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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'

Bartos Lisowski (ANF)

RTG driver: P96 V3.2.1 released
Jens Schönfeld (individual Computers) wrote:
"We've released P96 V3.2.0 in time for Christmas. Now some changes have now been implemented after lots of customers have used it in a large variety of configurations. Errors that were reported in our support forum have been addressed immediately. The update is already available in our shop system, so every new download is providing the latest version.

This time the list of changes is very extensive. The biggest changes have been in the area of blitter emulation, but even older cards could be persuaded via a software trick to use a hardware sprite as a mouse pointer, which brings noticeable speed gains. Perhaps the biggest change is that the ZZ9000 is supported with its dual-palette feature, so screen dragging is possible without color artifacts."

The detailed list of changes is available in the Support Forum. (dr)

[News message: 28. Dec. 2021, 07:50] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Kern (Mail)

Action game: 'Balloons' for all Amiga systems
In mid-October we reported, that Achim Kern (among others 'SmartHome') and Mars Tank Attack) had announced an action game called 'Balloons' which now is available for all Amiga systems. It is a remake written in Hollywood 9 of the original Balloons game written by Enrique Mecklenburg Serkovic.

In 'Balloons' you have to shoot those very balloons at a fair, with the difficulty increasing from level to level: with more balloons, shorter time and limited number of shots. Likewise, in higher levels, certain sequences are given, such as three blue, two red, four green balloons.

The game is available for all platforms for which the Hollywood Player exists and thus for AmigaOS 3/4, MorphOS, WarpOS and AROS. Special archives (with adapted icons) have been created by the author for AmigaOS 3 and 4. (dr)

[News message: 28. Dec. 2021, 07:41] [Comments: 0]
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Uni-Joy (ANF)

Announcement: UniTHOR - A new joystick for Amigas and modern devices
Uni-Joy LLC, based in Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland, has announced a new joystick at the title link, weighing half a kilogram and promised to consist of durable microswitches. So far just existing as a 3D-printed prototype, there will be two variants of UniTHOR - either with a classic DB9 connector or for USB. Furthermore, customers will have the choice between the standard version ("Basic") and an assembly set ("Assembler"), with the latter allowing some customisation.

For the production run, a Kickstarter campaign for crowdfunding is planned. Below you can read the official press release:

UniTHOR - a new joystick for classic Amigas is coming

We've developed UniTHOR - a new joystick for classic Amigas and other computers of the era - with a solidly performing and tested prototype, we're ready to present it to the world.

In a nutshell:
  • It's not available for sale yet - we have 20+ 3D-printed prototypes
  • It will come in two versions - with DB9 and USB connector
  • Nicely clicking, durable microswitches
  • There will be two variants - Basic (coming first) and Assembler (custom model)
  • We'll be launching a Kickstarter campaign - aiming late February 2022
  • Price hasn't been set yet. If we were to sell today, it would probably be ca. 60 EUR per piece, but you know how things are these days (inflation, supply chain bottlenecks...)
More info can be found on our website (it may have a few navigation glitches that we'll iron out asap - we're more into joysticks than websites ;).
Meanwhile, you're welcome to have a look at the first promo vid, recently posted on YT. Quite a few familiar themes to be spotted. :) (snx)

[News message: 26. Dec. 2021, 07:36] [Comments: 1 - 15. Jan. 2022, 17:17]
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Arcade-Adventure: "PETSCII Robots" erhältlich
"PETSCII Robots" by well-known Texan Youtuber 8 Bit Guy is an arcade adventure originally developed for the Commodore PET, whose in-game "graphics" consisted entirely of PETSCII characters (video). The Amiga version (video) developed by Vesa Halttunen and announced about a month ago has been completed in the meantime and can be ordered from the Youtuber's web shop.

On offer are a download-only version for $10 and three different physical editions for $20, $35 and $45. The latter are currently in production and should be ready to ship by "late January, early February". (cg)

[News message: 21. Dec. 2021, 16:44] [Comments: 0]
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