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Golem (Website)

Golem: inofficial follow of the adventures of Zak McKracken
How Golem reported, there is an inofficial follow by fans on PC of the adventure classic Zak McKracken by Lucas Arts.

Zak McKracken 2: Between Time and Space could be downloaded as a 23 MB demo for Windows computers. The game still hold the classical points and clicks, also the 2D graphic. But there should be some 3D graphics and partsequences integrated. The game plays in the year 2009 on two planets with different timezones.

The developers are searching for new workers especially for graphician. A day for publishing for the finished game wasn't told yet. (snx) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2004, 19:09] [Comments: 0]
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Wired: Amiga still voted in Vaporware-Top 10
Now the Amiga gets a questionable honour, he placed in the top ten of Vaporware. They are voted by the Wired-readers and they vote for products which are pronounced for a very long time, but not published until today. AmigaOS4 defensed the 9th rank for the year 2003.
9. Amiga OS 4.0 (Amiga)

Perhaps not accidential Amiga defensed the rank of 2002 Vaporware-awards because of the long promised Amiga machines of the next generation. The hardware was there but not the operating system.
(snx) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2004, 18:45] [Comments: 0]
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20.Jan.2004 (website)

Genesi listed in the Motorola Alliance Directory
Genesi S.à.r.l. is now listed in the Motorola Alliance Directory.

As reports, Motorola would have begun an investigation under the agreement reached late last week into the use of the Pegasos primarily focused on the server and consumer electronics market. Furthermore Motorola would have begun to develop a joint marketing plan to promote and sell the Pegasos with Genesi.

Being a member of the "Motorola Design Alliance" program gives companies a chance, among other, to do Co-branding with Motorola on new products, the ability to purchase development tools at a significant discount and the ability to participate with Motorola in key industry trade shows and conferences. (snx)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2004, 00:44] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaWorld (ANF)

Fortnightly Q&A's with Fleecy Moss - episode 26
The English online magazine AmigaWorld has published episode 26 of the regular questions and answers session with Fleecy Moss, CTO at AMIGA, Inc. (Update 2012-03-15, cg: as the original document is no longer available, the following content was moved into our database):

1) rayt: Is it still planned to release the CyberstormPPC version of OS4 before the Aone version or will they be released at the same time now?

Fleecy: Whichever one is done first will be released first. The CSPPC version was a long way ahead of the AmigaOne version but in recent months that has ceased to be the case and the AmigaOne may even now be ahead of the CSPPC version. We still aren't ready to give a release date for either but once one is released, a majority of the spare resources will go into bringing the other to release.

2) Hondo_DK: Could you perhaps tell us about the changed plans with 4.1,4.2, etc. ??? and maybe give us a new timeline for these versions.

Fleecy: Such things are always going to be subject to change, as they have already. Just generating the final requirements set is hard enough but trying to add a timeline to it is virtually impossible. We hope to have AmigaOS4.1 out within 12 months of AmigaOS4.0 but that could change depending upon a number of things.

As we move forwards, the feature set for each successive release will obviously build upon the other but will be a combination of;
  1. fixes from the last version.
  2. enhancements to AG1 code that will remain.
  3. introduction of AG2 services, such as visual, audio, 3D and such.
  4. introduction of the digital living essentials services.
  5. Introduction of a formal development environment for developers.

The Digital Living Essentials project is dedicated to bringing core user activities to the AmigaOS, so that we can provide an acceptable alternative to other competitors. For example a world class browser, an email client, a media player etc.

3) MycoMedical: I was reading up on Intent, and they have recently comeout with a new version. If I buy the SDK now, am I entitled to the upgrade or should I wait untill the SDK is updated before I invest?

Fleecy: The recently released ADK from Tao is based upon Intent 1.4, the same version that we are using in the construction of the new SDK. If you buy the SDK now then yes, you will receive an upgrade - remind me if anyone causes you any trouble over it.

4) Santa: How does the AG2 services based approach relate to WebServices? Are they comparable technologically?

Fleecy: A service is simply a description of a set of logically related operations. A service provider implements a service for a particular resource. These exist within an abstract domain that allows for the resources and the services to be distributed and dynamically advertised, discovered and queried. As such they are a key part of the development architecture and environment for the future.

