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06.Dec.2015 (Forum)

Video: Egoshooter on an Amiga with "SharkPPC"
With their project SonnetAmiga, the Polish developers of Sakura IT (available products: PCMCIA-SRAM-card, external disk drive) has put into practice the idea of a PowerPC exzension for Mediator-PCI-boards, which originally Elbox was going to.

Under the title link Quake II runs on such an Amiga equipped with a Sonnet-7200-card. To the SonnetAmiga project mainly belongs the sonnet.library, which is supposed to be API- and ABI-compatible with the powerpc.library of WarpOS. Because the project still is in development, there are only limited features so far. An Amiga 3000/4000 (T) as well as a Voodoo 3 or Radeon-92xx graphic board are required . (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2015, 10:02] [Comments: 0]
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