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2001-08-01, 12:16 h

Posts: 1056
Ich habe wie Ihr sehen werdet, bei Epic nachgefragt, ob Earth TCP bekommen wird:
Also ich würde sagen, wir beschweren uns bei Pagan Games!
Warum sollte die Mac Version TCP bekommen und die Amiga Version nicht, das finde ich eine schweinerei!
Hier die Mail:

Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 11:24:44 +0100
Subject: Re: Earth 2140 MP
From: Thomas Steiding <>
To: Stefan Martens <>

am 31.07.2001 16:22 Uhr schrieb Stefan Martens unter

> Hallo Epic,
> es soll ja nun in den nächsten 4 Wochen das Mission Pack für Earth2140
> erscheinen. Wird dies eigentlich auch TCP Multiplayersupport haben ?
> Also das ich übers Internet mit jemanden Spielen kann, der auch die Amiga
> Version von Earth2140 hat ?
> Wenn ja, wird es auch möglich sein, mit Mac Usern Earth2140 übers Internet
> zu spielen ? Und welche Bandbreite wird gebraucht ? Und PC User ?


nein, TCP gibt es bei der Amigaversion nicht sondern lediglich LAN Support
(wie angekündigt). Warum das so ist, da wenden Sie sich am besten direkt an
Pagan Games.

Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Thomas Steiding

e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment gmbh

Tel: +49 7071 799919
Fax: +49 7071 799989
MfG Stefan1200

Amiga IRC Chat:
Wichtig: Rechtschreibfehler entstehen nur durch die elektronische Übertragung und sind daher vom Autor nicht gewollt. :) )

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2001-08-01, 13:09 h

Posts: 3354
[Former member]
Ey, jetzt gehts los oder ? Werden dem Amiga jetzt schon Bestandteile von Spielen versagt ??
Member of Amiga User Group 99 -

eMail -

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2001-08-01, 13:18 h

Posts: 52
Und wie ist die Adresse von pagan Games?

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2001-08-01, 13:45 h

[Former member] (laut webseite)

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2001-08-01, 13:51 h

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Sammelmail oder jeder einzeln ! Mail Attack ???

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2001-08-01, 13:52 h

Posts: 355


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2001-08-01, 15:05 h

Posts: 52
Das Mission Pack kommt mit TCP Support.

Ich habe eine E-Mail nach pagan games geschrieben:


why does the Earth 2140 mission pack for AMiga come without TCP/IP Internet Support for Multiplayer?
Many Anmiga Users have internet access, and there is no reason not to implement TCP/IP support in the mission pack. The Mac Version has TCP/IP, so why does the Amiga Version come without? (At least thats what epic anounced).

We Amiga users are definitely not statisfied with 2 Year old PC games that are released as new on the amiga, but we can live with that and we are willing to buy such games to support Amiga Developers. But if you leave and important featues (TCP/IP IS an important feature to us!) then we soon start to think: "Why support the Amiga? The Amiga is more expensive, Mac and x86 Versions have more features etc. etc. etc.".

Of course, no one is statisfied with the current situation (The guys at Hyperion cann tell a story about this...) but please: When you convert games to the Amiga, leave important features in.

By the way: Why do you not put the German Files on the Earth 2140 CD as well?
I've talked to ZuxxeZ, the current arth 2140 License Holder and they gave me the permission to distribute the german Data Files (.WD) for Earth 2140 - Why did you not put them on the CD before? They are a total of 51 MB, so size can't be the reason. Please put the german Data Files (Speech, Text etc.) on the Mission pack CD.


Hier die Antowrt:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Würgler" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: Earth 2140 Amiga - TCP support


> why does the Earth 2140 mission pack for AMiga come without TCP/IP
> Internet Support for Multiplayer?
> Many Anmiga Users have internet access, and there is no reason not to
> implement TCP/IP support in the mission pack. The Mac Version has
> TCP/IP, so why does the Amiga Version come without? (At least thats
> what epic anounced).

