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Adventure: "The Oregon Trail" in development
Sami Vehmaa - among other things, start bar QDock or maze game Cube - has started a new game project: "The Oregon Trail" (YouTube video of a live presentation) is set in 1847 and is a text-based adventure game. The goal is to survive the 2040-mile east-west wagon route, a journey that lasts about half a year. Food must be rationed, you have to hunt, trade and cross rivers, with the survival of the group having priority.

The chosen game character (banker, carpenter or farmer) determines the level of difficulty of the game, which ends when the travel group is eliminated or one has reached Oregon. An Amiga (or Amiga emulator) with a graphics card (960 x 540 in windowed mode) and 30 MB free RAM are required. (dr)

[News message: 12. Jun. 2023, 11:16] [Comments: 0]
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