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Simon Neumann (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: GemRB RPG package 0.8.8
Press release (translation): Steffen Häuser and Alinea Computer are very pleased to present the GemRB RPG package version 0.8.8 for AmigaOS 4. Steffen Häuser is responsible for the porting and the easy installation.

GemRB makes it possible to play the famous PC role-playing games Baldur's Gate 1, Baldur's Gate 2 (called "the best PC role-playing game of all time" by many), Icewind Dale 1 and Planescape: Torment on an Amiga equipped with AmigaOS 4.

Original data from the PC version (on CD or DVD) is required for installation. A PC is not required, the installer makes it possible to install the four games directly on the Amiga. An installation of "Gog" data is also possible as an alternative, but then a "pre-installation" on a PC is necessary - which is why the CD/DVD installation is recommended, as a PC is not required then.

This version of GemRB is based on GemRB 0.8.8 and contains many bug fixes compared to the older version 0.7.2. No manual installation of libraries or editing of configuration files is necessary - the included installer takes care of everything.

This new version is highly optimized and also contains executable files that are specially optimized for certain Amiga models. The following frame rates are achieved:
  • AmigaOne x5000 2 GHz - 30 fps at 1024x768
  • AmigaOne x1000 1,8 GHz - 25 fps at 800x600
  • AmigaOne A1222 1,2 GHz - 18 fps at 640x480
  • Sam 440 666 MHz - 15 fps at 640x480
  • MicroAmigaOne 800 MHz - 10 fps at 640x480
Special versions exist for the x5000, x1000, Sam 440, Sam 460 and A1222 models, plus an executable file that runs on all systems. The minimum configuration is a Sam 440, the recommended configuration is a Sam 460 or higher.

The add-ons "BG1: Tales of the Swordcoast", "BG2: Throne of Bhaal" and "IWD: Heart of Winter" are also playable (and can be installed using the installer).

The games were tested with the German, English, multi-language (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish) and Polish versions. The versions of BG1, BG2 and ID1 on the Computerbild games cover DVD (bg1:12/2008, bg2:12/2008 Gold and id1:03/2009) and of Torment on the GameStar cover DVD (07/2006) can also be installed with the installer.

In addition to the AmigaOS 4 version, a WarpOS version will be released soon as well, which has already been successfully tested with 25 fps (640x480) on a Ragnarök PCI-PPC card overclocked to 1 GHz. Whether it is possible to create a version for PiStorm and Vampire is still being evaluated.

The game package is available as a digital download from the Alinea Computer online store at the title link.



[News message: 05. Mar. 2025, 16:56] [Comments: 0]
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