As for WebServices? Do you have anything particular in mind? Email me if you need a better answer.

5) mjohnson: How extensive has the beta-testing been for the filesystem/diskvalidator and the Partition Wizard? (If you don't mind, throw me all the gory details! I.e. how badly crashed disks have been successfully rescued, how thoroughly have your attempts at finding bugs been executed?)

Fleecy: These information comes from various members of the development and beta groups so may be a little bit disjointed, but you did ask for the gory details.

"OK, the gory details on the file system (maybe Jörg could comment on the data recovery practice) include in about two serious 'incidents' over a period of two years which required the use of a disk structure repair program (no, not Partition Wizard, which wasn't handy at the time the fix needed to be made). Apart from this the file system has run remarkably robust and stable for all the time. The 'period of two years' refers to the time the author of the file system would use it on the busiest partition of his Amiga, namely the one which holds the e-mail client and the web browsers. The author has been using the file system for almost as long on all his other partitions, including those which hold the Amiga operating system source code and private development projects. The new file system was written to be paranoid about the data it manages and it tries to minimize the impact of data structure changes on the disk: if, for whatever reason, the system should crash or hang before all the necessary data has been written, then the contents of the disk should still be in a consistent state. In many cases not even a revalidation is necessary."

"Partition Wizard has 2 data recovery functions:
  • 'Repair' checks all FastFileSystem meta-data blocks, and in case of OFS the data blocks as well, of the partition and removes all files/directories/links which have errors. The result is always a error free partition. It does not attempt to restore partial files/directories, that's where some of the other tools can fail and even destroy more as they repair. Repair makes sure not to modify any data which could help the 'Salvage' function.
  • 'Salvage' doesn't fix the errors on the partition itself but scans the whole partition, rebuilds the filesystem structures and copies the rescued files/directories to another partition. That way more data can be recovered, for example it's impossible in a fix-in-place repair to find out which file is the correct one for "block used twice" errors for all possible cases, when copying the files to another partitition instead both (or even more) files can be restored. Of course only one of them will be correct, but the correct one is always rescued which is not the case in a fix-in-place repair.

Additionally to FastFileSystem2 (all 8 modes) Salvage supports SmartFileSystem as well."

"You could add to the answer as well that you can recover lost partitions (due to a lost RDB). It worked very well for me :)

PW generates a list of found partitions the user can use with Media Toolbox to recreate the partitions. PW has undelete, unformat, etc. as well,"

6) koan: As this series continues, will you put together a work-in-progress List of AG2 "specifications" as you have described them on the AI homepage? Or does such a document exist and I have missed it?

Fleecy: Once AmigaOS4.0 is out the door, then I will put up more documentation relating to AG2. The first four AG2 projects that will commence will cover visual services, audio services, ROSE (Resources and Services Environment) and Persistence (Data storage and organisation). The Interactive Environment will start but obviously cannot be implemented until the visual services are complete. As a result there may be a project which builds a new or updated Workbench/Intuition as a fill in.

Be assured that as soon as we have something to show off we will but the last three years has seen the community make itself perfectly clear. Show us when its ready.

7) JCC: Would XML preferences be an example of an OS4 feature that is a stepping stone toward the final destination (the concept sounds great since it makes system configuration very accessible)?

Fleecy: For me it is clear that XML preferences are the way to go as
  • the programming interface is way more fail/crash-proof compared to the currently available binary accessed formats (true also for the current IFF/iffparse.library as the chunks themself do contain proprietary encoding, too).
  • the application developer doesn't need to reinvent the wheel for storing preferences over and over again.
  • one commonly used preferences format will help to wipe away all proprietary used .ini/.iff/.bin/.cfg etc. file formats.
  • the XML format is human-readable and even -editable (it is even very easy to write an editor for it like Apples PropertyListEditor, something that is planned.)
  • the textual representation of data within XML doesn't has any endianness-dependency [this makes it easier to exchange data between platforms (if it should be needed)].
  • the human-readability makes it easy to verify what (probably personal and confidential) information is stored within a references file (impossible in case of a binary encoded scrambled] prefs file).
  • the hype-factor should not be accepted. XML really is as important as people claim and is not another overhyped technology.