Earth 2140 Mission Pack comes with TCP/IP support. It is in fact the
exact same code as the Mac version so you can even play with users who
have the Mac version. The only thing different between the Amiga and the
Mac version of Earth 2140 is the way it outputs graphics, sounds and
gets input.

> Of course, no one is statisfied with the current situation (The guys at
> Hyperion cann tell a story about this...) but please: When you convert
> games to the Amiga, leave important features in.

We're perfectly happy with the current situation.

When we convert games to Amiga we don't leave features out. Actually I
believe we have added a feature, but I'm not sure if it made it to the
final version, so I'm not going to tell you what it is right now..

There was not TCP/IP multiplayer option in the original. There was only
IPX multiplayer which we had to build our TCP/IP multiplayer within the
frameworks of. That is the reason why it is only possible the play
TCP/IP over a local area network.
If you have seen that the Mac has something the Amiga doesn't have it's
that there is a (probably shareware) wrapper available that can take the
LAN networking information and send it on via the Internet. It is not
developed by the guy who did the Mac version of E2140. It is simply
something that happens to be available for the mac from a third party
and allows playing over the internet. If someone wants to create the
same thing for Amiga we wouldn't object - on the contrary. However, we
do not have the time nor the resources to develop it ourselves.

> By the way: Why do you not put the German Files on the Earth 2140 CD
> as well?
> I've talked to ZuxxeZ, the current arth 2140 License Holder and they
> gave me the permission to distribute the german Data Files (.WD) for
> Earth 2140 - Why did you not put them on the CD before? They are a
> total of 51 MB, so size can't be the reason. Please put the german Data
> Files (Speech, Text etc.) on the Mission pack CD.

It is not up to us to decide. As far as I know it WILL be included on
the mission pack. We are only supplying the executable to a guy who will
master the CD with all the files on it. I know the plan is to have
German files on it as well.

We originally delivered a German version as well as the German version,
but as we couldn't get support from the BurnIT author we had to burn the
two games in TAO mode instead of the normal DAO mode. Once the CD
factory tried to copy them we were told that it had to be redone. Since
we couldn't get the bugs fixed we had to let someone else do it (or
rather e.p.i.c had) for a LOT of money. e.p.i.c decided it would be too
expensive to have it done to both the German and the English version so
only an English version was released (and later a Polish one, but that
wasn't done at a CD duplication facility).

I asked if we could distribute the data files but were told that we
couldn't so we at Pagan Games had no control over the issue.

I must say though, that I don't feel much sorry for you guys (Germans)
since I don't ever see Danish versions of games ;P (even if I did I
would probably play the English version since Danish translations are
always crappy..) You're all just spoiled and I think we'll only release
our next games in the Mandarin language ;) )

Best regards

Thomas Würgler
Pagan Games Executive


Icgh überlasse es jetzt jedem selbst, das geschriebene zu kommentieren (Warum es ein problem mit BurnIT gab etc.), aber wenigstens enthält das Mission pack TCP/IP Internet (auch gegen Mac User) und Deutsche Dateien :D

Irgendwie frage ich mich nur was e.p.i.c. mit der ganzen Sache zu tun hat - schreibt man ne mail an e.p.i.c. dann heissts "geht nicht, gibts nicht", wendet man sich direkt an die Entwickler oder Lizenzhalter ist die antwort immer "klar, kein problem".

Schon komisch.

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2001-08-01, 16:09 h

Posts: 1
I would like to point out that you guys should NOT be bashing e.p.i.c Interactive for the work they're doing.

If you knew how little the games ACTUALLY sell you'd wonder why they even bother. It is no longer possible to make money off Amiga games which means that if something goes wrong you can no longer even break even.
The reason why there was no German Amiga version is a very good one: would you yourself want to spend more than you make on the English version on creating a German version that would probably not even sell as many copies as the English one? If you do I applaud you, but I would like to see you put your money where your mouth is.

This is business.. there is a whole lotta love in it as well - otherwise there would be NO Amiga games. People don't release games on Amiga to make money any more. They do it because they like the machine and doesn't want to see it go away. Therefore I think you should show some respect to people who work hard to bring you games that are afterwards pirated so much that it's a bad joke. I've almost had as many emails for support as Earth 2140 has sold copies.

