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Datenbank: MUIbase 2.10
Steffen Gutmann stellt ein Update seiner relationalen, programmierbaren Datenbank MUIbase zur Verfügung. Änderungen in Version 2.10:
- New function SETBGPEN for setting the background color of attributes
- Several new pre-defined constants PEN_* useful for SETBGPEN
- New function 'mainWindowTitle' for computing the title of the main window
- Drag and drop of a record from a virtual list onto a reference attribute for setting the reference to the dropped record
- Allow dropping of icons onto text fields that support filenames.
This sets the contents to the pathname of the dropped icon (Amiga).
- Warn user when changing a read-only project
- Use native MorphOS-classes instead of NList and TextEditor.
MUIbase stills uses BetterString instead of Textinput.
- The Windows setup executable now containes all necessary GTK+ libraries
- Better support of copy & paste on Mac OS X
- Several bug fixes
Die MUIbase-Distribution enthält Portierungen für AmigaOS 3, AmigaOS 4 und MorphOS, eine AROS-Umsetzung wird erfahrungsgemäß in Kürze nachgereicht. (cg)
[Meldung: 23. Sep. 2011, 23:34] [Kommentare: 5 - 26. Sep. 2011, 17:23]
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