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amiga-news.de Forum > Amiga, AmigaOS 4 > Amiga Arena - Hilt2 Gemeinsam gehts besser :-) | [ - Search - New posts - Register - Login - ] |
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2002-08-25, 15:39 h Olaf Posts: [Former member] |
Um das Spiel Hilt II auch in Deutscher Sprache zu spielen bin ich auf Eure mithilfe angewiesen! Es wäre schön wenn Ihr mir dabei helfen würdet diesen Textabschnitt zu übersetzten! Rechtherzlichen Dank! Gruss Olaf - Amiga Arena Target is injured quite badly but still has quite a lot of energy left. Target has sustained moderate injuries, a hit with a moderate strength weapon needed. Target looks moderately strong.A hit with a meduim-high weapon is needed to terminate. Target has sustained some painful surface damage but no life othreatening injuries. Target is still quite strong and would need quite a powerful hit to terminate. Target looks pretty strong.Several low power hits would be needed to terminate. Target is still a major threat. A hit with a very high power weapon should terminate. Target is very strong a remex charge looks about the only thing to terminate instantly. Auto Pistole Eine schwache Waffe which can be useful as a backup becuase of its high energy capacity. Power Gun The X-Militaer Standard assault weapon The design combines light weight with high power. mini gun A large heavy gun with seven multi barrels for high firing speed and a good stopping power. laser rifle an energy beam using stimulated emmission toamplify light providing an intense beam. alpha ray A laser variant which has a very low rate of energy consumption due to a Zetabit emmitter. roto cannon A heavy weapon designed to fire armour piercing shells. The rotating barrel avoids jamming. storm cannon A powerful battlefield weapon,that fires high explosive shells,but has a low charge limit. napalm gun compact incendiary bomb targetting and launching system. rocket tube A computer controlled rocket targetting and deployment system.Can hold four big rockets. disruptor A ray of searing hot excited ions emits from this gun, melting any unfortunate targets. heavy burner A pyoxplosive war-tox fire gun with a meduim blast radius and a high burn intensity factor. krell rocket A self contained rocket bomb with a disposable aunching tube and a limited aiming system. stun bomb A hand grenade designed to stun the target by neural paralysis.Stuns target for two turns. hand grenade moderate sized charge of plaztex explosive in a hand held detonator. fire bomb An incendiary device intended to set fire to anything near the bomb upon detonation. nova bomb A high powered thermo grenade with a large blast radius. A deadly weapon. remex charge A devastating bomb used for demolition jobs.It is detonated by radio control. primed remex You know, you hackers really are spoiling the fun by finding out all of Hilt II's secrets. impact mine A localised proximity mine. Will explode if stepped on or if it hits a solid object. ion inducer A large stun bomb with the added ability to blast away solid debris causing little damage. iron pipe A short hollow tube of a titanium-iron alloy. power flail A flail complete with an energy field unit that sends shockwaves through any target. chainsaw A chainsaw with a hard crystaline blade. It is unwieldy but can cut through anything. power glove A gauntlet with a power field generator built in.Anything hit with this will crumble claws The razor sharp nails of a ravenous beast. talons Powerful talons which can tear apart flesh and steel alike. teflex shell A lightweight armour made from an energy resistant material. steel shell A shell of toughened steel interleaved with a carbon shock absorber layer. light armour A lightweight exo-shell used by the military in most general combat situations. heavy armour A heavy armoured suit providing an excellent defence from almost all weapons. power suit A personal tank housing energy shield units and a full life support system. shield unit compact energy shield generator that gives protection from one direct hit from any gun primed mine rimed cluster mine digital map A three dimensional representation of a particular map location map computer A complex mapping and navigation system that displays all terrain within a set range. pass key An electronic smart card that permits entry and exit through locked security doors. fist enerfood a healing booster and estorative It will restore some energy if used. level 4 key An electronic smart card that permits entry and exit through some security