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2002-05-18, 20:04 h

Posts: 1168
Fundstück aus comp.sys.amiga.programmmer

This was written for these MS newsgroups.... I have been hanging around
reading about problems and answering too, so... here it is....
Stardate 32411.231.323

SPOCK: Captain, I have detected a malfunction in the warp drive coils. This
problem is heating up the coils fast.

KIRK: How fast? How much time do we have?

SPOCK: In 90 seconds the heat will have surpassed the critical amount,
creating a matter antimatter explosion that will destroy most of the
surrounding star systems.

Kirk: the federation will get pissed off with that, we have to do something.
I thought we had installed the latest WARP DRIVE DRIVERS for the ships
computer... what happened?

Spock: I have to speculate that the Drivers had a "bug".

Kirk: A life form inside our computer? Who wrote the movie script???

Spock: No, I am referring to an error in the Warp Drive Driver code. I have
been studying Computer History of the human race. Apparently this was a
common feature in old types of computers and software.

Kirk: Spock! We are running out of time here you green cold blooded
creature! Of course you are not sweating but I'm going crazy here! What does
a bug have to do with our warp drives???

Spock: The federation due to economic problems licensed some old versions of
XP an ancient human operating system.
After we installed the hardware matter antimatter regulator, the XP asked us
for an ACTIVATION code. This should not have happened since we installed it
only once on our new main computer. We even have the sticker with the code
on it!

Kirk: SO we have to get a NEW authorization code!!!!!! Call the XP company
and get it NOW!!! Uhura hail MICROSOFT....

Microsoft automatic reply: Welcome to the automated activation service... in
only a 10 minutes your product will be activated!

Kirk: Shit
Spock: Ok Ill say it this time too, what the hell we are going to die
anyway... SHIIIIITTTT!!!

Kenny S
Webmaster of http://www. TalentGrid. com



Only the good die young all the evil seem to live forever

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