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GNN: New operating system: 68 percent planning to switch
"About 68 percent of the PC users are planning to change to a new or different operating system this year. This is the result of a non-representative survey of the computer magazine PC-Welt among 1,700 online visitors."
Full article (German) at the title link. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 07. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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ANN planning AWD successor
ANN is planning in creating a successor for the now-closed Amiga Web Directory. Those willing to help can contact Christian Kemp. Good English skills are of course required. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Trogladite Software

Trogladite Software with job vacancy
Trogladite Software is looking for people with C/C++ and ASM experience. Contact: (Translation: mb)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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What a year!!
A summary from James Russel of AmigaNation. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Petra Struck
Yesterday I read this URL in several postings, and asked Fleecy Moss by e-mail if he knows this URL, or is somehow involved in this project otherwise, since the descriptions on the website sound very familiar to me. Fleecy replied immediately: "Never heard of it 8-)"... (Translation: mb)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga: New Addresses
On the "Corporate" page, this new address has been added:

World Headquarters
Amiga Corporation
23800 SE Kent-Kangley Road
Kent, WA 98032
TEL: (425) 413-2620
FAX: (425) 413-2640

You have to dial a 001 for USA, which should be added by the webmaster ;-). In addition to the existing e-mail addresses, the following have been added:, and "Randy" has not been introduced so far. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New cartoon: In the nick of time

(Translation: mb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Roger Wyatt in ANF

Amiga Watch Communiqué 4: Clouds In My Coffee
Tech Head Stories, the electronic journal of narrativity and technology presents Amiga Watch, an ongoing series of commentary and analysis of the Amiga/Amino Scene. Communiqué 4: Clouds In My Coffee, presents a 20 point strategic plan for turning around the Amiga that is sure to be of interest to all supporters of the platform. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Int2 page updated
Aside from new pictures, there are new informations on the A3000 and A3000T. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Brad Webb by e-mail

Amiga Update Newsletter [04.01.2000]
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_||   (An Occasional e-mail
           WELCOME TO TOMORROW           ||       Newsmagazine)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amino, Inc.

           T H E   W O R D   F R O M   A M I N O   A M I G A

                  C O S A   O N   T H E   B U Y O U T

        A M I G A   W E B   D I R E C T O R Y   G O N E   . . .

       . . .   A S   I S   " A M A Z I N G   C O M P U T I N G "

     E X H I B I T O R S   S I G N   U P   F O R   A M I G A   2 K

           M O R E   A B O U T   S T .   L O U I S   S H O W

              S T I L L   M O R E   O N   A M I G A   2 K

                  A M I R C   3 . 3   R E L E A S E D

           M O R P H O S   P R O J E C T   A N N O U N C E D

            V O Y A G E R   V 3   F I N A L   R E L E A S E

         C S & E   A   E U R O P E A N   D I S T R I B U T O R

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 So much has happened recently, it's hard to know where to start.
 Allright, the bad news first. The first Amiga monthly magazine,
"Amazing Computing" is dead. It was also the last US Amiga magazine.
This is incredibly sad, especially as it just missed making it into
the new era of "Amiga by Amino", as announced in our recent special
edition. We don't know the details, and I'm not sure I want to. It
would be depressing. However, this is a real loss for North American
Amigans and the hurt will be felt for a very long time.
 Also sad, and this for the entire Amiga community, not just us North
Americans, is the death of CUCUG's Amiga Web Directory. The
cornerstone of the Amiga community on the web, it also just missed the
new era. Rumor has it other sites offered to take the Web Directory
over, and were turned down. If true, that's mind numbing. We really
don't know the details here either, but we will miss them.
 Now, the good news. There really is some, and it's quite good!
 The Amiga Community will survive, for some time to come. The computer
has a new owner, with a plan for the future (that's almost enough to
cause shock in old time Amigans) and a genuine, deep respect and love
for the Amiga and the Community. This is a bit hard to cope with after
recent events, but it's true.
 It's also true they have a rough road ahead of them. Success is by no
means guaranteed. But they'll be traveling the road with the best
computer community that ever existed. If that combination can't build
a meaningful future, then there's very little that can.
 The plan will be revealed to us in the next few months, and
apparently goes well beyond desktop machines. It's going to be an
interesting new era - we'll keep you posted.
 Finally, this new era seems to have room for Petro Tyschtschenko and
his work in Germany. In our opinion, while Jay Miner is the father of
the Amiga, Petro is the godfather or something similar. We're pleased
to see he's still involved. There's no one who's worked harder for the
Amiga's future over the years.
 While we're at it - for you gamers, the library of Quake related
games have been released for people to port, and work is well underway
for PPC Amigas. For those who love these games, the fun is just
 Below, the first Executive Update from the Amiga web site, now under
the control of Amino Development.
 We love it!

 Brad Webb,

           T H E   W O R D   F R O M   A M I N O   A M I G A

January 3, 2000

YeeHaw and welcome to the year 2000;

 I want to make something very clear from the beginning we have been
told, that Amiga was purchased by Gateway because of the Patents, and
that there were not even aware of the Amiga installed base, or the

 Gateway purchased Amiga because of Patents, we purchased Amiga
because of the People.

 Without the people standing behind, developing, creating, purchasing
and continuing to believe in the Amiga there never would have been
anything for Gateway to purchase. We recognize this, and it is because
of you, and what you have continued to accomplish with Amiga that we
have purchased the company.

