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Hollwood application: Lyrics Jukebox
Ralf Gruner has written Hollywood, a music player that was originally intended to be the basis for a built-in device for historical jukebox wallboxes.

As the author writes, the program was originally only supposed to play music and text, and control would have been via the buttons on a wallbox. Instead, it now has a full GUI that is optimized for small touchscreens, but also works with large screens. The GUI elements are built entirely with Hollywood.

The program displays synchronized lyrics in parallel with the music playback, which must be in LRC format. Besides playing playlists or shuffling the files, it can also be used in jukebox style, offering the user the tracks in the form of jukebox title strips.

The author actually released the program only for Linux and Windows, but added implementations for AmigaOS 3, 4, MOrphOS and AROS on request. These then however untested. The Hollywood plugins Avcodec and Svgimage are required. Screenshots and more info are available under the title link.

Download: Lyrics_Jukebox_0.9.60.7z (main archive, 5.3 MB)
Download: (Amiga executables, 16 MB). (dr)

[News message: 03. Oct. 2022, 12:30] [Comments: 0]
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