Perhaps these arguments don't convince some people but you just need to look at Mac OS X and see how successful the application of a common XML preferences format can be. The implementation within application.library is an attempt to bring some of these benefits to AmigaOS4.0.

8) VidarL: What's happening with the Safe-C programming language you talked about a long time ago?

Fleecy: It is still a key part of the AmigaOS5.0 plan but it has been absorbed into another project that has yet to be announced.

9) GregS: I heard that Alan demonstrated an MS box running as a client within Linux on an A1 (I could have misread this). Is such a facility (alond with Mac emulation, and linux within Amiga) planed for the future OS4-5?

Fleecy: I played with Windows running on MoL on the AmigaOne at the Micromart show and it was very impressive. We have no plans ourselves to provide other platform emulation or hosting within AmigaOS4.0 but I'm sure some third party will find interest in that area.

10) Toaks: What happened to the new games from "KALIKO" and "ZEONEO" , any news on them? will they appear on DE soon ? and whats the general info atm (why its been so slow this year)

Fleecy: These games are still in development or test due to the authors being busy with their day jobs. Kaliko's new Brainteaser is a very promising looking game which my wife adores and which is, as far as I can tell, almost finished.

Zeoneo I know have just completed beta testing their Crossword Evolution product for both PocketPC and Windows desktop. Their amazing new game, Invasion, has been in beta test for a few weeks now and is one of the best space invaders/galaxians/Zalaga games I have ever played.

It has been a slow year for many reasons - lack of resources, the time it has taken to get the latest Intent update, prospective customers umming and arring, Microsoft warning OEMs away from card based solutions until they fixed the problems we found, waiting for PocketPC2003 to become dominant and waiting for the Smartphone product to become more stable.

We do intend to have new products ready in the first quarter of 2004.

(Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved.
Originally available at
You may freely redistribute this article, providing that a URL is provided to the original source,
and the copyright notices remain intact)
(nba) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 20. Jan. 2004, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Raquel Velasco & Bill Buck (E-Mail)

Thendic-France will be closed
Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck announced today that Thendic-France would be closed in February.

Due to the difficulties associated with the bankruptcy of Pretory SA, Thendic-France will be closed. The original intention was to convey Thendic-France and/or it assets directly to Genesi to allow for an uninterrupted transition of services and coordination. This did not happen and will no longer be possible.

Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck will seek to arrive at an agreement with the proper authorities to close out the Thendic-France in a manner that reflects the original intent of the shareholders of Pretory and the Board of Directors/Management of Pretory as well as all valid legal obligations.

Thendic-France will continue to operate until the closing and will do whatever possible to properly conclude the operation. (snx)

[News message: 19. Jan. 2004, 19:50] [Comments: 1 - 21. Jan. 2004, 22:18]
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MorphOS: dnetc v2.9007.488 (prerelease) available
The client (short: dnetc) allows to take part in projects. Current version is capable of working on 2 ongoing projects: The brute-force decryption of a RC5-72 message, and the search for Optimal Golomb Rulers (OGR). Both are long-term projects that will go on for some time. Because the RC5-72 contest has a finite number of keys to test, however, the OGR contest is selected as the default.

The MorphOS release comes with a nice MUI GUI (screenshot) and with AltiVec support (cores only activate under MorphOS 1.5). The archive can be downloaded under the title link.

Please note, it's a Prerelease, but this version is not time restricted and will generally become release-worthy in at minimum 4 days if no significant bugs will be found. (cr)

[News message: 19. Jan. 2004, 12:16] [Comments: 0]
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Franciska Schulze (ANF)

TEKlib: Krypton release and new website
The TEKlib developer team has announced that the modules Exec, HAL, Time and Util have finally reached v1.0 and are therefore regarded stable. The website has undergone some major changes, the documentation section has been enhanced. Currently maintainers for several platforms are wanted for AmigaOS and others. Contact the authors via the project's mailing list, if you are interested.

TEKlib is a cross-platform multimedia library distributed under the terms of a free software license. It is a collection of shared modules that can serve as a virtual operating system for regular applications. TEKlib very much resembles a modern, task-based incarnation of the AmigaOS.

