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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'


Amiga Forever 8: R2 update released
Cloanto's emulator package "Amiga Forever" - as well as its pendant "C64 Forever" - has been updated to version 8 R2. Changes include an option to dock the virtual keyboard beneath the playback window (screenshot) and controls for the full-screen mode that can be overlayed (screenshot).

Below you will find the official press release.

Press release: September 9, 2019 - Cloanto released today the "R2" ( update for Amiga Forever 8 and C64 Forever 8.

The "R2" build is the result of eight months of work since the previous major release, and takes into account user feedback, operating system enhancements and numerous features from our own wish list.

This is a free update for existing version 8 users, who can get the new version through the Help/About dialog in Amiga Forever and C64 Forever. The updated full installation package can also be accessed via the original confirmation e-mail or from the new Help/My Downloads and Keys menu item, and is set to remain available for 10 years after an order.

The new release further delivers an important milestone in the effort to implement better mechanisms for documenting and delivering version changes. Changelog details for available, installed and past versions, including early access builds, are now accessible from the Changelog tab under Help/About, and as part of the software update notifications.

Other new and enhanced features include:
  • Gorgeous resizable and reconfigurable virtual keyboards, now also with multi-touch support and a dock option
  • Even more advanced game controller configuration and testing features than ever before (under Tools/Options/Input, Help/Developer/Test and in the Input tab of the title editor)
  • Improved Disk Toolbox (convert disks to images and vice versa, from the Tools menu) and support for direct-attached disks (to more easily share media between Classic Amiga and emulation systems, via the Media tab of the title editor)
  • New general input options (add your own commands like Load last snapshot, Cartridge freeze button, Open debugger, etc.)
  • New CD drive controls (e.g. for CDTV) and improved fullscreen mode controls
  • Updated WinFellow plugin interface to support 64-bit version and HDF images
  • Improvements to AmigaOS 4/PowerPC support (better detection of bootable and non-bootable states, increased number of reserved blocks, etc.)
  • Support for some of the latest Windows 10 features introduced in versions 1709, 1809 and 1903
  • Continuing best-in-class support for content curation, high-DPI and mixed display environments, real and virtual game controller and keyboard input
The Setup Wizard and Tip of the Day components were also refined, aiming to ease setup and feature discovery. These tutorial functions can also be invoked from the Help menu, and are designed to expose important and lesser-known features to both novice and longtime users.

Overall, the project remains permeated by attention to detail, usability and beauty, which have been part of our Amiga software development work for more than three decades.

As always, we are grateful to everyone who supported this project and to the friends who shared our passion and vision during these sometimes challenging, but always bright Amiga days. Please stay tuned for more to come. (snx)

[News message: 12. Sep. 2019, 09:48] [Comments: 0]
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Web browser: NetSurf 3.10dev (SDL version), update 2
Artur Jarosik has released an update of his Amiga port of the web browser NetSurf. His port uses - in contrary to Chris Young's native, Reaction-based version - SDL. Only the preferences pane is MUI-based.

  • Updated to newest sources
  • Integrated AmiSSL 4.3 for https support. Note: make sure you have current time and local region set on your WB
  • Enabled very basic JavaScript support (default is off)
This new version is available through auto update feature.

Update: (13.09.2019, 07:30, dr)

Upon request author Artur Jarosik has informed that currently only the RTG version has been updated. The AGA version will be soon available as well.

Update: (15.09.2019, 07:15, dr)

Today Artur Jarosik has uploaded the full archive - including the AGA version.

Direct download: NetSurf-m68k-3.10dev.lha (8,5 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2019, 07:03] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 07.09.2019
The following archives have been added to Aminet until September 7th, 2019:
Gels020.lha              dev/e      9K        Pads AnimComp structures for ...
RamJam_Corso_Assemble... docs/help  14M       Italian Assembler tutorial
Ramjam_Corso_SRC.lha     docs/help  2.6M      Sources for Italian Assembler...
Amifish.lha              game/board 2.0M  OS4 interface for Stockfish chess...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.6M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
Purpose.lha              mods/misc  125K      Purpose 4ch Pop Rock by HKvalhe
ToolsMenu.lha            util/cdity 67K   68k Add tools to the Workbench To...
ReportPlus.lha           util/misc  565K  68k Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus-OS4.lha       util/misc  724K  OS4 Multipurpose utility
TinyLauncher.lha         util/misc  111K  68k WHDLoad frontend and more
LilCalendar.lha          util/time  3.0M  68k Versatile calender and remind...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2019, 06:48] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 07.09.2019
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until September 7th, 2019:
amifish.lha              gam/boa 2Mb   4.0 Chess program interface for Stoc...
aiostreams.lha           vid/mis 190kb 4.1 Stream online video from major p...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2019, 06:48] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 07.09.2019
The following archive has been added to AROS-Archives until September 7th, 2019:
cover_cd_icaros.tgz          gra/mis 45kb  my artwork for icaros desktop cd
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2019, 06:48] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage-Uploads until 07.09.2019
The following archives have been added to MorphOS-Storage until September 7th, 2019:
DimScreen_1.2.lha         System/Ambient/Commoditie Dims your screen to eye...
MouseTracker_1.1.lha      System/Ambient/Commoditie Record Mouse movements ...
GrimoriumPDF_2.05.lha     Office/Show               A program made with Hol...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2019, 06:48] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 07.09.2019
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups to your harddisk that were only working from floppy disks previously. The following installers have been added until September 7th, 2019:
  • 2019-09-07 improved: Strikefleet (Electronic Arts) more icons added (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 improved: Pacman 87 (Steve Jacobs & Jim Boyd) more icons added, corrected handling custom1 (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 improved: Nibby Nibble (Gabriele Roncolato) new icons added (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 improved: Last Soldier (Mirage) trainer and more icons added (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 improved: Forest Dumb Forever (L.K. Avalon) supports another version, more icons added, protection removed (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 improved: Bagitman (Bignonia) files can be packed, trainer added, various intro and game fixes (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 improved: Atlantyda (Twin Spark Soft) new icons added (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 new: Apple Hunt (Ecthelion) done by Asman (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 new: Ami Robbo (Artur Szafranski, Bernard Krzymowski) done by Asman (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 improved: American Poker (Mirage Software) new icons added (Info)
  • 2019-09-07 new: Sword Of Aragon (SSI) done by Asman (Info)
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2019, 06:48] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Commercial FTP server ZitaFTP (prerelease)
Hans de Ruiter (Warp 3D Nova, Radeon-2D driver) has developed a FTP server for AmigaOS, which probably will be also ported to Windows. This is a prerelease which according to the developer "means that there are rough edges there are missing features, the biggest one being the configuration GUI. A web based GUI is planned". Several licence versions are available starting with a single user licence for 40 Euro up to a licence for 10 installations for 160 Euro. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Sep. 2019, 18:44] [Comments: 0]
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