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-1- Search results: 3 hits (30 per page)
mwohlers   User

2002-08-09, 08:27 h

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topic: Neue UAE Release 0.8.22 R1
Board: AROS und Amiga-Emulatoren


Anbei die neuesten Info's direkt von der WinUAE-Website...


Current (07.08.2002) WinUAE 0.8.22 Release 1 changelog.
Expected release date: beginning of September


- UAE 0.8.22 merge, bumped version number (but most changes were already included in R4)
- CHK-instruction fix (Days of Thunder)
- real 68000 prefetch emulation ("100 most remembered C64 games" and more)
- some custom chipset fixes (sprite-playfield collisions, graphics corruption)
- keyboard fix (some key presses were missed when pressing multiple keys)
- A1000 emulation fixes
- AVIOutput update (Sane)
- input-tab updates
- vsync works properly in interlaced screen modes
- sound updates/changes (DirectSound, uses UAE timing in non-JIT/vsync modes and more...)

new features:

- full harddisk image support (hdtoolbox, RDB, custom filesystems etc..)
- uaescsi.device improvements (more compatible, disk change support added, direct scsi
shouldn't be necessary anymore)
- Action Replay 1 support (breakpoints don't work)
- CPU idle (tries to detect use of STOP-instruction, may not be complatible with all Amiga software..)
- floppy speed slider is back
- new AHI code and driver (Bernd Roesch)
- Amiga <> Windows clipboard support (Bernd Roesch)
- on the fly switching between OpenGL and DirectDraw mode
- on the fly switching between vsync and non-vsync mode
- compressed Kickstart ROM image support
- build-in screenshot function (Sane)
- experimental (and much slower) cycle-exact cpu and blitter emulation mode

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Michael Wohlers
mwohlers   User

2002-07-20, 16:48 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Fehlende Amiga-Experten (was: Perl 5.8.0 released)
Board: Programmierung

In der History der gerade erschienenen Perl-Distribution 5.8.0 findet sich folgender interessanter Absatz:

Perl 5.8.0 doesn't build in AmigaOS. It broke at some point during
the ithreads work and we could not find Amiga experts to unbreak the
problems. Perl 5.6.1 still works for AmigaOS (as does the the 5.7.2
development release).

Da fehlen Amiga Experten? Das kann ja wohl nicht sein, so viele sind hier in den Foren zugegen :-)

In diesem Sinne...
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Michael Wohlers
mwohlers   User

2002-07-20, 15:30 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: "I am Amiga" Angebot bis zum 25. Juli evrlängert
Board: Amiga, AmigaOS 4

Hallo Kai!

Du schreibst:

Original von Kai9:
Ein absolutes Armutszeugnis für Amiga... !


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MfG Michael
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Michael Wohlers
-1- Search results: 3 hits (30 per page)

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