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Archiv 'Publications'

David Brunet (E-Mail)

E-Zine: Obligement 33 is now out
Issue 33 of the famous French e-zine is now available. You can read in this issue: latest Amiga news, interviews of Paul Strejcek, Fleecy Moss and Stéphane Georget, a report of AmigaFun 2002, reviews of AMP 2.04 and Glow Icon Collection 2, articles about Emulation and AmigaDE, and a lot more! Download it from the website: (ps)

[News message: 14. Jun. 2002, 19:14] [Comments: 0]
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GFX-BASE: Interview with Emanuele Cesaroni in German
GFX-BASE has translated their April 2002 interview with Emanuele Cesaroni (originally in English) into German. You'll find this under the title link.

Emanuele Cesaroni of Nexus Development, the programmer of the game PuzzleBOBs, is now working on a new game called PDAng that should come out for AmigaOS and AmigaDE.

The game looks to be quite promising and a lot of fun. GFX-BASE was nosey, and asked Emanuele about PDAng and its features, hardware requirements, and future plans. They got an exclusive and new screenshots of the game. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 13. Jun. 2002, 13:16] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll (ANF)

AmigaOS XL: Experiences with the H&P Big Tower 1800+ (Version 1.23)
In my report, I describe the experiences I have made with the Big-Tower. Version 1.23 of the report contains several additions in the chapters "Introduction", "Harddisk", "Amithlon", "AmigaXL" and "QNX". Also, the chapters have been sorted again, so that the "Software" chapter is again at the end.

Note: Amiga-Voyager shows only ads instead of the pictures. Therefore, I still recommend to use AWeb or disable background images in Amiga-Voyager. A move to a better server is also planned. (ps)

[News message: 13. Jun. 2002, 12:40] [Comments: 1 - 14. Jun. 2002, 06:57]
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Carsten Schröder (ANF)

AMIGA Aktuell 06/2002 has Appeared
The June edition of Amiga Aktuell is out and may also be read on our website in HTML or even downloaded in AmigaGuide format.

Attention: To ensure the future existence of the magazine, we *urgently* need more honorary contributors in every subject, but especially interviewers, authors of background articles with respect to current reports, and a "Newsmaster." Without this help we can't guarantee we'll be able to produce Amiga Aktuell for much longer. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 13. Jun. 2002, 12:37] [Comments: 0]
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osOpinion: Amiga, Inc: Close That Open Hardware!
»Nowadays, Amiga is a software-only company developing the "Amiga Digital Environment," which is supposed to run applications written in "VP code" on everything from toasters to PDAs. The AmigaOS is being updated, though, and the first new version (4.0) will be a PowerPC OS, based on OS 3.x for the old 68k Amigas.«
Complete article see title link. (ps)

[News message: 12. Jun. 2002, 08:31] [Comments: 3 - 14. Jun. 2002, 07:04]
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