering their names.
    • Amiga Early Startup Control
      • customised layout
      • keyboard shortcuts
      • Expansion Board Diagnostic: more columns
      • Boot Options:
        • Enable System Log: creates the file «Ram:syslog»
        • Failsafe Boot: boots into a basic 4-color-MedRes-Workbench and disabled some features.
    • customised «Boot With No Startup-Sequence»
    Many thanks to Hyperion Entertainment and the AmigaOS 3.2 Development Team for continuing to develop the AmigaOS classic line. Link to their product webpage: AmigaOS 3.2
  • HippoPlayer: new features according to version 2.58 for 68k Amigas by K-P Koljonen:
    • support for lots and lots of additional module formats
    • support for playing audio files using HTML5 audio (if supported by the browser):
      • MP3
      • AAC/M4A
      • OGG
      • OGG
      • WAV
      • AIFF (Safari only)
    • internet search (based on the UHC-Tools server like in HiP 68k) for
      • AmigaRemix
      • Aminet
      • Modland
      • Radion stations
      • Shared lists
      • Turran FTP
    • support for packed files in ZIP or LHA format
    • improved random playing like in HiP 68k
    • keyboard shortcuts like in HiP 68k 2.58
    • support for subsongs in favourites and playlists (#song parameter)
    • When playing SID files, displaying STIL informations (SID Tune Information List).
    • «Ctrl-G» downloads the currently selected file.
    • new Scopes:
      • HippoScope (with options for amount of points and if they should be connected by lines)
      • StereoScope (with options for points/line's width and if lines should be drawn)
      • Filled StereoScope
      • MultiScope (with options for dynamic or fixed width, points/line's width and if lines should be drawn)
      • Filled MultiScope (with options for dynamic or fixed width)
      • RuppScope (my own implementation for visualizing audio, or: «butterflies on speed»)
    • Preferences:
      • Grouped into tabs: «General», «Display-1», «Display-2» and «Play»
      • Deep link (direct URL to play a specific track or playlist)
      • UHC search limit
      • Auto save
      • Wake lock (if supported by the browser)
      • Show (type of text in the window's titlebar)
      • Main font
      • Other font
      • Skip module after x minutes (if the backend cannot detect an end)
      • Position slider
    • lazy-Loading of the backends (i.e. the classes are only loaded on first use, this increases TAWS' initial loading speed compared to v0.35 quite a bit)
    • miscellanious bug- and layout fixes
  • Complete dutch localization - many thanks to Peter Slootbeek
  • OS >= 1.2: requester shortcuts: left Alt-key+V for the first, linke Alt-key+B for the last button
  • OS > 3.1 (except 3.5): Amiga Early Startup Control will be shown if the Help key (in TAWS «Pause/Break») is being hold, as well.
  • OS 3.1.4: RAM fuelbar showing its real size and not always 100%.
  • OS 3.5: iconifying of Prefs windows
  • OS 3.9 / 4.0: iconifying of Prefs windows and «MultiView»
  • OS < 4.1 (except 3.2): Simulation of a ClickToFront bug: doubleclicking an icon also brings the icon's window to the front.
  • OS 4.1: iconifying of Prefs windows, «MultiView» and «Shell»
  • OS 4.x:
    • Requester: support for «Enter» and «Esc» to invoke first and last buttons
    • Icons blink if selected by entering their names.
    • «Window / Update» is active even if no window is active and will therefor update the Workbench.
  • MagicMenuPrefs: added images for «OS 4.1 Sultry» and link that setting for the «OS 4.1 FE» preset.
  • MultiView: support for FLAC audio files (if supported by the browser)
  • AmigaGuide: implemented a special case for @{LINDENT x} if used in the 1st line of a node.
  • added «WBStartup» icons for various iconsets
  • simulation of the files in Ram:ENV
  • removed compatibility for Origyn Web Browser, because it's incompatible with modern HTTPS.
  • Maiden-Demo: show a message if the browser doesn't support AudioContext.
  • Removed «MicroKnight» font and use «MicroKnightPlus» as «MicroKnight».
  • «About TAWS» no longer links to Software-Wiki but to Marjorie-Wiki, as this one is commercial free.
  • Bugfixes:
    • Odyssey: restored compatibility (broke with v0.35), various compatibility improvements compared to v0.34.
    • OS 4.x: no longer show a message in the WB titlebar when when overwriting a file and cancelling the corresponding requester.
    • OS 3.1.4 / 4.x: added missing shortcut «Amiga-D» for «Delete».
    • Firefox, Prefs windows: layout fix for the lower border if window being active
    • Amiga Early Startup Control / Kickstart: layout fix when changing the browser's window size
    • Boot with no Startup-Sequence:
      • Text got truncated after the © symbol.
      • text adjustments for OS 4.0
      • OS 4.x: fixed text clipping
    • menu width
    • Allow renaming an icon if only upper-/lowercase has changed.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2023, 02:56] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench distribution: AmiKit XE 12.3
AmiKit has released version 12.3 of the workbench distribution AmiKit XE. Among other things, handling of ADF files has been simplified and diverse software updated. Detailed change logs for Windows/Mac/Linux and for the Raspberry Pi 4/400. (dr)