 I want to make sure that everyone knows and understands what this all
means to you the true Amigans.

 Here is what was acquired from Gateway:

 1. All trademarks logos etc.

 2. All existing inventory of Amiga International

 3. All existing licenses.

 4. License to All Amiga patents (Gateway still owns the patents, but
we are able to use them).

 5. All web sites, and registered domain names.

 6. The Amiga OS and all that is associated with the OS.

 7. The Amiga operation as it exists today.

 Specific details of the developer system, the OS partners and how one
can begin developing will be released in the next couple of weeks.

 We will be making an announcement on January 8th, 2000 with one of
our partners at CES in Las Vegas, and more details will follow that

 Fleecy, Myself, Petro, and the rest of the team are not going to make
promises and create presentations and demos. We are going to deliver
products, services, and the rest of the world will know what you have
already known.

 We will be officially changing the name of Amino Development
Corporation to the Amiga Corporation this week, and we will let
everyone know of this change shortly once it is officially completed.

 I want to thank all of you for your continued support we will make
Amiga what it should have been, and more importantly what it will be.

 Keeping the faith,

Bill McEwen President/CEO
Amino Development Corporation

                 C O S A   O N   T H E   B U Y O U T

COSA Reaction to Amino Purchase of Amiga Rights

January 2, 2000

 Within the past few days, ownership of the Amiga rights, trademarks
and technology passed from Gateway to Amino Development. People have
asked for COSA's opinion on the sale, and for comments how this
affects the campaign to open-source the AmigaOS.

 We believe the sale of Amiga to Amino is a good, positive step
forward for the Amiga community, and that the new owners of the Amiga
technology rights are the right people to steer the Amiga technology
into the new millennium.

 COSA have known Fleecy Moss, co-founder of Amino, for quite some
time, and have been in e-mail discussions on a number of matters of
mutual interest, including Open Source, for quite some considerable
time. We have a good working relationship, and a mutual understanding
of what needs to be done to bring the Amiga into the new millennium.

 COSA is confident, based on our discussions with Fleecy, that Amino
has the vision and direction necessary, to take the Amiga into the new
millennium. The major difference to their predecessors being that
Amino truely understands the Amiga technology, and is receptive to the
needs, ideas and inspirations of the Amiga community. (The management
of Amino are, afterall, Amigans themselves.)

 We await the announcements from Amino in the weeks and months ahead
with much anticipation, and look forward to a hopefully long and
productive working relationship with them.

Congratulations, Guys!
Steve Crietzman, and the team at COSA

       A M I G A   W E B   D I R E C T O R Y   G O N E   . . .

 January 1, 2000 - The Champaign- Urbana Computer Users Group (CUCUG)
announced today that it has retired its popular, award-winning Amiga
Web Directory (AWD) web site.

 Citing continuing declines in the Amiga marketplace and Gateway's
failure to deliver new Amiga computer systems, CUCUG reluctantly
decided to discontinue its popular web site link directory and news
service on January 1, 2000. It was felt that while CUCUG could
continue with the AWD for several months, it was better to retire now
rather than allow the site to slowly decline with the market. CUCUG is
hopeful that the latest owners of the Amiga can turn this market
around for the developers and users who have held on throughout all
the past ownership changes and other difficulties the Amiga has faced.

 For over five years, the Amiga Web Directory served as one of the
most-visited Amiga-oriented web sites on the Internet. Its carefully
cataloged listings of Amiga web sites was the most-respected
collection of its kind. Each site in the AWD's listings was reviewed
by the CUCUG webmaster to ensure quality and Amiga orientation. Site
descriptions were carefully prepared by hand, resulting in accuracy
not possible on other machine- driven sites or those which allow site
owners to write their own descriptions.

 The AWD's Amiga news pages became one of the most imitated features
in the Amiga web community. Dozens of Amiga news sites were inspired
by the success of the Amiga Web Directory's hugely popular news pages.

 A well-known offshoot of the Amiga Web Directory was "Agnes" the
Amiga web searching service. Agnes was also a cartoon character which
personalized the searching service. In addition to the over-2000 Amiga
sites cataloged in the Amiga Web Directory, Agnes could search the
general Internet for Amiga content, newsgroup messages, CUCUG Status
Register newsletters and other Amiga-oriented materials.

 The Amiga Web Directory was one of the first member-supported Amiga
web sites. Amiga enthusiasts joined the CUCUG organization to show
their support for the efforts of the group. These memberships covered
the costs associated with running the popular web service and other
CUCUG activities. CUCUG is very grateful to its members' support which
it has received over the years. The group also acknowledges the many
Amiga-oriented companies which have given assistance.

 CUCUG, which has been supporting local computer users in the
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois area since 1983 will now focus its efforts
on local user group activities.

      . . .   A S   I S   " A M A Z I N G   C O M P U T I N G "

31 December, 1999
 "Amiga Update" has received confirmation from several sources that
PIM Publication's "Amazing Computing" has recently filed for
bankruptcy. "Amazing" was the first - and the last - monthly Amiga
magazine in the US and its presence will be sorely missed.
 While it is certainly possible for businesses to survive a bankruptcy
and continue into the future, we have no indications that such will be
the case with "Amazing". It is ironic that as Amiga itself is in the
process of a potential rebirth, we have lost both CUCUG and "Amazing

     E X H I B I T O R S   S I G N   U P   F O R   A M I G A   2 K

December 26, 1999

 Amigan-St. Louis announces it's first group of exhibitors for "Amiga
2K". These companies are listed on the Gateway Computer Show's - Amiga
2K© web site. You can view this site by typing in the following
address on your web browser.