doors. ammo charge An energy pack that can restore a weapon energy level to maximum. Not compatible with robots. enerdrink drink of med stims and other restoratives. It will restore energy to maximum if used. targetter A complicated sensor filled device which can boost a users shooting skill permanently. repair kit A kit of various repair tools including a goos repair skill. cybernarm A hydrualic exo-arm enabling the user to carry more than usual. Boosts strength. medikit A kit of electronic and organic surgery tools.Use it once to heal all current wounds. iD card Identifies you as an ally to gun turrets and auto-pods. Must be used each turn to work. detonator An electromagnetic wave transmitter designed to detonate a REMEX bomb from a safe distance. alien skull A skull of some poor unfortunate victim of evil.It shows signs of genetic manipulation. docutube A metal cannister used for carrying documents.It contains some secret documents. glass phial A small glass container filled with a strange green liquid. bio store A secure glass housing used for storing bio waste. Cont A metal cannister used for carrying documents.It contains a private diary. amiga 9000 A computer owned by the earth-cola corporation.An advanced but costly entertainment system. pass card A smart card giving security clearance to the holder, allowing passage to lower levels burn virus Lethal artificial virus genetically engineered by Scorpius Biotech. holotape Tape cartridge used in holocams. Stores 3D images and sound. data slug Storage medium for computer data. Commonly used. isotope rod Contains Uranium 238, used as fuel in reactor cores.DANGER - This item is radioactive. antigrav Attaches to equipment.Allows heavy items to be moved by emitting negative gravitons. cryo unit Cryogenic storage unit used for transport of biological samples and volatile chemicals. drugs case Case of assorted medical drugs in sealed vials. To be issued by authorised persons only rad suit Advanced shielding unit designed to protect the wearer from dangerous radiation. ration pack tandard issue field rations. Nutritious and full of carbohydrates,but lacking in appeal. Corpse recently deceased life-form. enscan unit A powered computer. It is a complex and high energy lifeform scanner and locator. cloak unit A powered computer that enables the user to become invisible for a limited time. visor unit A powered computer that will expand the visual and radar ranges of any robot using it. speed unit A powered computer that assists the muscles used by its host, thus speeding its host up. lform unit A powered computer that is a small life force detector. It will light up when life is nearby. wave unit A powered computer that reads psychic z waves enabling identification of a radar blip. hover unit A powered computer that allows its host robot to hover and therefore avoid triggering traps. healer unit A powered computer that boosts the auto repair rate of its host using a morphic field unit. disarm unit A powered computer with very high AI. It can beused to disarm any trapinfront of the user. trap-x unit A powered computer witha large array of modern AI sensors designed to detect nearby traps. [ - Edit - Answer - Quote - Direct link - ] |
2002-08-28, 09:29 h Olaf Posts: [Former member] |
Nachdem das Feedback zu Hilt II gleich Null ist möchte ich in der Hoffnung das es ausser mir noch jemanden gibt der Intersse an dem Spiel hat ;-) miteilen das die Umsetzung dennoch nicht eingestellt ist! Dank Christian Busse kann es vorran gehen! :-) Gruss Olaf PS:Ich hätte mich auch darüber "gefreut" wenn jemand einfach nur ehrlich geschrieben hätte wenn es denn der Fall ist das ich mir die arbeit sparen kann für dieses Spiel! ;-) [ - Edit - Answer - Quote - Direct link - ] |
2002-08-28, 10:40 h Murmel Posts: 1459 User |
Olaf, Ich finde gut was Du Dir für Mühe machst und Deine Aktionen echt gut. Leider kann ich zur Zeit meinen Amiga nicht benutzen, und meine Englisch-Kentnisse sind auch sehr bescheiden. Aber sonst weiter so ![]() Grüße, Murmel [ - Answer - Quote - Direct link - ] |
2002-08-28, 13:34 h hjoerg Posts: 3856 User |
Hmm, wenn schnell gehen soll... ![]() Vielleicht mit Translate -- CU by ---AMIGA-DREAM 2002--- ---with XXL ![]() hjörg ![]() [ Dieser Beitrag wurde von hjoerg am 28.08.2002 editiert. ] [ - Answer - Quote - Direct link - ] |
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amiga-news.de Forum > Amiga, AmigaOS 4 > Amiga Arena - Hilt2 Gemeinsam gehts besser :-) | [ - Search - New posts - Register - Login - ] |
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