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dandy   User

2015-09-01, 14:58 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Windows 10 Reviewed: Microsoft Returns to Sanity
Board: Other systems

Also not Amiga related, but just in case someone is interested:

Windows 10 Reviewed: Microsoft Returns to Sanity


Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih` und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)
dandy   User

2015-09-01, 13:36 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: MsOffice 2016 News
Board: Other systems

Not Amiga-related, but nevertheless:

Windows IT pro wrote:

Office 2016 is About Collaboration, Could be Last Versioned Office

As we’ve seen in other news this week at Ignite, security and privacy features are integrated heavily into Office, allowing organizations to control and manage the data that is available across computers and devices.

Greetings from the NSA?


Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih` und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)

[ Dieser Beitrag wurde von dandy am 01.09.2015 um 13:38 Uhr geändert. ]
dandy   User

2009-01-22, 12:16 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Pentti Kouri died today
Board: Amiga

I just found a news item on the web telling Pentti Kouri died today:

Pentti Kouri:

"The 59 year old Pentti Kouri died on thursday morning in LosAngeles after a long time ailment."


Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)
dandy   User

2007-07-24, 13:38 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Should Amiga Inc. sue Gateway ?
Board: Amiga

Original von Andreas_Wolf:
> The current AInc(D) can't sue Gateway. They could sue KMOS

No, because Amiga Inc. Delaware ist the former KMOS. They just renamed themselves.

O.K. - if they don't want to sue themselves, they could sue ITEC in the meantime...


Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)
dandy   User

2007-07-24, 13:32 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Amiga Inc. never had source to OS3.1 3.5 & 3.9
Board: Amiga

Original von Andreas_Wolf:

Original von Dandy:

DCE was meant to provide the new hardware.

Dou you mean the Microserver?

Can't remember what it was called back then...

Original von Andreas_Wolf:

I'd rather say that bplan was supposed to provide the Pegasos.

That was somewhat later on and with Thendic/Genesi (not with AInc), IIRC...

Original von Andreas_Wolf:

Original von Dandy:

Hyperion and Eyetech entered the stage and were contracted to develop
OS4 and the AmigaOne, while before that everything was in AInc's own hands...

Hyperion and Eyetech had been on stage for some while already.

Of course they existed and were publically known for some while already - but I was more referring to the period before they were introduced as AIncs new "partners" for the A1/OS4 project (by AInc).

Initially it had been announced that the new HW would come from DCE (Merlancia was mentioned as well at this time - IIRC they were meant to do the planning, while DCE was meant to do the production), and that MorphOS should become the NG AmigaOS.

IIRC the MorphOS project had been launched by Phase5 and their software engineers went to H&P after P5 went bust, while the HW engineers ended up at bplan/DCE.

Original von Andreas_Wolf:

Under Haage & Partner's AOS4 project leadership, Hyperion were supposed to develop the 3D API (Mesa) and 3D games for AOS4 while Eyetech were to provide the original AmigaOne (from Escena) as the target platform for AOS4. So while the AOS4 project leadership indeed did change, the supposed target hardware and its vendor at the same time did not.

I wasn't aware that there was a period where H&P and Eyetech were in that boat together - I can only recall that H&P/DCE/BPlan period - but my memory might be aging...

Original von Andreas_Wolf:

There has *never* been one single bit of anything AOS4 in Amiga Inc's hands.

You are right - not a single bit (or byte) of the software.
But I was more referring to their responsibility for the platform as such...

"To have something in the own hands" can also have the meaning of being resposible for something...



Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)

[ Dieser Beitrag wurde von dandy am 24.07.2007 um 13:33 Uhr geändert. ]
dandy   User

2007-07-24, 08:14 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: The First
Board: Amiga

Original von Wolfman:

equal goes it loose ;)

If you think you can beat me over the ear, you are on the woodway...



Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)
dandy   User

2007-07-24, 08:12 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: The First
Board: Amiga

Original von ArminHuebner:
@ DJBase

Take you yes in eight before me!

Hey mate - you are yes heavy on wire!



Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)
dandy   User

2007-07-24, 08:09 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Should Amiga Inc. sue Gateway ?
Board: Amiga

Original von Markus_Bieler:
Taken from 34decmossamigainjunctiopnshow_case_doc.pdf

It is time to sue Gatway now, as they sold something they didn't own

Yeah - but the company that bought the Amiga assets from Gateway was AInc(W).