 These companies are just the first in many that are signing up to
exhibit at this exciting event. Please check the show pages every week
to see the latest news.

 The Gateway Computer Shows are the largest and the most interesting
Amiga shows in the Americas. More products, updates, plans, ideas and
other exciting events have been released, announced and planned at
these shows than anywhere else.

 Amiga 2K will be hosted at the Henry VIII Hotel, on Lindbergh Ave.,
in St. Louis, MO. U.S.A. Show dates are Saturday April 1 through
Sunday April 2, 2000.

 Please check the web site for more information about the show and the
hotel. Come join Petro, myself and many other Amigans at Amiga 2K.

          M O R E   A B O U T   S T .   L O U I S   S H O W

December 31, 1999

 Amigan-St. Louis is happy to announce the addition of Nova Design,
Inc. to it's growing list of exhibitors.

 The ever popular Gateway Computer Shows, including the new Amiga 2K
show in St. Louis on April1 & 2, 2000, have always been very popular
with Amiga Computer fans.

 This newest addition of Nova Design, Inc. and others is just one more
step in the growing list of companies that will exhibit at the largest
Amiga show in the Americas. Please see the "Show" page in the site
listed below.

 In additon, you can find the "Club Table Contest" described on the
"Contest" page of the Amiga 2K site. This is an excellent chance for
an Amiga Club to showcase it's abilities, and show off the Amiga,
while possibly winning a prize for their efforts.

Please check our site at:

        S T I L L   M O R E   O N   A M I G A   2 K

January 3, 2000

 Amigan-St. Louis is pleased to announce a discount for clubs
exhibiting at the Gateway Computer Show - Amiga 2K©. The discount is
40% off of the normal price. This is a substantial discount, that is
only available to clubs, and only available when utilizing an eight
foot table. It is a limited time offer.

 The pricing can be determined by looking at the price guide for eight
foot tables under the "Exhibitors" button on the show page at: Then simply multiply 60% times that
price to determine the price a club would pay.

 Example: An eight foot table space is 9' x 6' or 54 square feet. The
price per square foot is $6. So 54 x 6 = $324. That's the normal
price. Then multiply $324 x 60% to get $194.40. This is what the club
will pay for their table. Eight foot tables can be shared by two
groups if necessary. This would further reduce the cost to a club. The
cost of the table does not include any admissions to the show. All
persons in the club must purchase an admission.

 All in all, this is a substantial discount. It is being given due to
the tremendous support clubs have given to the Amiga. Without the
clubs, there would be no Amiga. So to reward them and their hard
working members, we are giving this discount so they will not deplete
their club treasury to exhibit at Amiga 2K


                   A M I R C   3 . 3   R E L E A S E D


 AmIRC was the first VaporWare application to be shown to the Amiga
world. Its author, Oliver Wagner, has worked too many late nights on
the program to count, and continues to update it to this day.

 AmIRC's main strengths lie in its interface - it's one of the easiest
IRC clients to use on any platform, yet it also keeps the power users
happy with advanced ARexx scripting and its plugin API, allowing
unique new features to be added. It also features a URL grabber to
capture any URLs mentioned in any channels or query windows, a
lag-o-meter to measure your system's lag from the server, and strong
builtin flood protection including a staggered output queue to stop
you flooding yourself off the server.

 For IRCing on the Amiga, AmIRC should be your number one choice.

 Please remember, AmIRC is shareware. If you use it, please register
the software and help support Amiga software development.

 Download AmIRC 3.3 and see why it's the best IRC client for the
Amiga. If you registered AmIRC 1.x or AmIRC 2.x, you can update to
version 3.3.

 There is an AmIRC Mailing List run by VaporWare for users to discuss
the software. Please feel free to sign up for it, your question may be
answered there.


 o Advanced Low Level Plugin API.
 o Single Window Iconification.
 o Lag-o-meter shows lag from the server
 o Individual window logging.
 o Intuitive channel window with userlist and mode display.
 o Builtin high speed DCC drivers, incl. Secure Chat.
 o ARexx port includes event trapping.
 o IRCNet and UnderNet extensions.
 o Oper and clone announcement.

 o Builtin IdentD, disables itself if needed.
 o Bind sound effects, auto deiconify or ARexx to events.
 o Last nick history, TAB key cycles through.
 o URL grabber saves any URLs to send to your web browser.
 o Supports colored text for both input (WYSIWIG) and output.
 o CTCP/DCC flood protection.
 o Timestamping of lines and inline clickable URLs.

         M O R P H O S   P R O J E C T   A N N O U N C E D

Thursday, 23rd December 1999

 Today we announce the availability of a new Amiga next generation
PowerPC OS project, called MorphOS, to the public.

 In its current state it provides a modern memory protection
microkernel which runs a virtual amiga emulation. This microkernel
will be the base for a new OS layer.

