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Developer diary: "Settle the World" 06/23
Christian 'TheoTheoderich' Wiegel continues to work on his turn-based building and trading game "Settle the World" ( reported). His latest developer diary entry is about the implementation of an election system and a hapiness system:

"I started a large restructuring of the game. The goal is to include elections and a better happiness system. This is a lot of work that will take many weeks.

At the moment, the game is far too easy and offers no challenge. Computer opponents and natives will be a challenge later on....but there is still a long way to go.

Before that, an election system will be built in. If the player loses an election, the game is over for him. To achieve this, the needs system of the inhabitants and their happiness must be reworked.

The first thing to be done is the happiness/needs display, which has been completely rewritten. It looks almost the same as before, but works a little differently.

In the future, higher classes of inhabitants will need more and different food. This is where farms and grapes come into play.

Grapes are a pure bonus resource, similar to gold. Wine can only be harvested on these bonus squares, not on other squares. Farms are needed to harvest and process grapes.

Farms function like small towns, but without citizens and their needs. Grapes can later be processed into wine here. Wine is a luxury good for the aristocratic class and increases their happiness, which is an advantage later in the elections.

But farms should not only be able to process grapes, they should also produce meat. Meat is additional food for the aristocratic class as well. Cattle should be able to be kept on a farm and processed into meat by a butcher.

Unlike wine, however, meat does not increase the aristocrats' happiness, but is a basic requirement. So that all this can be produced, there will probably be four new units in the game:
  • Cowboy, for cattle breeding on a farm
  • Butcher, processes cattle into meat
  • Grape picker, harvests grapes from the corresponding bonus fields
  • Winegrower, processes grapes into wine
The whole thing is not yet fully thought out and tested. The farms are still a work in progress....but things are moving forward." (dr)

[News message: 12. Jun. 2023, 07:50] [Comments: 0]
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