Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.14
RedPill, developed by Carlos Peris, is a game construction kit written in Amiblitz 3.9, which allows the development of games from various genres (see short tests of two Redpill games). RedPill is compatible with AGA and ECS, the "player" for playing the finished creations requires a total of 1.5 MB RAM. Jens 'Farbfinsternis' Henschel has written a tutorial.
Changes of the new version 0.9.14:
- Added condition Contains Tile that checks all tiles colliding with a big object.
- In AGA black borders hidin copper are back.
- Compatibility with Kickstart 1.3 is back.
- Added Collisions in the profiler screen.
- Levels can be exported in TMJ format in order to be used in Tiled.
- When using level properties music, the music will not restart if it is the same as before.
- Level properties screen layout has changes in preparation of some new cool features.
- WHDLoad slave names changed to make them easier to understand.
- Fix in Level Properties screen.
- Fixes when building projects.
- Fixes for some gfx gliches.
- Some small optimizations.
[News message: 05. Oct. 2022, 08:37] [Comments: 0]
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