I would also once again like to clarify: Earth 2140 was never able to play multiplayer over the Internet. Nor will the Amiga version be able to. It uses TCP/IP to play over a local area network.

Someday it could be possible to play via the Internet if someone choses to write a wrapper for this and other games, but till that day happens it is strictly LAN play. You will also be able to play against Mac users in a LAN since the TCP/IP code is nearly identical (just the usual Amiga/Mac conversion differences).

Best regards
Thomas Würgler
Pagan Games

p.s. sorry for not writing in German, but you will be able to understand my English better than my German anyway ;)

[ Dieser Beitrag wurde von ThomasW am 01.08.2001 editiert. ]

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2001-08-01, 16:16 h

Posts: 52
Sorry, i do not want to bash e.p.i.c.
They are doing a good job,, i only said that i wonder that e.p.i.c. says "Not Possible" but the people in charge of the project say "ok".

e.p.i.c. did not answer to emails about the german E2140 Version. zuxxez did and gave me the license. No one asked for seperate Versions, it would be enough to put the Datafiles on the CD, so that all CDs are German and English. But if there were any problems thats ok and i understand tat. but it would have been nice if there were a official announcement.

I just think this was strange, but i do not say "e.p.i.c. s*cks". It's the opposite case: e.p.i.c. is doing a fantastic job!

[ Dieser Beitrag wurde von AgentR2 am 01.08.2001 editiert. ]

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2001-08-01, 22:39 h

Posts: 1056
Ich wollte auch keine Attacken an Firmen starten.
Lediglich um eine freundliche Mail einiger Amiga User an Pagan Games, warum angeblich die Amiga Version kein TCP haben wird, habe ich gewollt.

Mich hat die Antwort von Epic geschockt, denn TCP Support ist gerade das, worauf ich mich am meisten freue.
Die Mail konntet Ihr ja auch lesen.
Die von mir gepostete Mail ist nicht gefaked!!!
Auch wenn mir das auch noch keiner vorgeworfen hat, aber ich möchte dies Vorbeugen.
Jedenfalls freue ich mich, das die Amiga Version doch TCP bekommt.
Finde nur schade, das Epic nicht darüber informiert wurde.

Wichtig: Ich habe nichts gegen Epic oder Pagan Games. Lediglich die Antwort von Epic ist mir....schlecht bekommen :)
MfG Stefan1200

Amiga IRC Chat:
Wichtig: Rechtschreibfehler entstehen nur durch die elektronische Übertragung und sind daher vom Autor nicht gewollt. :) )

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2001-08-01, 23:38 h

Posts: 6
Tut mir leid Euch enttäuschen zu müssen, aber Ihr habt anscheinend nicht richtig gelesen:

There was not TCP/IP multiplayer option in the original. There was only
IPX multiplayer which we had to build our TCP/IP multiplayer within the
frameworks of. That is the reason why it is only possible the play
TCP/IP over a local area network.
If you have seen that the Mac has something the Amiga doesn't have it's
that there is a (probably shareware) wrapper available that can take the
LAN networking information and send it on via the Internet. It is not
developed by the guy who did the Mac version of E2140. It is simply
something that happens to be available for the mac from a third party
and allows playing over the internet. If someone wants to create the
same thing for Amiga we wouldn't object - on the contrary. However, we
do not have the time nor the resources to develop it ourselves.

Liest Euch das nochmal richtig durch, na, dämmert Euch was ? Die Amiga-Version wird zwar TCP haben, dies wird aber nur über LAN funktionieren und nicht über Internet ! Das gilt prinzipiell auch für die Mac-Version, doch hier gibt es ein Tool (er meint damit wohl den Gameranger, ) das die LAN-Signale über das Internet senden kann. Für den Amiga gibt es sowas aber nicht und Pangan selbst hat auch nicht die Ressourcen sowas zu programmieren. Tja, war wohl doch nichts...

[ Dieser Beitrag wurde von The_Survivor am 01.08.2001 editiert. ]

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