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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'

Christoph Meier (ANF)

Golem: Powerful PDA-processors of Motorola
»With two new chips of the DragonBall-family which uses less current Motorola starts a new round concerning PDA-processors. The DragonBall MX1 is the first processor of Motorola based on a ARM-core while DragonBall Super VZ puts one its trust on 68k-architecture. The predecessor the DragonBall VZ is used in PDAs by Palm, Handspring, Sony and HandEra.« For full article see title link. (ps)

[News message: 13. Jun. 2001, 14:29] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Matt Chaputs notions to GUI-design for AmigaDE
Under the title link you can find a document called AmigaUI Look. It was created by Matt Chaput which is the GlowIcon-designer. Looking at the first paragraph you can only suppose that Matt concerned with the GUI for AmigaDE at least in October 2000.

In section "Work" of his website you can also find the site Amiga GUIs which contains some screenshots of his notions:

Screen mock-up #1
Screen mock-up #2
Single window- and control elements

If Matt Chaput did it on behalf of Amiga Inc or just for fun and if he concerns with it today is unfortunately not known. (ps)

[News message: 13. Jun. 2001, 00:15] [Comments: 2 - 14. Jun. 2001, 00:23]
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DCE: New Poster for G-Rex online
The new poster (257 kB) for the G-Rex PCI board for the up-coming AmigaOS has been released for downlaod, in advance. On this poster among other things the following new details of the G-Rex 4000 are reading:

G-REX4000 D
4 PCI-Slots, 4 Zorro 2/3-Slots, 1 Video-Slot,
for use with Cyberstorm PPC & MK III,
PCI board as a replacement for the original Commodore A4000 Riser-Card

[News message: 12. Jun. 2001, 13:05] [Comments: 0]
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Instant Messenger: JabberWocky Client V1.0 available
JabberWocky is an Instant messenger using XML for data transfer. Version 1.0 of the client for AmigaOS and MorphOS is available.

With servermodules (called transports) you can exchange information with users of other Instant Messengers like AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), ICQ, MSN Instant Messengers, Yahoo Messengers and IRC-clients.
Download: Jabberwocky.lha (ps)

[News message: 12. Jun. 2001, 01:30] [Comments: 0]
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Fr3dY (E-Mail)

Website: New Homepage for ports by Fr3dY (Update)
Fr3dY made same ports of programs to 68k and MorphOS. Now there is a homepage available that contains all of them. There you will find many usefull tools.

19.06.2001: URL corrected. (ps)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2001, 22:10] [Comments: 0]
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