 Research for this project started in early 1998, while at the end of
1998 an early implementation was ready. In 1999, we started on the
virtual amiga emulation to make the current AmigaOS available without
requiring 68K hardware. The basic design goals behind MorphOS are

- memory protection
- resource tracking
- asynchronous message system
- low interrupt latency
- virtual memory (optional)
- distributed computing
- symmetrical multi processing (SMP)
- recursive memory management
- task/thread and clan/chief model
- clean design with an elegant API
- micro/pico kernel mixture

The developer release is planned for end of January.  Minimum system
requirements are
- A4000 with CyberStorm PPC/604e and Symbios 770 SCSI
- CyberVisionPPC
- at least 32MB memory installed
- Kickstart 3.1 (Version 40.68) and Workbench 3.1 or up
Hardware requirements might change as soon as more hardware setups are
tested and implemented.

 As the success of this project will also depend on your
feedback/support, we suggest that interested developers visit our
project webpage for a general MorphOS overview and information on how
to join us to help.

Feel free to enter the project webpage at or

         V O Y A G E R   V 3   F I N A L   R E L E A S E

28 Dec 99

V³ 3.0 final released

 Here it is: the final version of V³

 Core changes since pre5:

 o now remembers FORM contents on back and, erm, window resize

 o HTTP/1.1 Accept-Language: support

 o Support for URL-embedded password support in HTTP URLs

 o Image information summary added

 o New Search Central plugin

 o The usual load of bugfixes and minor enhancements.

 This release does not include a new VFlash plugin. It is currently
undergoing final testing, and will be released individually within the
next few days.

        C S & E   A   E U R O P E A N   D I S T R I B U T O R

CS&E to concentrate on Amiga Distribution 2000


 I am writing to you for the good of the Amiga in the UK and beyond.
We have many great publishers and retailers and now two dedicated
magazines, but no independent distributor. I can announce to you that
CS&E will step in to independently distribute. We will reach both mail
order and high street retail from our warehouse in Birmingham which is
shared with the likes of Eidos.
 All products are delivered next day across Europe with many
guarantees for both the publisher and retailer. We hope that this step
will prove to be a great benefit for the whole Amiga community and
urge everyone to come together on this issue. Retailers please let us
know your full contact details for regular updates with your fax
number and e-mail and postal address. Publishers please also get in
contact to maximise your sales. A starter pack outlining our aims is
being prepared which will be sent out to all known contacts worldwide.
UK Amiga users can already feel proud by supporting some of the most
innovative companies around, we hope that this link will prove
valuable to all and our aim is to assist this good work.

David Connolly
Kind Regards,

CS&E sales:
7 Glyme Close, Woodstock, Oxon, OX20 1LB, Great Britain
+44 (0) 1993 812685
visit our website at
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:

Stop by and check out our archive!
Copyright 2000 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Software News
  • Peters Amiga Homepage: A serious bug has been fixed in the HP and Olivetti printer drivers. The HP drivers for the 670C and the 870C are already available for download, the Olivetti drivers will be uploaded by the author at a later time.
  • Airsoft Softwair: A new TUP version has just been released. TUP v1.5 now finally works flawlessly with Visual Prefs. Moreover, there are new catalogs for Spanish and French users, and some other improvements. Download: TUP1_5.lha
  • Aminet uploads 05.01.2000
  • Oliver Roberts: WarpJPEG.datatype 44.5 - download: WarpJPEGdt.lha - 38 Kb
  • Ralph Torchia: Spitfire (Palm Desktop) version 0.32 - download: Spitfire.lha
  • Haage & Partner offer a patch for PageStream 4.0 revision 2 (4.0r2). - download: pgs40patch1.lha - 597 Kb
  • Shadow Works today released a statement, which explains why NewsRog (a NNTP newsreader) is discontinued. In the end, several things like decreasing Amiga market, no hardware developments, software piracy and credit card fraud resulted in this descission. The last version 1.8b, from October 1999, is still available for registered users in the download area.
  • Cyberdyne Systems: New alpha versions (v45.00 alpha 6) of the stormamiga.lib for AmigaOS/68k. Some functions have been added, some expanded and optimized, and all known bugs removed. This version is for registered users only.
  • Photogenics: Paul Nolan has created three new tutorials. He is now completely reworking the manual, and would wellcome feedback.
  • Read at the Czech Amiga News:
    Those who want to see Duke Nukem 3D and Strife ported to Amiga, an contact David Bereault by e-mail.

    szip for Amiga, compiled by Allan Odgaard - download: szip_112_amiga.lzx
  • Javosoft: New FastATA4000 driver version 1.6 for Elbox FastATA 4000 - download: FastATA4000v16a27.lha
  • At Amigart Amster v0.3 is available, the freeware port of Napster MP3. The long filename and "Chat mode" bug has been fixed. Download: amster.lha
  • Andreas R. Kleinert by e-mail - aside from major optimizations of the PNG and TIFF datatypes, there are small improvements in the JFIF datatype, and PPC603-optimized versions especially for A1200/PPC users. Download:

    akMPEG4.lha - new URL!
  • SecondSpin, the new MPEG Audio Player, has been released as version 1.87B.
    Download: SecondSpin_Install.lha - V.87B
    and SecondSpin_Encoder.lha - Lame v3.57
  • Aminet uploads 07.01.2000
  • Trogladite Software: Kalbos version 1.31 released, fixing the CGX bug. Download: ts-kalbos.lha

    Major UnInstaller update planned. The new UnInstaller will not only support scripts made for version 1.0, but also those made for 1.1+. Additionally, Commodore Installer logfiles, the new UnInstaller standard and a reworked UI will be implemented.
  • Hyperion Software: A page for the game Freespace: The Great War has been added to the projects. The game is a space simulation by Volition/Interplay. System requirements: PPC-processor (maybe 68060), gfx card (maybe AGA), 3D-support by Warp3D, sound by AHI, 64 MB RAM and a 8-speed CD-ROM. Working on the Amiga port are Hans-Jörg Frieden and Chrisian Sauer.