  • displays supporting windowed, fullscreen and offscreen rendering
  • audio device driver
  • virtual filesystem including a unified namespace
  • plugin support for png, jpeg, bmp, fli, ogg vorbis, mod
  • LUA scripting interface
Supported platforms:
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • FreeBSD
  • MacOS X
  • AmigaOS
  • MorphOS
  • TAO Intent

[News message: 18. Jan. 2004, 20:28] [Comments: 0]
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PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX - Andreas Kleinert (ANF)

PPaint 7 plugin: SView5 loader/saver
For SView5 from Andreas Kleinert (PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX) today a loader/saver module (personal IO library) for Personal Paint 7 has been released for free download (10 KB).

The plugin utilizes SView5 loader/saver objects for importing/exporting images to/from Personal Paint and requires an SView5 keyfile. (snx)

[News message: 18. Jan. 2004, 12:33] [Comments: 0]
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Murakami (ANF)

Magazine: aMiGa=PoWeR 25 released
aMiGa=PoWeR is a newspaper issued by the French association AFLE. Since its creation in 1998 the magazine became one of the leading French Amiga publications.

Among other reports you can find the following topics in the current issue number 25:
  • AmigaOS4
  • Pegasos II
  • Gorky 17
  • Bourriquet
  • AmiTradeCenter v1.4
  • fryingPan v0.3
  • Arak Attack v0.93
  • GoldEd Studio AIX SP14

[News message: 17. Jan. 2004, 20:00] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (website)

MorphOS: LAME v3.95.1 recompiled using libnix (Update)
The current version 3.95.1 of the MP3 encoder LAME ( reported) was recompiled (296 KB) by Christian Rosentreter using libnix - this makes the ixemul.library obsolete for LAME. The user has to take care for a big enough stack, though (see readme file).

Update: (18.01.2004, 07:04, snx)
The archive has been updated on Jan. 17th, 22:43 - it should work now without manually setting the stack. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2004, 18:09] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf K. (ANF)

Amiga Magazin: preview of AmigaOS 4
On the website of the Amiga Magazin (German print magazine) has been a preview of the upcoming AmigaOS 4.0 been released that has been written by Martin Steigerwald and was originally published in the issue 01/2004: "In defiance of all claims AmigaOS 4 would never see the light of day: AmigaOS 4 runs on the AmigaOne as well as already before on Amigas with PPC turbo cards!" Read the complete article following the title link. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 17. Jan. 2004, 14:32] [Comments: 0]
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16.Jan.2004 (Website)

Kray: Version 1.4 of raytracer now also available for MorphOS
The raytracer Kray is now also available in version 1.4 (1.4 MB) for MorphOS.

Additional to optimations and bug fixes the new version has got new features like subsurface scattering and texture prefiltering based on ray-differentials. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 18:25] [Comments: 0]
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Timo Kloss (ANF)

New alpha version 0.3 of Horny Midi-Sequencer
Horny is going to be a midi-sequencer like "Logic" or "Cubase" which are easy to use. But Horny will stay a pure midi program without the possibility of recording audio traces. In this new version you can now configure it.

You can download and get further information on the product site under the title link. (nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 14:51] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Stöcker (ANF)

XAD is Open Source
Since the beginning of the year the XAD system has become Open Source software. Yesterday the CVS directory was completed in the most important sections. Anybody who is interested in developing further XAD is very welcome and can contact Dirk Stöcker.

Probably a version without keyfile will be published during the next days. (nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 14:49] [Comments: 0]
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Charlene/VHT (E-Mail)

Changes at VHT Online Help Forum
After massive problems with the Bravenet-Service the Virus Help Team has changed the VHT Online Help Forum. You can access the forum under You can find the VHT Amiga Help Forum under (nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 14:48] [Comments: 0]
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AMIGAplus Redaktion