AInc(W) is now defunct.

The current AInc(D) can't sue Gateway.
They could sue KMOS, KMOS could sue ITEC, ITEC could sue AInc(W) and AInc(W), if they were still in business, could then sue Gateway...


Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)
dandy   User

2007-07-24, 07:52 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Amiga Inc. never had source to OS3.1 3.5 & 3.9
Board: Amiga

Original von DrZarkov:

Vhy do we vrite in english vith German accent and not in German?

Perhaps to exercise our "English" abilities?



Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)
dandy   User

2007-07-24, 07:38 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Amiga Inc. never had source to OS3.1 3.5 & 3.9
Board: Amiga

Original von Cego:

let's say it like this, he doesn't really make profit, because there are no real products to sell and sometime there won't be any investors left to give him money.

But exactly that is his very own fault!

Remember - back in 2000/2001 he nearly every week made new announcements about having hired this and that person from this and that big companies development team and that A1/OS4 "are on schedule and rocking".

Had he really hired just half the amount of top developers from the "outside" industry instead just lying to the public, he wouldn't be without any real product today.

Original von Cego:

so if he doesn't get anything to work soon, his company will go under.

The sooner, the better...

Original von Cego:

you think they could've done something? tell me what?

How about sticking to their own words?

As I said above - had he really hired just half the amount of top developers from the "outside" industry instead just lying to the public, he wouldn't be without any real product today...

Original von Cego:

the whole desktop amiga business was blocked by hyperion,

That is nonsense, and if you somehow followed the events around the Amiga over the last couple of years you should very well know this.

In contrary to AInc Hyperion actually did real work on OS4. They actually did the coding, while BillMcEwing was just boastfully talking about it.

Original von Cego:

while they where still developing on the OS.

No-one at AInc ever wrote a single line of code for OS4.

They have nobody on board and never had with the necessary skillset.

They're just thy typical dumb american marketing/business "experts" - and maybe there's one among them that should better have continued driving trucks instead of driving a computer platform into the ground...

Original von Cego:

And I'm pretty sure that driving the OS4 is part of his business, but there was no OS4 for the last 5 years, so he had no possibilities to realize his "visions" etc.

I don't know what you're on - but he certainly never had any other plans for desktop Amiga OS originally than to let it die.

IIRC it were others who persuaded him to update the desktop OS...

His vision from the beginning was this mobile anywhere/nowhere crap.

Which movie did you watch during the last years? It certainly wasn't the "Amiga" one...

Original von Cego:

Without OS4 he tried to keep his company alive with all this mobile trash stuff.

Nahhhhh - I rather think he (or Pentti Kouri) sees AInc as a tax write-off model...

Original von Cego:

OS4 was totally in the hands of Hyperion, even if amiga inc had liked to do something for the amiga, that we know in our sense, they wouldn't have been able to.

O.K. - brief coaching:
When Amino took over in early 2000 and renamed themselves to AInc later, all there was was OS3.9 - and this belonged to AInc and Haage & Partner.

AInc wanted to switch over to the "code once, run anywhere" thingie from the very beginning, which I basically thought to be a good idea at the time.

That was the time when they announced new high-value developers nearly every second day.

Everybody was confident (because of Bills announcements) that with so many high-level developers on board it would be just a matter of months to get this done.

Despite Bills boastfull announcements there was no visible progress and so they were approached and urged by third parties to provide an upgrade path for the existing Amiga user base.

They informed the team around BillMcEwing that a project to bring AmigaOS to PPC was being worked on for several years:

So AInc chose MorphOS as "next generation Amiga OS" and DCE was meant to provide the new hardware.

But then something mysterious happened behind the scenes and everything changed.

Hyperion and Eyetech entered the stage and were contracted to develop OS4 and the AmigaOne, while before that everything was in AInc's own hands...



Wenn es jemandem Spaß macht, zu Marschmusik in Reih' und Glied zu marschieren, so verachte ich ihn schon.
Er hat sein Großhirn nur aus Versehen bekommen - bei ihm hätte auch schon das Rückenmark gereicht!
(Albert Einstein)
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