    There is a new status report for Heretic II, where Hans-Jörg Frieden says that the four basic elements are finished.
  • VWP: Update WaveTracer DS Mark V 5.1
    After the BETA version was already available some time, the final version 5.1 of WaveTracer DS Mark V is now available. Download is possible from the VWP homepage. The update is only possible for owners of the full version, the serial number is required (can be found in the WaveTracer menu "Special", item "User-Info").
  • A technical preview of the Opera browser for Linux version 4.0a (Qt edition) has been released. Download of the alpha version: opera-19991224.tar.gz
  • The Mushroom Software homepage (F1 Software and 5th Dimension licensee) now offers a "Real-Time Voice Chat", which requires Java, however.
  • Innovative writes:
    Since our server is moving right now, there are no new informations e.g. for VLRec NG 4.0 available there. You can however order VLRec NG 4.0 already from our online shop. As soon as our presence has completed its move, we will wellcome you on a further improved and reworked website with many news. So far, please be patient.
  • Atéo: The download area has been reworked, "cleaned up" and some files updated.
  • Frank Wille: New ppc.library emulation for WarpOS version 0.7b - download: ppclibemu.lzx
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst in ANF

New links for
Patrick Beerhorst writes:
I want to point to the offer from With this page, I made it my goal to offer a link collection of good Amiga software products which often "suffer" from a long or complicated URL and are therefore unknown to many users, or quickly forgotten if you forget to bookmark it.

So if you have good submissions for the page, please send them in, so I can keep the page continuously updated. For submissions, please use the offered form, or send me a mail in the format title / URL / description and address of the author. Please don't forget to mention if special hardware is required (like PPC etc.). (Translation: mb)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Info for PC users: Trojan/Feliz destroys important system files
"The trojan wishes a 'happy new year' [FELIZ ANO NOVO], and a face appears. However, eight important system files are deleted in the background. A new system boot is no longer possible then. Like before, beware of new year e-mails with attached files. Of course there are harmless (exe) files around. My advice: NEVER open this file, no matter from which address it comes." (Translation: mb)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steve Crietzman on COSA ML

Steve Crietzman: News from Petro
From:         "Steve Crietzman"
Date:         Tue, 4 Jan 2000 10:41:10 -0000
Organization: Campaign to Open Source AmigaOS
Subject:      [cosa] Some news from Petro

Hi all,

I've just got off the phone with Petro.  Thought I'd share
a little info with y'all.

First, he's alive and well and still functioning as Amiga
International, Inc. and will continue to operate under Amino.

Tom Schmidt is also alive, well and employed by Gateway,
and still around in some capacity - although I'm not sure
what his new title or position is yet.  He is to come over
to Germany and meet with Petro soon to finalise everything.

Petro sounded very optimistic about the future, and said
he looks forward to continue to do his job and to the future
with Amino.

He said to expect some announcements from Amino in the
days and weeks ahead.  Keep a close eye on the Amiga
website.  According to Petro, there's going to be a small
update later today.

He also in this phonecall repeated his continuing support
for COSA and Open Source and asked me to convey his
best wishes to Amigans everywhere, and to let everyone
know that for him, it's "business as usual."

It's reassuring (to me at least) to know that whatever
happens with the Amiga, the one thing we can always
count on is that Petro will always be around.  Whoever
said we don't have stability in the Amiga world? ;-)

Best regards,

Steve Crietzman (
Amiga 4000/040, 18MB RAM, 1.2GB Hard Disk, Picasso IV
President, Open Amiga Group (
(Translation: mb)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert by e-mail

PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX - Software Engineering Website moving
From January 7th to 9th, my WWW provider is changing it's server infrastructure, so might be temporarily unavailable. E-mails should be delivered normally, however.

Progress reports are available at :-) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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GNN: USB-expansion for Amiga
The title link is yesterday's top news at GNN.
GNN writes:
"After the easy-to-expand Universal Serial Bus was quickly spread first by Apples iMac, and shortly afterwards by Windows 98 systems, interest is now growing among users of other platforms - at least that of Amiga users might be satisfied soon.

The TigerTronics team is developing a USB expansion board for all Amiga models with Zorro expansion card, like the 3000 and 4000 series. It is labeled "Eriol", and will offer two USB ports. Low and high speed USB devices will be supported. If more than two devices are to be connected, standard USB hubs have to be used. To transmit data quickly and keep system usage low, Eriol will access Amiga memory directly by DMA transfer."
Full article (German) at the title link.

Another (German) article at GNN: New chance? Gateway sells Amiga (Translation: mb)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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First official statement from Bill McEwen: Executive Update
January 3, 2000
YeeHaw and welcome to the year 2000;

I want to make something very clear from the beginning we have been told, that Amiga was purchased by Gateway because of the Patents, and that there were not even aware of the Amiga installed base, or the people.

Gateway purchased Amiga because of Patents, we purchased Amiga because of the People.

