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IOSPIRIT: fxPAINT 2.0 demo version completed
We are pleased to present you today a demo version of fxPAINT 2.0 - immediately available through our download section.

Limitations/specialities of the demo version:
  • saving is disabled
  • DEMO-text on every image
  • the demo version is noticably slower than the full version
  • a small refresh bug due to the DEMO-text-effect when zooming is lower than 100 percent. This bug ONLY exists in the demo version
  • some features of the full version are missing completly or are disabled
The demo version comes with all native modules for 68K, PPC (WarpUP, PowerUP, MorphOS) and x86 (Amithlon) and gives you - except for the limitations of the demo - an impression and some insight of fxPAINT 2.0. (ps)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2003, 17:50] [Comments: 0]
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Faces of Mars (ANF)

New freeCD: World Factbook 2002
The CDROM version of the World Factbook 2002 (publisher: CIA) contains English language information to all countries in the world, like short history, geography, inhabitants, system of government, economy, communication, infrastructure, military and more. Furthermore a map and the flag are included, the latter to each country also with description. All information is also available in a special formatting for printing purposes.

The whole World Factbook is written in HTML, thus it can be run problem-free on all computer platforms, including Amiga, Linux, Mac, MorphOS and Windows and costs 3,- euro. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 12:05] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF) First AmigaOne review
On there is a first review of the AmigaOne. An "Earlybird" customer describes his experiences made of the system and of the installation of Linux. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2003, 18:40] [Comments: 0]
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