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Archiv 'Events'

Debian (website)

Event: 2. LinuxWochen in Vienna from June, 5th to 7th 2003
The event "2. LinuxWochen", that is dealing with open Free Software and GNU/Linux, will be taking place until tomorrow in Vienna. The Debian project will be there with a booth that is loooked after by Gerfried Fuchs. He is additionally organizing a key signing party and will give a talk about the first steps with Debian after the installation. The Debian team invites all interested people to visit these events, to meet Debian developers and users, to exchange GnuPG finger prints, to discuss different topics regarding Debian and Free Software or to participate in another way in the community. Debian GNU/Linux is also running on the AmigaOne and Pegasos. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2003, 19:49] [Comments: 0]
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AmFreak (ANF)

Photos of "AmigaOS 4.0 on Tour" in Slowenia
Damir Arh has uploaded on his website under the title link first photos of the todays event "AmigaOS 4.0 on Tour" in Slowenia. They show among other things the place where the show is happening, an AmigaOne mainboard in a towercase and the new design of the AmigaOS 4. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2003, 19:41] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen Schober (ANF)

Amiga OS 4.0 on Tour starts
The AmigaOS 4.0 on Tour is about to start. We have the machines ready to go and will reach Ljubljana on Sat. morning for for the first event.

We will have AmigaOS 4.0 running the new default look with a big surprise for you. Also ExecSG will run its first native OS4 PowerPC Demo.

See you there! (nba)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2003, 13:01] [Comments: 0]
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AmiWest (Website)

AmiWest 2003: Participation of Nova Design Inc.
The Amiga show "AmiWest" will be take place this summer in Sacramento, too. On 26th and 27th July 2003 American Amiga users will have the possibility of informing about the newest developments. After Bill McEwen, CEO of Amiga, Inc. already promised his appearing on April and Genesi also showed interest to participate the show now has another exhibitor:

Kermit Woodall from Nova Design will be present as exhibitor. Nova Design was well known on the Amiga market with products like ImageFX or Aladdin 4D and is probably developing another product.

According to information of the organizer there are more advance orders than in the last five years. (nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2003, 15:23] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Battilana (E-Mail)

Fair: News about Amiga Alpe Adria 2003 at 05.07.2003
As reported earlier, the fair A3 (Amiga Alpe Adria 2003) in Udine, Italy takes place on 5th July 2003. The website around the fair was now updated, now all information about program, travel, hotels, and sightseeing and cultural life in this time as a music festival and concerts are described here now.

It would be a nice idea to combine the visit of the fair with a holiday in this beautiful landscape around Udine.

Six weeks before the fair starts over 100 visitors from Austria, Germany Slovenia, Croatia, England, and Italy have announced their visit. Special guests are:
  • Jürgen Schober will present AmigaOS 4 on Tour
  • Jens Schönfeld will present the C-One
  • Ralf "Hippie 2000" Steines from Back to the Roots
  • Paolo "Mod3mski" D'Urso from Darkage fame
  • Sergio Ruocco, Paolo Canali and others from the Italian Amiga-Scene
More information you will find under exhibitors. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 03. Jun. 2003, 11:16] [Comments: 0]
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