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Archiv 'Events'

KDH Datentechnik (ANF)

Tomorrow: 'OS4.0 on Tour' in Augsburg
The 'OS4.0 on Tour' will be take place on Saturday 14th June 2003 from 10.00am to 8.00pm in Augsburg in the club rooms of Amiga Club Augsburg. The newest pre-version will be presented by Jürgen Schober, Point-Design, Austria.

Some developers of Hyperion will be present such as Steffen Häuser, Hans-Jörg Frieden and Thomas Frieden. The members of the Amiga Club Augsburg and KDH Datentechnik will demonstrate some AmigaOne with Debian Linux. Michael Böhmer from E3B will demonstrate the newest member of the USB-family, the USB-controller Algor. Jens Schönfeld from individual Computers will demonstrate the new C-One and will also give advice you to all of his products.

AmigaOne boards and equipment as well as several 'OS4.0 On Tour' merchandise products can be bought on the stand of KDH Datentechnik.

New screenshots of OS4.0 will be available here on Saturday: On the AmigaOS-website, at Amiga World and at Virtual Dimension Multimedia Produktionen.

Pictures of this event will be published here: At Amiga Club Augsburg and at KDH Datentechnik. The Amiga Club Augsburg will also produce a video about this event. We will inform you about the corresponding link.

Pictures via Livecam you can find here. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Jun. 2003, 12:07] [Comments: 0]
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Sébastien Jeudy (E-Mail)

Partners of 'AmigaOS4.0 on Tour' 2003 in Basel
For the first presentation of AmigaOS4.0 on Tour 2003 in Basel - 21th June, the local AUGS club and the B&S Digitronic reseller are happy to confirm you already the participation of:

The German AmigaOS4/AmigaOne presentations will be translated in English and in French.

More information:
In French:
(With online subscription. Very important for the restaurant reservation).

Don't miss this great event and come to Basel with us! :-)
Basel, the ideal swiss city at the German and French borders. (ps)

[News message: 12. Jun. 2003, 12:24] [Comments: 0]
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Official screenshots of AmigaOS 4 published
The online magazine AmigaWorld has published four official new screenshots of the future AmigaOS 4.0 which show the standard Intuition look of Workbench and at the same time GUI and MUI preferences, a Workbench magnifying glass, the Web browser IBrowse and the launch bar used. Also interesting is the effective font anti aliasing, e.g. the smoothing of the fonts on the user interface. (nba) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2003, 02:59] [Comments: 0]
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