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Cross-Compiler/Assembler: Calypsi 5.8.1
"Calypsi" ist eine Sammlung von Compilern und Assemblern, die unter Windows, Linux und macOS laufen und Code für verschiedene Retro-Plattformen erzeugen können - unterstützt werden u.a. 6502- und 68000-Prozessoren. Obwohl das Projekt bei Github beheimatet ist, sind die Quelltexte nicht frei verfügbar und die Nutzung der Tools nur für private Zwecke gestattet.

Änderungen in Version 5.8.1:
  • Assembly sections using the same name as a compiler data section now sets the corresponding type qualifier. This makes the auto placement in the linker also work for assembly projects.
  • Switch statements with a single statement body (not a composite) caused an internal error.
  • Correct value in a compound literals casting the address of an external variable to an integer of fewer bits caused a linker range error.
  • 6502/65816: Correct spill handling which in some cases could result in an internal error, typically illegal instruction related to using the register.
  • 6502: Add a mechanism to restore zero page pseudo registers to allow safe return to Commodore 64 and MEGA65 BASIC. To enable it, place the following line somewhere in your application #pragma require __preserve_zp. Refer to the Target specifics chapter in the user guide for more information.
  • 6502: Correct a problem in the peephole optimizer that for multiple successive spill/fill operations with push/pull in an extended block in some situations could rearrange the order of operations with the rest of the code.

[Meldung: 06. Feb. 2025, 23:07] [Kommentare: 0]
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