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AmigaOS 4: Platformer "BlobWars: Attrition" V1.22r1
The very busy AmigaOS 4 developer George 'walkero' Sokianos - among others aiostreams, Flawfinder, Lite XL or iGame - has ported the commercial platformer "BlobWars: Attrition" to AmigaOS 4 in the latest version of December 2019.

The port of the game developed by Parallel Realities does not include data files. These have to be purchased on the game's project page - but at a price to be determined by the user.

As the developer writes, the game requires SDL2 and a powerful Amiga including graphics card to play it on Full HD. He himself played the game on his AmigaOne X5000/40 with a RadeonRX 550. To achieve smooth gameplay, he had to set SDL2 to opengles2 and activate the batching mode. He recommends experimenting with these settings, depending on your own hardware.

A test on his microAmigaOne was less successful, because the small graphics memory (max. 32MB) ran out quite fast, so that the game was slowed down very much. He is open for suggestions and possibly tricks to change this.

Anyone who wants to support the author has the opportunity to do so on his Ko-fi website. The author returns 50% of the donations to the community at the end of each month by supporting projects or developers. (dr)

[News message: 13. Aug. 2022, 17:02] [Comments: 0]
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