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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'


Platformer: Radical Moves
'ScattergoodStudios' has rereleased its game "Radical Rob" originally written in 1992 as Radical Moves. In this platform game, offering 99 levels, the player Rob "has to rid the world of evil fluffies, collect drink cans and work your way through each level." (YouTube-Video).

Rob has an unlimited supply of plasma bombs to clobber baddies with. Once hit, a meanie will remain stunned for a few seconds. This gives Rob enough time to run over them and finish them off.

The game can be purchased for at least about 2,50 Euro as adf file. (dr)

[News message: 09. Aug. 2021, 11:29] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: Jump'n Run 'Boxx 4'
The developer 'Lemming880' is working on the fourth part of his 'Boxx' series developed with the Scorpion Engine. You can get some impressions of the third part on There you will also find download links for all previously released parts. In a YouTube preview video, 'Lemming880' shows a short walk through the first level of the fourth part of the series. (dr)

[News message: 08. Aug. 2021, 08:25] [Comments: 0]
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Final Amiga port of 'Metal Gear' (MSX)
In February 2021 announced by a videos, musician, DJ and coder 'Hoffman' has released his final version of his Amiga port of 'Metal Gear', originally developed for MSX home computers. Version 1.1 fixes some bugs and compatibility issues and has the following features:
  • Code ported from Z80 to 68000 assembly by Hoffman
  • Gameplay adjusted to work at full 50hz/60hz
  • No slow-downs or sprite flicker
  • Multiple game modes
    • English Remix Fan Translation
    • Original European Version
    • Original Japanese Version
    • New Spanish Translation by Akira
  • Enhanced Amiga Soundtrack and SFX by Hoffman
  • Optional emulated MSX / PSG Music and SFX
  • Full support for CD32 gamepad for keyboard-less gameplay
  • Additional character graphics by Toni Galvez
  • All new ending / credits section
  • For any Amiga with 512kb Chip Ram + 512k Other Ram
  • Bootable disk image for low spec Amigas
  • WHDLoad installer by Psygore
The original ProTracker modules can be also downloaded from his website. About the history of his project he wrote:

"This project started out as a curiosity which got WAY out of hand. Back in November 2020, after 8 months of coronavirus lock-down, I found myself looking at a GitHub repo by Manual Pazos and wondering really just how hard would it be to port this to the Amiga. As a test, I looked at converting some of the tile graphics and within a couple of days built some tools in C# to deal with that. Next I moved onto the map / room data and quickly built a renderer on the Amiga which could draw every room from the game. By now I was done for, I couldn't stop, I had to see just how far I could take the project. Each completed step kept pushing me to do the next and now here we are, a complete and full port of Metal Gear running on all Amigas!

There is more to be said about the development process (like spending weeks building a fully dynamic Amiga sprite multiplexer only to throw it all away) but I think I'll save that for a series of blog posts. For now, I hope you enjoy this game as much as I've enjoyed, and endured, putting it together."

Download: (914 KB)
Download: (914 KB) (dr)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2021, 07:39] [Comments: 0]
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Accelerator board for A1200: Tsunami 1230
Additional to his 'A1100' project, Miguel Fides has built a new accelerator board for the A1200 called Tsunami 1230. According to the his own statement "most compatible acelerator for the A1200 since the Blizzard serie" can be plugged in without any modification of the A1200 case and has the following specifications:
  • 68EC030 QFP CPU at 42MHZ.
  • 64MByte FastRAM.
  • 68882 FPU footprint ready and also selectable clock for overclocking the FPU.
  • External expansion port for future upgrades (secret stuff, can’t tell)
  • Clockport port (RTC only).
  • Compatible with any A1200 motherboard revision.
  • A1100 friendly of course.
A recently published YouTube video compares the Tsuanami 1230 with the Blizzard 1230 by means of benchmarks and games. This is a non-commercial project and you can express your interest for a first batch. (dr)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2021, 06:51] [Comments: 0]
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