[News message: 06. Nov. 2023, 20:55] [Comments: 0]
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Do it yourself: Revision 4.0.1 of N2630 expansion board for Amiga 2000
Parallel to his project of a replica of the A2000 motherboard in ATX form factor, "Amiga-2000-ATX" ( reported), the developer Jason 'jasonsbeer' Neus has another one : the N2630 is a further development of the original Commodore A2630 expansion card, offering an Amiga 2000 a 50MHz Motorola 68030 CPU card with additional RAM and IDE device connector, and is installed in the CPU slot ( reported).

The now published documents of the new production revision 4.0.1a/b offer two interesting changes: on the one hand revision 4.0.1b supports the 68882 PGA footprint and revision 4.0.1a the PLCC footprint. On the other hand, the new revision supports the original German A2000 computer (the left side of the board should be marked with "Made In Germany" and "(C) 1986 Commodore"; then it is not a cost-reduced Amiga 2000 board), but this could not be tested yet.

New firmware has also been released. Some bugs have been fixed and the latest firmware is faster and more stable. The following hardware has been tested and works well with the latest firmware:
  • A2000 Rev 4.x
  • A2000 Rev. 6.x
  • A2000 EATX
  • A2088
  • A2286
  • A2091
  • Oktagon SCSI
  • WordSync
  • GottaGoFastRam
  • Freeway Pro
  • XSurf 100
  • Ariadne
  • Opal Vision
  • Picasso
  • ACE2b Chip-Erweiterung

[News message: 06. Nov. 2023, 11:13] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Tool Jam: AmiAuthenticator V1.1.0
AmiAuthenticator was also written for the Amiga Tool Jam and is a 2FA (two-factor authentication) code generator for the Amiga that is compatible with many websites that use 2FA. It generates TOTP (Time based one time passwords) codes with SHA1 or SHA256. Similar (non-Amiga) applications are Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator and FreeOTP. These codes can be used to secure access to various websites, e.g. GitHub, LastPass, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram ( reported). Changes of version 1.1.0:
  • Added 'Copy' menu item to copy the current values to the Clipboard (05-Nov-2023)
  • Added clarification of the SHA type (SHA1 is the standard default option used by 2FA TOTP)
  • Allow spaces in the secret
  • Internet time not always read correctly
  • Minor UI bug fixes
Direct download: AmiAuthenticator-1.1.0.lha (79 KB) (dr)

[News message: 06. Nov. 2023, 06:28] [Comments: 0]
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Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.28
RedPill, developed by Carlos Peris, is a game construction kit written in Amiblitz 3.98, which allows the development of games from various genres (see short tests of two Redpill games). RedPill is compatible with AGA and ECS, the "player" for playing the finished creations requires a total of 1.5 MB RAM. Jens 'Farbfinsternis' Henschel has written a tutorial. Changes of version 0.9.28:
  • Fix for levels always black after changing level introduced in previous version.
  • Fix for Is AGA condition trigger.
  • Fix for condition parameters not taking into account decimals.
  • Fix for Overwrite color and Overwrite Gradient action triggers.
  • Refactor in the checks of the runing machine.
  • Fix in both the editor and player not calling the right loaders.
  • Internal: debug memory improvements.
  • Some old code has been removed.
  • Some internal tracking code has been removed.

[News message: 06. Nov. 2023, 06:21] [Comments: 0]
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Programming language: Amiga C/C++ Visual Studio Code Extension 1.7.5
Bartman', member of the demo group 'Abyss', provides with 'amiga-debug' a 'Visual Studio Code' extension for "compiling, debugging and profiling Amiga C/C++ programs compiled by the bundled gcc 13.1 with the bundled WinUAE/FS-UAE and GDB." (YouTube video). Changes of version 1.7.5:
  • FIX: fixed missing obj and out directories in template project
  • FIX: __attribute__((always_inline)) in gcc8_c_support.h for -Ofast

[News message: 06. Nov. 2023, 06:13] [Comments: 0]
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