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-1- Search results: 3 hits (30 per page)
DaveW   User

2004-07-21, 22:19 h

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topic: AudioEvolution4 Demo unter OS4
Board: Amiga, AmigaOS 4

Hi Crossy,

Original von Crossy:

hat mal jemand probiert mit AE4 auf dem Amiga One einen Track aufzunehmen? Bei mir gelingt zwar eine Aufnahme diese ist jedoch mit erheblichen Störungen verbunden und absolut nicht brauchbar.
Hab so ein bisschen den Eindruck dass das System mit einer Aufnahme überlastet ist. Sollte denn die 68k Emu soviel CPU power benötigen?

First of all, the AE4 demo on the prerelease CD is PPC native, so about the only thing that is emulated there is gfx. The problem with recording is due to a bug in the emu10kx driver that only shows up in AE4 while it doesn't show up in small programs like AHIRecord etc. I've fixed it meanwhile and it will most likely be in the next OS4 update. And the a1ide device also will use IRQ's then which will definately help with these kind of programs.

Thank you for trying AE4,

Davy Wentzler
Audio Evolution

DaveW   User

2002-08-02, 10:47 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Amiga Arena Interview mit Davy W. (Audio Evolution 4) für AOS4.x
Board: Amiga, AmigaOS 4

I think you misunderstood. Nobody called you egoistic.
My posting was addressed to Olaf who requested that everybody should
follow your example which was (imho) unrealistic.

My sincere apologies then. I think it must have been the language barrier!
I think I overreacted, that's what forums can do to you these days! :-)

I said that developers can't sell any software for a nonexisting operation system
Well, I can't sell it right now obviously, but it's no use waiting for the OS
to arrive and then starting coding. Most of the work can be done now.

regards (and good luck for your project)
Thank you! :-)

Audio Evolution

DaveW   User

2002-07-31, 22:04 h

[ - Direct link - ]
topic: Amiga Arena Interview mit Davy W. (Audio Evolution 4) für AOS4.x
Board: Amiga, AmigaOS 4

Hi all,

Sorry that this message is written in English,
my German is not that good and could lead to more confusion.

Ok, first of all I'm sad to see that this interview causes
so much discussion. Somebody even called me egoistic!!

Let me tell you:
- I worked a long time for Amiga Inc. in very uncertain times,
risking loss of income and actually risking health (because
of my RSI).
- No sane person would start programming on a whole new version of
his program when he has almost no sales and almost no feedback
(and this is NOT because of a bad program!!). Well, I DID!
Why? To help OS4 forward, giving all of us a chance for our
platform to succeed.
- I am actually paying somebody to write my manual. Although it's
far less than he deserves, I risk getting low sales again, making
all my efforts worthless and actually loosing money.
- Years ago, besides programming AE, I could USE it myself as a
guitarist, now I can't anymore.
- I just spent all 4 weeks of my holiday on AE4 while I could be
on the Caribbean, actually having a life! Same goes for about
every weekend since last September or so.

So, please, think again before calling me egoistic! :-(((

Now, to clarify my choice:
- As you could read on the discussions: I have no contract
whatsoever with Hyperion or Amiga. These are my own opinions and
- The main point of releasing on OS4 (as opposed to OS3) is that some
features are not possible on the slow 68k. I want to guarantee a
minimum of quality/performance/capabilities. Ask anybody on a PC or
Mac if their audio hd-recording programs work on Pentium I @ 90 or
similar! I think PIII@400 are the min. requirements currently,
recommending the fastest processors. And still a lot of people
find the machines underpowered for audio work.
- Another big point is that maintaining several source trees takes time
and a lot of effort. And effort means 'use of hands', which in my
case means an attack on my health (like writing this message). So,
it's only common sense for me to choose 1 direction. Remember, I
program alone!
- OS4 will have unique features which makes maintaining several versions
even more difficult, and OS4 will continue to grow apart from OS3 and
MorphOS. For the naysayers: keep on believing that OS4
is OS3.9PPC, you really know, don't you?
- Staying with OS3 is not going to help the future of our Amiga, is it?
You already see the move of apps from MacOS9 to MacOSX only, same
- OS3 is not being developed on anymore, alas, no future.

Everybody has a right to choose if they want to use OS3/OS4/MOS or
whatever and so do the developers. Just like there are programs only
for PC that aren't around for Mac and v.v.

Ok, thank you for everyone who backed me up and sent me supporting
emails! :-)
Now, stop whining everybody, grow up, make your choice and
respect choices of others as well, without attacking them.

Audio Evolution

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