Ruediger Hanke via eMail
AmigaWriter-Import Filter for Pagestream
Ruediger Hanke has uploaded version 0.9 of his AmigaWriter-import filter to the web.
The filter loads documents of AmigaWriter version 1.0-2.20 to PageStream. For instance it makes possible:
- printing documents of AmigaWriter to PostScript
- exporting documents of AmigaWriter to PDF
- using AmigaWriter as WYSIWYG-replacement for PageLiner
You can find a detailed list in the section "Technical Notes" which elements of documents of AmigaWriter
can be imported and which cannot, and how conflicts resulting from the different implementation of
some features in AW and PGS can be solved.
For more information, a screenshot and for downloading please have a look at the title link.
[News message: 01. Nov. 2000, 08:49] [Comments: 0]
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