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2005-04-28, 17:29 h

Posts: 835

das Tool wget V1.9.1c verlangt die Datei env:wgetcgf
Leider ist im Archiv keine Anleitung dabei. Was muß in dieser Datei stehen?

Gruß... Rudi
Besucht die Seite, auf der Sich alles um Emulatoren auf Amiga dreht:

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2005-04-28, 17:42 h

Posts: 995
Kenne das Programm nicht, aber läßt es sich ohne diese Datei erst gar nicht starten?

Was passiert wenn Du einfach eine "leere" Datei erstellst!?

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2005-04-29, 20:00 h

Posts: 1056
Hier gibt es nur die .wgetrc :

### Sample Wget initialization file .wgetrc

## You can use this file to change the default behaviour of wget or to
## avoid having to type many many command-line options. This file does
## not contain a comprehensive list of commands -- look at the manual
## to find out what you can put into this file.
## Wget initialization file can reside in /usr/local/etc/wgetrc
## (global, for all users) or $HOME/.wgetrc (for a single user).
## To use any of the settings in this file, you will have to uncomment
## them (and probably change them).

## Global settings (useful for setting up in /usr/local/etc/wgetrc).
## Think well before you change them, since they may reduce wget's
## functionality, and make it behave contrary to the documentation:

# You can set retrieve quota for beginners by specifying a value
# optionally followed by 'K' (kilobytes) or 'M' (megabytes). The
# default quota is unlimited.
#quota = inf

# You can lower (or raise) the default number of retries when
# downloading a file (default is 20).
#tries = 20

# Lowering the maximum depth of the recursive retrieval is handy to
# prevent newbies from going too "deep" when they unwittingly start
# the recursive retrieval. The default is 5.
#reclevel = 5

# Many sites are behind firewalls that do not allow initiation of
# connections from the outside. On these sites you have to use the
# 'passive' feature of FTP. If you are behind such a firewall, you
# can turn this on to make Wget use passive FTP by default.
#passive_ftp = off

## Local settings (for a user to set in his $HOME/.wgetrc). It is
## *highly* undesirable to put these settings in the global file, since
## they are potentially dangerous to "normal" users.
## Even when setting up your own ~/.wgetrc, you should know what you
## are doing before doing so.

# Set this to on to use timestamping by default:
#timestamping = off

# It is a good idea to make Wget send your email address in a 'From:'
# header with your request (so that server administrators can contact
# you in case of errors). Wget does *not* send 'From:' by default.
#header = From: Your Name <username@site.domain>

# You can set up other headers, like Accept-Language. Accept-Language
# is *not* sent by default.
#header = Accept-Language: en

# You can set the default proxy for Wget to use. It will override the
# value in the environment.
#http_proxy =

# If you do not want to use proxy at all, set this to off.
#use_proxy = on

# You can customize the retrieval outlook. Valid options are default,
# binary, mega and micro.
#dot_style = default

# Setting this to off makes Wget not download /robots.txt. Be sure to
# know *exactly* what /robots.txt is and how it is used before changing
# the default!
#robots = on

# It can be useful to make Wget wait between connections. Set this to
# the number of seconds you want Wget to wait.
#wait = 0

# You can force creating directory structure, even if a single is being
# retrieved, by setting this to on.
#dirstruct = off

# You can turn on recursive retrieving by default (don't do this if
# you are not sure you know what it means) by setting this to on.
#recursive = off

# To have Wget follow FTP links from HTML files by default, set this
# to on:
#follow_ftp = off


Und dann war da noch die Hommingberger Gepardenforelle ;)

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2005-04-29, 20:51 h

Posts: 835

Vorweg, für diejenigen die wget nicht kennen:

mit wget lassen sich Web-Seiten 'grabben' und zum Offline-Surfing abspeichern,
Nicht nur die aktuelle Seite,
die man auf dem Browser sieht, sondern auch mit allen 'Unterverzeichnissen'
und sogar den Content von verlinkten Pages.

wget V1.9.1c lies sich mit einer Dummie-Datei ('echo 0 >env:wgetcfg')
mit Fehlermeldungen zum laufen überreden.

Hat auch gegrabscht ohne Ende, leider aber nicht die internen Links (A HREF)
im HTML-Code richtig angepasst.

Hab aber für Firefox auf WinDoofs das Plugin 'Spider' gefunden

Mich interessiert aber immernoch, was in der Amiga-spezifischen Datei stehen

Gruß... Rudi
Besucht die Seite, auf der Sich alles um Emulatoren auf Amiga dreht:

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