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15.Jul.2014 (Webseite)

New games: "Flappy Bird" and "Donkey Downfall"
Last weekend in Norwegian Solskogen, the eleventh scene party took place. In the "Wild"-competition two little games were released:

Flappy Bird is a port of the well-known Smartphone game. In Donkey Downfall (Youtube-video) you have to jump down platforms as fast as possible with a gorilla - a donkey does not appear in the game. The game requires 1 MB Chip-RAM. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 15. Jul. 2014, 15:47] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Webseite)

MorphOS: Xenomorph 1.0
Carsten Siegner's Xenomorph is a MUI-programm based on potrace, which can convert black-and-white pictures into vector graphics. Among others the file formats PNG, JPG, GIF and BMP are supported.

Download: Xenomorph_1.0.lha (52 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jul. 2014, 10:19] [Comments: 0]
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Project: Graphic board as partly equipped platine for A500 and Zorro-slot
Currently Amiga-user Matthias "Matze" Heinrichs is reworking the design of a clone of a 20 years old graphic board Picasso II+ developed by Georg Braun. The final product is supposed to be working in a Zorro-Slot as well as (after removing a part of the connector block) in the expansion port of an Amiga 500:

In order to to be suitable with different cases, the VGA-port is on a separate platine which is connected with the graphic board by cable. This second platine also also can be connected with the Scandoubler Indivision. An integrated switcher automatically provides the required signal (graphic board or Indivision) to the VGA-port.

Heinrichs is going to sell the board as partly equipped construction kit: RAM-chips, VGA-chip, video switcher and the CPLD have been already soldered up. The other parts (resistors, condensers, wired parts) the user has to assemble by himself.

Currently it is not possible to say when the board will be available. Due to the sale as construction kit, a private sale without a trade intermediary is possible. Currently the CPLD is programmed: Autoconfig is largely implemented, according to Heinrichs programming the memory/IO-statemachine and the monitor switcher is still missing.

For the moment the well-known Picasso driver of the Picasso96 distribution can be used. It is planned to adapt this RTG-system, which currently requires at least a 68020-processor, to the 68000: the planned accelerator board Zeus contains a 50 Mhz 68000 which would be fast enough to supply the graphic board with data. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Jul. 2014, 06:31] [Comments: 0]
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New USB-adapters for keyboards, mouse and joystick announced
In Poland, obviously two new adapters are developed, which can connect an USB mouse and joystick (Youtube-Video) or keyboards (Youtube-Video) with an Amiga. The adapters emulate the original hardware, which does not require any kind of software or driver installation.

So far, there is little information about the adapters, only available in Polish (thread at about the keyboard-adapter). The final devices are supposed to be commercially sold. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Jul. 2014, 16:50] [Comments: 0]
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Sample-Collection: DRUMS4Amiga
DRUMS4Amiga is a collection of drum-samples, which can be used with the well-known Amiga-trackers. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Jul. 2014, 16:27] [Comments: 0]
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New Demo: Multiplayer Coop-Shooter "Chaos Guns"
"Chaos Guns" combines the four independently playable charakters from "Hired Guns" with the bird's-eye view from "Alien Breed". Due to the feedback, the second demo version was highly reworked compared to the first preview.

According to the authors the demo now offers a real preview to the game. The first release was called a "Tech-Demo". The most important changes:
  • Prefs are improved and integrated to main executable, it offers more transparent settings and testing
  • only AHI sound is now supported!
  • new graphics, new design of puzzles (it really plays as totally new game on old, but improved map)
  • improved design of weapons and enemies
  • adjusted difficulty - now you should be able easily beat the demo in one person!
  • complete storyboard implementation
  • complete gameplay remake
Direct download: ChaosGunsDemoV1_2.lha (5 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Jul. 2014, 16:13] [Comments: 0]
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