Without the people standing behind, developing, creating, purchasing and continuing to believe in the Amiga there never would have been anything for Gateway to purchase. We recognize this, and it is because of you, and what you have continued to accomplish with Amiga that we have purchased the company.

I want to make sure that everyone knows and understands what this all means to you the true Amigans.

Here is what was acquired from Gateway:
  1. All trademarks logos etc.
  2. All existing inventory of Amiga International
  3. All existing licenses.
  4. License to All Amiga patents (Gateway still owns the patents, but we are able to use them).
  5. All web sites, and registered domain names.
  6. The Amiga OS and all that is associated with the OS.
  7. The Amiga operation as it exists today.

Specific details of the developer system, the OS partners and how one can begin developing will be released in the next couple of weeks.

We will be making an announcement on January 8th, 2000 with one of our partners at CES in Las Vegas, and more details will follow that release.

Fleecy, Myself, Petro, and the rest of the team are not going to make promises and create presentations and demos. We are going to deliver products, services, and the rest of the world will know what you have already known.

We will be officially changing the name of Amino Development Corporation to the Amiga Corporation this week, and we will let everyone know of this change shortly once it is officially completed.

I want to thank all of you for your continued support we will make Amiga what it should have been, and more importantly what it will be.

Keeping the faith,

Bill McEwen President/CEO
Amino Development Corporation (Translation: mb)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Häuser be e-mail

Legal Quake version for WarpUP (beta version) released
Yesterday, the first beta version of Quake 1.09 and QuakeWorld has been released by Frank Wille and Steffen Häuser. The beta version is available at the title link, and contains binaries for WarpUP (vbcc-WarpUP compiled) and PowerUP (vbcc-PowerUP compiled) of QuakePPC.

Feature list:
  • GFX board and AGA support
  • support for PIP (Picasso 96) and WB Window
  • double and triple buffering
  • sound
  • CD audio support
  • mouse, joypad and joystick support
  • in-game video options
  • network support
  • QuakeWorld support (client and server)

It is a beta version. Stability, Warp3D support and a comfortable user interface will follow. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Joachim Nink in ANF

Diamond Caves II and Maniacball now freeware
After releasing Diamond Caves I as freeware, the author Peter Elzner has decided to release the legendary Amiga games Diamond Caves II and Maniacball as freeware. The numerous levels are available for free download, too. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga ranked 2nd
Amiga is ranking an ungraceful 2nd place in the "Vaporware" Award.

I am sure Bill and Fleecy have more to offer than that :-). (ps) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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#Ami3D competition
The competition is for all renderers, the selected subject is "The Garden". If you want to participate, you can find all necessary details here. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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.AmiUpdate Interview
.AmiUpdate did an interview with Georges Halvadjian, author of Perfect Paint, which you can read at the title link. There is also a detailed review of Perfect Paint. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AROS update
The AROS (Amiga Research OS) website has been reworked, and all subpages updated. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ivo Janacek by e-mail

Javosoft: New drivers
New drivers for FastATA/Powerflyer and Allegro / 4xEIDE and Allegro.
Download: FastATA'99v51a27.lha
Download: EIDE'99v27a27.lha (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dennis Pauler in ANF

Update of the AmigaFever homepage
The AmigaFever homepage has been updated again: some new areas, and new articles in the article archive. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Neo in ANF

Römer Computer also closing
Neo writes in the News forum:
I just found this posting in the Heise Newsticker Forum (title link) (partial):
"You have to face reality!
Horst-Dieter Römer on January 2nd, 2000
Hello friends!
Until December 31rd, 1999, I was Amiga service partner and did quit, because it was no longer justifiable from an economic point of view."

However, there is no mention of this on the Römer homepage yet. One less, again :-((

Mario Eng writes on the subject in ANF:
The shop Römer COmputer in Berlin is closed, repairs and sales of Amiga hardware and supplies does however continue on the Römer homepage. E-Mail to (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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GIGA: New Amiga Ownership
"...after Jim Collas and his hardware plans failed at Gateway and quit, it was already forseeable that Amiga wouldn't see a bright future. 'Now we can finish the job started 15 years ago', says Amino CEO Bill McEwen, without further commenting this..."
Full article (German) at the title link.

ZDNet: Gateway sells Amiga to startup

For the first time, the amount of 5 million dollar was mentioned in combination with the purchase. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Falk Lüke by e-mail

Eternity: Tales of Tamar News
Since these are the first EternityNews this year, a happy new year first!

The work on Tales of Tamar is making steady progress, the demo version will be released soon. Those who already own it will enjoy a yet improved version even closer to the final game:
Go to the camp, and you will find a nice update for the demo version (v0.25) in one of the displayed tons! As a small gimmick, we included a small MasterMind clone named "RuneStone" which you will enjoy for sure.

Additionally, we are looking for language-skilled people (for localising the demo version, subsequently the full version). People interested should contact me at (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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COSA on the Amiga / Amino sellout
Steve Crietzman congratulates Amino on the purchase of Amiga, and is faithful that the right people did buy Amiga. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Questions to Bill
So Amiga is sold, and of course there are many, many open questions. Please send us your questions as fast as possible, so we can incooperate them in our interviews. Send questions to Andreas Magerl, editor-in-chief Amiga Future, e-mail (Translation: mb)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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TigerTronics website now online
TigerTronics has the goal of developing a USB card for Amiga. In February 2000, the first prototype card will be finished. Afterwards, the necessary Amiga software will be developed for this card. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Software News
(Translation: mb)

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Alex Kazik in ANF

scene-handler now for MovieShop V5
The new version of scene-handler can now also work on MovieShop V5 data. Currently there is only a demo, since particion access is not yet available. Additionally, a new AIFF/AIFC bug has been fixed. The registered version is now able to add new sounds to projects. Try participating in our survey. Download: scene-handler.lha. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steven Kile by e-mail

Steven Kile did send us this advertising for AmigaZone.
I posted this a few days before, but forgot to upload the ad. Sorry.