AMIGAplus 01/2004 (#143) - Amiga hits MTV
She was the video-monster of a whole decade. It should increase the pride of the last Amiga men standing that even today many clips on MTV are created on Amigas and Dracos. "Amiga hits MTV" - AMIGAplus on tour at iMagic Films in London. Read this report and more articles in the new issue #143 (01/2004) of AMIGAplus:
  • A+ at iMagic Films
  • Workshop: Compiling UAE
  • Report: Amiga on Mac OS X
  • Review: Burnit Evolution 3
  • Review: papyrus Office
  • TurboPrint: Printing through the network
  • Review: eTeacher 6.2
  • Amiga Status Report: Relations
  • Web complete: Siteway
  • Top 10 shareware-tools
  • Quake 2 MOD: Nighthunters
  • News: AmigaOS 4, software & hardware
  • Prices: New and second-hand products
  • Demoscene: Interview with Darkhawk (Eurochart)
  • and much more
German monthly print magazine AMIGAplus (68 pages) may be ordered from publisher falkemedia for 5 Euro per issue including shipping costs or via subscription. (nba)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 03:20] [Comments: 0]
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AtariST-Emulator: Amiga-Port of "STonX"
Frank Wille has published an Amiga port of the AtariST-Emulator called "STonX". There are versions for AmigaOS3 (with WarpOS and PowerUp), AmigaOS4 and MorphOS. If you you want to run the program properly you need a ROM image which has been not added to the archive. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 00:50] [Comments: 0]
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16.Jan.2004 (Website)

MorphOS: New version of "TranspoClock"
"TranspoClock" is a transparent clock for MorphOS. The new version 1.0 can now also remind you of a date. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 00:37] [Comments: 0]
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Further changes at
From tomorrow on the team of will start switching the used "Content Managament Systems" to a newer version. Therefore there might be some restrictions.

Afterwards there should be a better compability with Amiga browsers, some new features and an individual look.

The email service will be closed because of technical (SPAM) and legal reasons. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 00:34] [Comments: 0]
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anonym (ANF)

Beat'em up: Source code of "Beats of Rage" available
"Beats of Rage" is a tribute to the Beat'em Up games of the "Streets of Rage" series. Additional to a new version of the game which is available for MS-DOS the source code of the program is available, too. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2004, 00:12] [Comments: 0]
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Charlene/VHT (E-Mail)

Anti-Virus Software: xvs.library Version 33.41
Georg Hörmann released an update to version 33.41 of the xvs.library. You may download the library from the website of the Virus Help Team and soon from Aminet as well.

Program Name: Xvs.library v33.41
Programmer: Georg Hörmann
Release Date: 15th of January, 2004
Archive Name: xvslibrary.lha
Archive Size: 93,522 Bytes

Change in v33.41:
  • Added AmigaE/libraries/xvs.m developer file. Thanks must go to Ronald van Dijk for this contribution.
  • Once again rewritten taskscanner in xvsSurveyMemory() to avoid Disable()s lasting longer than 250µs. Thanks to Christian again for reporting the problems with his FastEthernet card.
  • Fixed bootblock recognition of "GXTeam" bootvirus to avoid false alarms. Thanks to Ronald van Dijk for the example file.
  • Fixed problem in xvsCheckFile() that caused Enforcer hits under certain conditions with damaged executables. Thanks again for the example files to Ronald van Dijk.
  • Added "ASS Protector 1.0" bootvirus clone and its installer and modified recognition for the original virus. Fixed recognition of "Liberator 1.21" filevirus to avoid false alarms. Thanks once more to Ronald van Dijk for the report and example files.
(nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2004, 23:55] [Comments: 0]
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15.Jan.2004 (ANF) New Starkiller Sequel Online
In the Starkiller section of the retro website "KultPower" the eleventh Starkiller sequel is online: "Starkiller: the Prisoners of Zelda," as always with exclusive commentary from Heinrich Lenhardt!

Beyond that there is also a cool Kult editorial with photos of the notorious ASM Crew and the prime ASM special editions, sent in by Dominik. And then something else quite special: Powerplay fan art! A Powerplay wallpaper from Martin. And then also issue one and two of the 1996 Sega magazine, scanned by Vitek. Many thanks to you all! (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2004, 23:50] [Comments: 0]
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Marc Cloppenburg / AMIGAplus (ANF)

IBM Holds PowerPC Seminar at AmiGBG 2004
The Amiga convention AmiGBG 2004 is to take place on the 3rd of April 2004 in the Swedish city of Göteborg. The show organizers are expecting Mikael Haglund, a technical expert from IBM Sweden, who will present a treatise on the future of the PowerPC platform. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2004, 23:09] [Comments: 0]
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Cloanto (ANF)

Announcement: Amiga Alpe Adria 2004
Cloanto announced today that Amiga Alpe Adria 2004 will take place on Saturday, July 3rd. The provisional event home page, which includes pictures from last year's event, is at

Planned features include the latest Amiga news, a selection of items of historical interest, a contest (with a C65 computer as the first prize), an excursion by boat (on Monday), and of course Amiga friends from all over the world. Other cultural events taking place in Udine at the same time include the Sunsplash music festival.

