Amiga.org (Webseite)
AmigaOS 4: Web-Browser NetSurf 2.8
NetSurf ist ein schlanker, ursprünglich für RiscOS entwickelter Browser, der sich bereits ab 17 MB Speicher nutzen lässt und u.a. HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 und CSS 2.1 unterstützt. Die Neuerungen in der Version 2.8 sind dem Changelog zu entnehmen.
Release notes for this AmigaOS 4 build:
- DataTypes content handler now used for JPEG and PNG images on the 4.0 (static) build
- Low-memory version of parserutils.library included in the archive, for people wishing to reduce memory requirements
- MNG and WebP internal decoders no longer compiled in. Please install appropriate datatypes for WebP and (limited) MNG support
- The file Resource/mimetypes can be used to specify applications to run plug-in content (to use, right-click plug-in area and select "launch in external application"). It also links DataTypes, MIME types and DefIcons, so if something isn't working as expected it might be related to this file
- Please note the new DPI setting in prefs. Some people reported particulary small text on certain websites with the previous release. Setting DPI correctly fixes this. If you use a widescreen monitor you may need to set "option_widescreen:1" in Resources/Options
[Meldung: 23. Sep. 2011, 07:06] [Kommentare: 6 - 27. Sep. 2011, 09:47]
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