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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


AmigaOS 4: Creating PDFs with "Compression" V0.20 (beta version)
In addition to the ignition spreadsheet and the LüttjeBookholler financial management software, Achim Pankalla is also working on a third project: similar to a DTP programme, Compression allows text and graphics to be set and the document, for example a manual, then output in PDF format. A German manual is included in the "Extra" folder, the tools ZIP and UnZIP are required. Changes since version 0.10:
  • It is possible to set temp directory
  • Better handling for text and graphic elements
  • Many improvements in the user-interface
  • Many little corrections
  • PDF settings now available
  • Filtering of loaded text files for editor
  • Solved problems with spaces in file-path and scripts
  • Now list of content are implemented
  • Now CompressionOS4 supports spellchecking with iSpell

[News message: 16. Dec. 2023, 15:11] [Comments: 0]
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Receiving disk images via HTTP and writing them on disk: Lubricator 2.3
"Lubricator" written by Timm 'bifat' Mueller loads disk images from the World Wide Web and writes them on an Amiga disk using an Amiga with only 1 MB RAM and without harddrive. New since version 2.0:
  • Added READ argument for reading disks to files locally, requested by Henne/AC; improved determination of local filenames from URLs; host header did not provide port numbers, fixed in httpclient.library 4.3. Node.js proxy server examples added.
  • Unpacking of archives could hang during icon creation, fixed; did not actually set the agent string to Lubricator, fixed with httpclient.library 4.1
  • Added command-line UNPACK feature; can now download and unpack to a destination directory from command-line; command-line exits with WARN if a destination file or unpack directory already exists; fixed \\ and \" escaping in parser; reduced memory consumption for DMS unpacking; fixed minor quirks in documentation generator; improved error reporting and output in command-line disk writing; some cleanup in initialization and exception handling; tries to no longer overwrite a drawer icon provided by an archive

[News message: 16. Dec. 2023, 06:45] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator: Amiberry 5.6.5
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based single-chip systems like the Raspberry Pi, the Odroid XU4 or the Tinkerboard from ASUS, which brings some newly developed features like a "WHDLoad-Booter" or support for controller configuration using RetroArch. For example it is used in the Workbench distribution AmiKit for the Raspberry Pi 4/400. This new version of Amiberry provides many new functions, especially in the area of I/O ports. MIDI devices are now supported with the help of the portmidi library. This library is now required.

In addition, MIDI emulation in the form of MT-32 (using the munt library) is now also available. The library is included in Amiberry, but the required MT-32 ROMs are not.

In addition, support for the serial interface has been improved and support for the parallel interface has been added (initially only with VPAR), AHI playback has been corrected and much more. The changes in detail:

  • Fixed AHI playback, which wasn't working 100% until now
  • Fixed incorrect A600HD ROM identifier, in WHDBooter
  • Validate config after command line parsing.
  • Fix FABS(-0)
  • Do not close audio streams when audio settings change
  • Fix AUDPER=1 unreliable interrupts
  • Clear also blitter_cycle_exact when switching to JIT mode
  • remove duplicate parsing of amiberry options
  • Quickstart options and floppy drives
  • Added missing memory bank deallocations.
  • Fix 800% disk mode crash.
  • Fixed crash when opening MIDI device
  • Sync macOS icon with Linux one
  • GUI would not update on all events in some places
  • OpenGL option would fail on vkbd
  • Implemented physical MIDI and MIDI emulation (MT-32) support
  • Improved serial port support
  • Implemented support for virtual Parallel ports
  • Implemented support for AMAX
  • Implemented support for Arcadia platforms
  • Implemented support for Casablanca platforms
  • Keep a backup of config files when overwriting
  • Scan for ROMs recursively
  • The GUI colors and font are now configurable
  • New command line option, -v or --version
  • Added DBUS support, to control Amiberry from other applications
  • Initialize Savestates on startup
  • Do not check mousehack state if emulation is going to exit
  • added P96 ModeChanged checks
  • Do not detect monitor as changed if monitor is not attached to any graphics board.
  • Do delayed insert also if disk was ejected first and then immediately new disk is inserted.
  • Skip also CD32 fast CPU ROM patch if ROM is smaller than 512k
  • bring sound/audio closer to preview status
  • memory Chipmem noise implemented
  • Improved newcpu handling of separate thread

[News message: 16. Dec. 2023, 06:37] [Comments: 0]
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Games for graphics card: Sky Tower and Börd updated
Sami Vehmaa has updated two of his arcade games written with AmiBlitz for owners of graphics cards ( reported):

Sky Tower can now be played with Christmas themes and is also now optimally playable under Apollo accelerator systems. The aim of this game is to stack parts of a tower with good timing (YouTube video).

Börd is a Flappy Bird clone and has now also been optimised for Apollo systems (YouTube video). (dr)

[News message: 15. Dec. 2023, 06:51] [Comments: 0]
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THEA500 Mini: Firmware 1.2.1 released
Retro Games Ltd. has released the new firmware 1.2.1 for "THEA500 Mini", its replica of an Amiga 500. The changes:
  • Adds additional game Time Bandit
  • Adds support for custom controller configurations
  • Corrects the speed of Amiga 500 WHDLoad games that could run too quickly
  • Allows a second controller to be used with ADF files
  • Fixes issue where a USB stick can appear corrupt after removing from THEA500 Mini
  • Improves game action translations
  • Minor bug fixes
There is also a detailed description of the changes. (dr)

[News message: 14. Dec. 2023, 21:19] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: "Irritating bug of the month" December fixed
In the poll for the "Irritating bug of the month" for December ( reported), the problem was chosen that Wanderer could not change the capitalisation of folder or file names without changing the name. AROS developer Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz has solved this problem: it should now be possible to change this under RAM, SFS and FAT. (dr)

[News message: 14. Dec. 2023, 06:37] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Version management "Git Desktop" v0.11.31
Rafał Zabdyr has released a third beta version of his graphical user interface for the version management Git for MorphOS ( reported). "Git Desktop" is written in C++ and based on MUI through his C++ wrapper. MorphOS 3.x and the Git component of the SDK are required. The following features have been added:
  • publish branch
  • open "home" page in web browser for GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket repositories
  • open "create new issue" page in web browser for GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket repositories
  • open "compare branch", "view branch", "create Pull Request" page in web browser for GitHub repositories
  • publish branch
  • checkout given commit
  • configure global git options (user name, user email, default branch name)
  • configure local (per repository) git options (user name, user email)
  • copy author/hash/message of given commit to clipboard
  • copy file path or file relative path to clipboard
  • open new shell for given repository path
  • open repository path via external editor -> Flow Studio

[News message: 14. Dec. 2023, 06:26] [Comments: 0]
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