Cloanto would like to thank Amiga, Inc. for granting permission to use the "Amiga" trademark in the name of the event. (nba)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2004, 22:29] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (E-Mail)

Amiga Games Hit Parade: Vote in January and February 2004
The organizers of Amiga Games Hit Parade are calling for a vote of games for January and February 2004. You may take part in the vote by sending a list of up to 20 of your favorite games to David "Daff" Brunet or participate online at

You may include any type of game you like (commercial, freeware, old, new etc.). The final results will be released at the start of February, 2004. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2004, 18:43] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Arena (ANF)

Amiga Arena Presents "HollyRecord"
In collaboration with Telemar Rosenberger, Amiga Arena presents "HollyRecord" for AmigaOS and MorphOS. With "HollyRecord" you can record the animations and presenations you have created with Hollywood.

To do this you also need the tool SGrab by Stephan Rupprecht. "HollyRecord" can save your presentation in PNG, JPG, or ILBM format pictures, which may then with a program of your choosing be processed and joined into an animation or an mPeg video. You'll find "HollyRecord" under the "free commercial - utilities" logo at Amiga Arena. (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2004, 18:40] [Comments: 0]
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anonym (ANF)

Strategy game: News about "Schlachtfeld"
The beta test of the strategy game "Schlachtfeld" has begun now. Currently documentation is under improvement, later on the game will be made available to a bigger user base. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2004, 23:40] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Skinplayer: Professional skins for Frogger, AmigaAMP and others
Skinplayer is a GUI programm for Frogger, AmigaAMP, Mplayer and other audio tools which are capable of using professional skins. Those are available here in terms of freeware. Skinplayer supports the buttons only currently, sliders, state displays or fonts are not supported by now. More information is available within the readme.

Because of an error within Hollywood's brush refreshment the position of the skinplayer has been fixed by the author, i.e. the window cannot be moved. It is possible to disable the fixed window within the tool types but then the buttons will not be updated until they are clicked on. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2004, 22:56] [Comments: 0]
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14.Jan.2004 (ANF)

Novell publishes correspondence with SCO according the Unix law suit
Novell, Inc. emphasize their copyright claim of Unix. In a chronologic, German summary the company published the correspondence between them and the SCO group since May 2003 as well as many Unix copyright registries, which should bring evidence that Novell are the holders of all Unix rights. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2004, 22:52] [Comments: 0]
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Golem IT-News (Website)

Golem: SCO supplies evidences
SCO announces in a press release they delivered the evidences asked by IBM according the order by judge Brooke C. in time. SCO said the papers aren't complete and not public.

Further news regarding this issue: (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2004, 13:15] [Comments: 0]
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ANN (Website)

LAME: Update of the MP3 encoder to version 3.95.1
The LGPL MP3 encoder LAME is now available at in version 3.95.1 (702 KB).

Changes include the wipe out of that bug crashing the program if used with vbr-new and the ReplayGain reference level was set to 89 dB. (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2004, 09:28] [Comments: 0]
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Action game: Amiga Yoomp! released (23. Dec.)
Amiga show: "Amiga 40" on October 18 and 19, 2025 (22. Dec.)
Sokoban variant: Ami Robbo 2, Physical Edition (19. Dec.)
German print magazine: ASM (Aktueller Software Markt), issue 12/24 (19. Dec.)
AmigaKit: Apparently modified A1200 mainboard planned (18. Dec.)
Developer documentation: "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: AmigaDOS" available (14. Dec.)
AmigaOS 4: Space shooter "Super Star Blast" (13. Dec.)
Commercial action RPG: Dungeonette - The New Adventure (AGA/CD32) available (07. Dec.)
Gorky 17: WarpOS support, minor update of AmigaOS 3 version, new demo (06. Dec.)
AmiGameJam: Numerous new games introduced (30. Nov.)
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