Greetings Fellow Amiga Users,

I just wanted to let all of you know about an Amiga Web-based bulletin board, The AmigaZone. The AmigaZone is a fully menued online service you can use with any terminal program or Telnet client, and it also has a fast and slick web interface you can use with your web browser!

The Zone has dozens of message bases, over 40,000 downloadable files, an Amiga Usenet newsfeed, Amiga Fidonet echoes feed, "QWK" mail and news downloading, CD ROMs online, fourteen Amiga mailing lists that feed right into our message bases so you don't have to clog up your mailbox with them, an online gif/jpg library image thumbnail generator, live chat rooms, a members' private FTP site and POP3 mail server, and more features than any Amiga-specific service you've ever seen. Yes, it's a multi- interface, easy to use, fully Amiga-dedicated online service and we'd love to have YOU as a member!

I particularly like, the free email account ( I am an Amiga user and proud of it. This lets everyone know.

The downloadable files are not duplicates of Aminet. These files are found all over the web and deposited her for our convenience. I don't have time to scour the web for the files I need and this is an excellent resource.

AmigaZone members can participate in nightly Telnet chats. These chats are a good way to make friends with other dedicated Amiga users and get their valuable help when we need it. The Sunday chats include prize giveaways (for more info see This is probably the best odds you will ever find. On average, 10 or less people make it to the Sunday chats and Harv is very generous with his prizes. I am not talking about cheap prizes, I have won a factory sealed OpalVision board, and several texture CDs, and books.

When you join AmigaZone as a paid member, you will be sent a FREE official AmigaZone Logo black mesh baseball cap as our thank-you gift! No strings. No baloney! Click to see a picture of the cap The cap is all black, universal-fit and the AmigaZone logo is in white with the Boing! ball that dots the "i" in its traditional red and white checks. Upon notification of your signup, you'll get an email with your login info and your free AmigaZone cap will be mailed to you! These hats are beautiful. I signed on after they started this program, so I had to buy mine. But even then, members often buy these items at cost.

To join, use our secure signup page (, or phone CalWeb at 1-800-509-9322 or 1-916-641-9320, and say "AmigaZone Sent Me!" and the $20 signup fee is waived!

All this and it only costs $12.95 per month. We all need to help keep Amiga resources available. Without our help, we will all be left to our own devices to keep our machines running.

Thanks, Steve. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 02. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Flame

Amiga Flames Top 10 Games 1999
Digital Images made first place with Wipeout 2097. Congratulations! (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AWD [News]

Amiga Web Directory closing down
On January 1st, the multi-award-winning Amiga Web Directory, which has gone online in May 1994 as a free service of Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group and AdvanceNet, has closed and thanks all members, friends and supporters. owes much to the Amiga Web Directory. Basically, this news service was created from the idea of offering something like the AWD for the German language. AWD has been by inspiration in many things. I think it is sad that they close now, since news around the Amiga will not subside so quickly, especially after the Amino purchase. Therefore I hope the people behind the AWD will think this over. (ps) (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Software News
(Translation: mb)

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Herbert Markart in ANF

Austrian Law of Electronic Signatures in force
Since January 1st, the Law of Electronic Signatures (SigG) is in force in Austria. Electronic signatures by e-mail and Internet are therefore equivalent to hand-written signatures. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Gateway sells Amiga
"The legendary multimedia computer Amiga has a new owner, again. Computer manufacturer Gateway sells the rights on the name and all still existing hardware to the company Amino Development. Additionally, Amino gets the rights on all Internet domains around the Amiga, and currently held by Gateway. How much Gateway recieves for the package has so far not been disclosed by the two companies.
The followers of the Amiga, which enjoys cult status among its fans, have gone through a rollercoaster of emotions in the years gone by: hope-filled announcements of a revival of the hardware platform have again and again been followed by cancellations." (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Mohr

Who has bought Amiga?
Volker Mohr has done this summary for us:
Everybody has heard it: Amino Development has purchased the rights on the name Amiga, the Internet domain, and most important, on the Amiga technology developed in the time before Gateway. Not purchased were the rights on the new multimedia environment, so far been called "AmigaObjects", and the so-called Amiga MCC. These products, developed during the Gateway era, will be integrated into the Gateway product line without the name Amiga in the future.

With other words: What we user would call Amiga does now belong to Amino.

But who is Amino? Basically, Amino consists of two persons: Fleecy Moss and Bill McEwen. If you had an eye on Amiga Inc. and Gateway in the last few years, these names will sound familiar to you.

Bill McEwen was employed at Amiga, Inc. as "Head of Marketing and Software Evangelism". He left the company only days before Jim Collas, not all that voluntary himself. Before Bill worked at Amiga, Inc., he already was employed by several other well-known computer companies, but had nothing to do with Amiga. Despite this, he was immediately impressed by the capabilities of the (original) Amiga, and very quickly became a convinced member of the Amiga community and a supporter of the (by Jeff Schindler) so-called "Amiga Classics". Of course he did not lose the feeling for the need of new hard- and software developments. So, he was also a supporter of Collas' plans for the so-called AmigaMCC.

Bill McEwen had to leave Amiga, Inc. a few days before Jim Collas. While Collas was said to have left the company "for personal reasons", Bill never hid that his contract was not extended. While Bill is no long-standing Amiga fan, he did not only learn to understand and value the Amiga and his users, but also was able to win the trust of old Amiga gurus like Dave Haynie and Carl Sassenrath.

Fleecy Moss is also known to most from his time at Amiga, Inc. Little is known about his time before that. In an interview with the magazine CU Amiga (which has been closed down in the meantime), October issue 1998, page 30f., he tells a little bit about himself: "I am British, and currently work in the USA. I am Project Manager and System Architect, responsible for introducing new special computer systems. I am Amiga user for 8 years (translator's note: with the interview being dated 1998), and started with a Commodore Pet and VC 20 at the age of 11. What I hope to give the Amiga is respect for his philosophy and community ideals, as well as a good feeling for the future and the digital information revolution." (translator's note: The above has been re-translated and might differ slightly from the original, to which I don't have access.)

After Joe Torre, Fleecy Moss was the second important person at Amiga, Inc. whose contract was not extended. After his departure, Fleecy initiated the KOSH project. KOSH is intended to be "the hardware equivalent to Linux", a computer platform honoring user wishes and needs, developed as open source. Fleecy knows of course that such a goal cannot be achieved in short terms. When Gateway canceled the AmigaMCC plans, Joe Torre initiated Amino together with Bill McEwen. (translator's note: probably this should read Fleecy Moss and Bill McEwen, not Joe Torre!?) There have been little information about this company. The first impression on the public was made by the close connection with Phoenix, a connection of several Amiga distributors and developers with the goal of creating a new platform as an alternative to the Amiga. This common platform was originally intended to be based on PPC systems with QNX as operating system. Both was not a final decission when Phoenix / Amino was founded, but a basis of discussion for common plans.

So what does the purchase of Amiga by Amino mean? It is clear that the freshly founded two-man company does not have the funds to continue AmigaOS development and have new hardware build in short terms. But that is not required necessarily. To get an impression what can be expected, I recommend having a close look at the Phoenix pages. The basic difference will probably be that now there will be no development of an Amiga alternative, but a further development of the Amiga platform. This means, roughly, that Amiga/Amino will lead the path, but several other companies will build new Amigas, too. This would bring the Amiga area a similar situation as in the PC area, where many companies can honor many special wishes of users. This path of action has several advantages: The necessary investments are distributed among several companies. Additionally, this gives added security to the user, since a possible bancruptcy of a single company would not endanger the whole market. This way, the Amiga as a platform will be of interest again for new users.

If the future systems will run on a modern AmigaOS, QNX or whatever, or if the new systems will be based on PPC, that's speculation. It's a fact, however, that there has been work on the future before the purchase, too, so things don't start from zero. Especially how new users are to be drawn has to be speculated about. For sure there has been thought put in this area, too.

I am convinced that many surprises are to be expected soon. (Translation: mb)

[News message: 01. Jan. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bradd Webb per eMail

AmigaUpdate newsletter from December 31st, 1999
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_||   (An Occasional e-mail
        S P E C I A L   I S S U E        ||       Newsmagazine)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.

            A M I G A   S O L D   T O   A M I N O ! !

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 Happy New Year everyone! Some of you will see this on the last day of
1999, some on the first of 2000 - either way, you have another reason
to celebrate today! We've been waiting and practically twitching to
get this information to you.
 We still don't have a press release directly from Amino, but as the
following information is now available generally on the wire, we owe
it to our readers to get it to you as quickly as possible. If we do
get a press release from Amino/Amiga we'll also get that to you right
 Looks to us like both Gateway and the Amiga Community win with this
 Big smiles around here today!

 Brad Webb,

            A M I G A   S O L D   T O   A M I N O ! !

Amino Development Buys Amiga Name, Inventory From Gateway

 SAN DIEGO, Dec. 31 -- Amino Development Corp., a privately held
company based in Maple Valley, Washington, has purchased from Gateway
its Amiga trademarks and Amiga computer systems. Terms of the
transaction have not been disclosed.

 According to Peter Ashkin, Gateway senior vice president, Gateway
chose to sell the name after deciding to fold Amiga's software
engineering function into Gateway's product development. This merger
of development activities is part of Gateway's overall strategy to
develop and market the coming generation of "Internet appliances".

 "Amiga, as a personal computer brand, has a loyal following of fans
around the world," Ashkin said. "Under Gateway's wing, Amiga morphed
into a software development company working on a new Internet
appliance operating environment software. Now that we're bringing that
development work into Gateway product development, it made sense to
find a buyer for Amiga."

 "Yee-haw " said Bill McEwen, president and CEO of Amino. "This is a
very exciting day, and now an even more exciting tomorrow. Now we can
finish the job that was started 15 years ago."

 The transaction, effective immediately, includes the transfer of all
Internet domain names related to Amiga which Gateway had held. Gateway
retains ownership of all patents acquired when it bought Amiga in
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive!
Copyright 1999 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_

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